Migrate data processing to AWS Lambda. There are two key area would be implemented with AWS lambda.
- mlupin/docker-lambda:python3.10-build
- create LambdaShell for python Lambda development
- Last, bid, ask, update periodically update during market open
- The products updated includes US ETF, US Stock, US Stock options
- iam: to default the permission required in the cron tasks
- cronb tasks
- cronhandler : to capture snapshoot of stock/etf prices during market hour and also pre-market + post-market hours
- opt_handler : to capture options snapshoot of last, open-interest, volume ONLY in market hour
- fffHandler : to download Fama French Factors data
- usrateHandler : to download daily US Fed interest
- cronhandler : to capture snapshoot of stock/etf prices during market hour and also pre-market + post-market hours
finCronLib : required by cronhandler, opt_handler, usratehandler.
At the project folder, do
$ make finCron.zip
Then upload to AWS and install the finCron.zip as layer