- A generic plugin for data ingestion into JanusGraph.
- Configuration based Vertex and Edge creation.
- Connection Management for Janusgraph.
- Reference Name
- Hosts
- Port
- Remote Connection Class
- Serializer Classname
- IO Registry
- Graph Source Name
- Record To Vertex Mapper
- Batch Size
- Supports Transaction
- Record to vertex Mapper is the Json based configuration which helps to know how the Structured Record needs to be processed.
- This configuration helps in creating vertices and edges from each StructuredRecord. This acts as metadata.
- Below is the format
"label": "Field1",
"id": {
"PropertyKey": "ValueFromRecord"
"properties": {
"PropertyKey1": "ValueFromRecord1",
"PropertyKey2": "ValueFromRecord2"
"label": "Field1",
"fromLabel": "fromLabel",
"toLabel": "toLabel",
"properties": {
"PropertyKey1": "ValueFromRecord1",
"PropertyKey2": "ValueFromRecord2"