EM Mixed: Non-parametric Cumulative Incidence Function estimation for screening data with imperfect tests and baseline prevalence
This package runs an EM algorithm to obtain a non-parametric estimate of
cumulative incidence functions (CIF) for the mixed case interval
censoring model first published in Witte et al. (2017) which accounts
for the imperfectness of the screening test.In addition, this package
implements an extension suggested by Klausch et al. (2024) that allows
non-parametric estimation with imperfect test sensitivity and partly
unobserved prevalence at baseline. For the main functions, see
and ?em_mixed
. The package requires an installation of
, see https://github.com/thomasklausch2/BayesPIM.
You can install the development version of EMmixed from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("thomasklausch2/EMmixed", build_vignettes = FALSE)
This is a basic example of prevalence-incidence mixture data generation using BayesPIM, model fitting of the prevalence-incidence mixture CIF, as well as plotting of the estimateagainst the true CIF.
# Generate data according to the Klausch et al. (2024) PIM (function import from BayesPIM)
dat <- gen.dat(kappa = 0.7, n= 1e3, theta = 0.2,
p = 1, p.discrete = 1,
beta.X = c(0.2,0.2), beta.W = c(0.2,0.2),
v.min = 20, v.max = 30, mean.rc = 80,
sigma.X = 0.2, mu.X=5, dist.X = "weibull",
prob.r = 1)
# Run non-parametric estimation
np_cif = np_estimator(Vobs = dat$Vobs, kappa = 0.7, r = dat$r)
# Make a comparative plot of true CIF and the estimated one
xstar = dat$X.true
xstar[dat$C==1] = 0
plot( ecdf(xstar), xlim=c(0,300), do.points=F)
lines( stepfun( np_cif$tau.mle, c(0,np_cif$F.mle )), col = 2)
T. Klausch, B. I. Lissenberg-Witte, and V. M. Coupe (2024). “A Bayesian prevalence-incidence mixture model for screening outcomes with misclassification.” arXiv:2412.16065.
B. I. Witte, J. Berkhof, and M. A. Jonker, “An EM algorithm for nonparametric estimation of the cumulative incidence function from repeated imperfect test results,” , vol. 36, no. 21, pp. 3412–3421, 2017, doi: 10.1002/sim.7373.