- Written in Typescript
- UI Library React/React Hooks
- Complex state managed by Redux
- Design systems inherits Material UI
- Styled using SASS
- Class-names as per BEM
- Tests run by Jest
- React Components tested using React Testing Library
- Custom React Hooks tested using React Hooks Testing Library
- Dependency managed by NPM
- Bundled using Web Pack
- Transpilled using Babel
- Linted using EsLint
- Formatted using Prettier
This project structure is suitable for a purpose of this type. Definitely this isn't gonna scale for an enterprise ready solution.
├── dist # bundled & transpilled code resides here
├── public # publicly exposable assets of the project goes here
├── src # source files of the application resides here
│ ├── action-types # all the redux action types are defined here
│ ├── components # all the components, their unit tests and styles are placed here
│ ├── contexts # all the react contexts the application uses are defined here
│ ├── data # all dummy data to mimic the back end data sources goes here
│ ├── factories # all methods that converts back end data to fe frindly data structures goes here
│ ├── hooks # all the custom hooks built in tight coupling with this projects buiness rules goes here
│ ├── providers # all the react providers the application uses are defined here
│ ├── reducers # all the reducers used to handle complex state management goes here
│ ├── services # all the methods used to fetch data from back end goes here
│ ├── types # all the type-script type definitions of the project goes here
│ ├── index.scss # all the component styles are imported from here
│ └── index.tsx # boostrap the application once loaded to browser
│── .babelrc # all the configurations required for transpilling goes here
│── .eslintrc.json # all the configurations required for linting oes here
│── .gitignore # all the files/folders shouldn't be commited must be mentioned here
│── .prettierrc # all the configurations required for formatting the source files goes here
│── jest.config.js # all the configurations required for runniing tests goes here
│── package.json # all the dependencies and meta data about the project goes here
│── package-lock.json # automatically created dependency resolution logs goes here
│── README.md # readme of the project goes here
│── tsconfig.json # all the configurations required for type-script checks goes here
└── webpack.config.js # all the configurations required for bundling of source files goes here
node >= v14.4.0
$ npm install
$ npm start
$ npm test
$ npm run typecheck
$ npm run lint