Download the binary from the releases page and place it into your "Counter-Strike Global Offensive" folder. Default locations:
- Linux:
~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/
- Windows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive
Put this in your autoexec.cfg file, or typing it into the console, or adding it as a launch option: con_logfile console.log
To view the translated text type this into your console: exec csgo-translate
To make it easier to view translated text you can bind it to a key:
alias trans "exec csgo-translate; toggleconsole"
bind "F5" "trans"
To start the translator either doubleclick it, or run it in a terminal window.
This might not work on windows, but on windows you can just create a shortcut on your desktop and start it before you start the game.
To autostart it by using launch parameters on csgo: csgo-translator &; %command%;
Steam will replace %command% with the command used to start the game, so if you wish to have launch options enabled simply all them after that eg: csgo-translator &; %command% -novid -console +con_logfile console.log;
initial commit and flowing changes until it has an ok level of bugs