admin_username |
Username for the admin user |
string |
"postgres" |
no |
alarm_actions |
SNS topic ARNs or other actions to invoke for alarms |
list(string) |
[] |
no |
allocated_storage |
Size in GB for the database instance |
number |
n/a |
yes |
allowed_cidr_blocks |
CIDR blocks allowed to access the database |
list(string) |
[] |
no |
allowed_security_group_ids |
Security group allowed to access the database |
list(string) |
[] |
no |
apply_immediately |
Set to true to immediately apply changes and cause downtime |
bool |
false |
no |
auto_minor_version_upgrade |
Set to false to disable automatic minor version ugprades |
bool |
true |
no |
backup_retention_period |
Number of days to retain backups |
number |
30 |
no |
backup_window |
UTC time range in which backups can be captured, such as 18:00-22:00 |
string |
null |
no |
ca_cert_id |
Certificate authority for RDS database |
string |
"rds-ca-rsa2048-g1" |
no |
client_security_group_name |
Override the name for the security group; defaults to identifer |
string |
"" |
no |
create_client_security_group |
Set to false to only use existing security groups |
bool |
true |
no |
create_cloudwatch_alarms |
Set to false to disable creation of CloudWatch alarms |
bool |
true |
no |
create_default_db |
Set to false to disable creating a default database |
bool |
true |
no |
create_parameter_group |
Set to false to use existing parameter group |
bool |
true |
no |
create_server_security_group |
Set to false to only use existing security groups |
bool |
true |
no |
create_subnet_group |
Set to false to use existing subnet group |
bool |
true |
no |
default_database |
Name of the default database |
string |
"postgres" |
no |
enable_kms |
Enable KMS encryption |
bool |
true |
no |
enabled_cloudwatch_logs_exports |
Set of log types to enable for exporting to CloudWatch logs. If omitted, no logs will be exported |
list(string) |
[] |
no |
engine |
RDS database engine; defaults to Postgres |
string |
"postgres" |
no |
engine_version |
Version for RDS database engine |
string |
n/a |
yes |
force_ssl |
Set to false to allow unencrypted connections to the database |
bool |
true |
no |
identifier |
Unique identifier for this database |
string |
n/a |
yes |
initial_password |
Override the initial password for the admin user |
string |
"" |
no |
instance_class |
Tier for the database instance |
string |
n/a |
yes |
iops |
The amount of provisioned IOPS. Required if storage type is io1 |
number |
null |
no |
kms_key_id |
KMS key to encrypt data at rest |
string |
null |
no |
maintenance_window |
UTC day/time range during which maintenance can be performed, such as Mon:00:00-Mon:03:00 |
string |
null |
no |
max_allocated_storage |
Maximum size GB after autoscaling |
number |
0 |
no |
multi_az |
Whether or not to use a high-availability/multi-availability-zone instance |
bool |
false |
no |
parameter_group_name |
Name of the RDS parameter group; defaults to identifier |
string |
"" |
no |
performance_insights_enabled |
Set to false to disable performance insights |
bool |
true |
no |
publicly_accessible |
Set to true to access this database outside the VPC |
bool |
false |
no |
server_security_group_ids |
IDs of VPC security groups for this instance. One of vpc_id or server_security_group_ids is required |
list(string) |
[] |
no |
server_security_group_name |
Override the name for the security group; defaults to identifer |
string |
"" |
no |
skip_final_snapshot |
Set to true to skip a snapshot when destroying |
bool |
false |
no |
snapshot_identifier |
Set this to create the database from an existing snapshot |
string |
null |
no |
storage_encrypted |
Set to false to disable on-disk encryption |
bool |
true |
no |
storage_type |
Storage type for the EBS volume. One of standard (magnetic), gp2 (general purpose SSD), or io1 (provisioned IOPS SSD) |
string |
"gp2" |
no |
subnet_group_description |
Set a description for the subnet group |
string |
"Postgres subnet group" |
no |
subnet_group_name |
Name of the RDS subnet group (defaults to identifier) |
string |
null |
no |
subnet_ids |
Subnets connected to the database; required if creating a subnet group |
list(string) |
null |
no |
tags |
Tags to be applied to created resources |
map(string) |
{} |
no |
vpc_id |
ID of VPC for this instance. One of vpc_id or vpc_security_group_ids is required |
string |
null |
no |