This project is part of a scientific research. We are interested in knowing how to find experts in online community. You can find here the analysis of the paper "Finding Topical Experts in Question & Answer Communities" published at "The 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies - ICALT 2016" ( In other words, you will find here everything you need to reproduce this research.
If you use anything related to this research, please cite:
title={Finding Topical Experts in Question \& Answer Communities},
author={Procaci, Thiago B and Nunes, Bernardo Pereira and Nurmikko-Fuller, Terhi and Siqueira, Sean WM},
booktitle={Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on},
- Install R version 3.1.1 (available at
- Install mySQL database version 5.6.21 (available at
- Download the scripts from
- Run createDatabase.sql
- Run the other scripts and follow the instructions avaliable at
- If you want to use the raw data, take a look at rawdata/ However, we recommend using the sql scripts.
The names of the tables were written in Portuguese. We translated the names in order to help you to understand.
Table name | Translation (english) |
usuario | user |
pergunta | question |
resposta | answer |
comentariopergunta | comments on question |
comentarioresposta | comments on answer |
forum | forum |
anotacoes | annotations |
entidades | entities |
tag | tag |
perguntatag | question tag |
We also translated some important table fields:
Field name | Translation (english) |
id | id |
reputacao | reputation |
nome | name |
titulo | title |
texto | text |
usuarioID | user id |
forumID | forum id |
perguntaID | question id |
respostaID | answer id |
tagID | tag id |
dataCriacao | creation date |
votosPositivos | number of votes up |
votosNegativos | number of votes down |
numeroVisualizacao | number of visualizations |
tipo | type |
titulo_pergunta | Question title |
texto_pergunta | Question text |
texto_resposta | Answer text |
comentario_pergunta | Comment on question text |
comentario_resposta | Comment on answer text |
To build each analysis, follow the instructions:
- Go to folder table-I-reputation
- Run reputation.sql
- Export sql data to csv file (like reputation.csv)
- Run table-1-reputation.R
- The results should look like:
Min. | 1st Qu. | Median | Mean | 3rd Qu. | Max. |
1.0 | 17.0 | 101.0 | 193.5 | 136.0 | 16660.0 |
- Go to folder table-II-III-correlation
- Run correlation.sql
- Export sql data to csv file (like correlation.csv)
- Run correlation.R
- The results should look like:
attribute | method | correlation | p-value | valid | desc |
QUESTIONS | "spearman" | "0.190391450769118" | "0.185379772049513" | "No" | "weak" |
ANSWERS | "spearman" | "0.765476070024332" | "0.0000000000951391018063494" | "Yes" | "strong" |
COMMENTS_ON_QUESTION | "spearman" | "0.607756034714175" | "0.00000285881187179338" | "Yes" | "moderate" |
COMMENTS_ON_ANSWERS | "spearman" | "0.717891463777467" | "0.00000000441627523848938" | "Yes" | "strong" |
attribute | method | correlation | p-value | valid | desc |
QUESTIONS | "kendall" | "0.136604275184825" | "0.172782763180915" | "No" | "weak" |
ANSWERS | "kendall" | "0.577659514570134" | "0.00000000399321886668247" | "Yes" | "moderate" |
COMMENTS_ON_QUESTION | "kendall" | "0.431902165608286" | "0.00000998873197555206" | "Yes" | "moderate" |
COMMENTS_ON_ANSWERS | "kendall" | "0.521100053348757" | "0.00000010271813755125" | "Yes" | "moderate" |
- Go to folder table-IV-recommendation
- Execute all sqls in folder sqls
- Export sql data to csv data file (like the CSVs in the folder data)
- Run table-IV.R
- The results should look like:
aerobic respiration | "5.7714+-4.70" | "0.08571+-0.28" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "14" |
amphibians | "2.1333+-1.68" | "0.1333+-0.35" | "< 0,001" | "93%" | "6" |
bacteria | "4.6567+-4.34" | "0.0469+-0.21" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "46" |
blood | "3.0909+-2.07" | "0.0000+-0.00" | "< 0,001" | "93%" | "12" |
brain | "4.2732+-3.49" | "0.1183+-0.41" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "37" |
cancer | "3.8389+-3.33" | "0.02778+-0.22" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "26" |
chromosomes | "4.2553+-3.68" | "0.1081+-0.31" | "< 0,001" | "96%" | "38" |
DNA | "4.7837+-4.83" | "0.04171+-0.23" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "46" |
enzymes | "4.6010+-4.86" | "0.0146+-0.12" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "38" |
evolutionary | "5.3216+-4.83" | "0.0924+-0.36" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "47" |
gene | "3.9551+-3.28" | "0.04289+-0.26" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "46" |
genetic code | "6.0120+-6.97" | "0.04217+-0.20" | "< 0,001" | "99%" | "25" |
genomes | "4.1137+-3.15" | "0.04046+-0.24" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "45" |
hormones | "4.9606+-4.70" | "0.1102+-0.65" | "< 0,001" | "95%" | "26" |
humans | "4.8293+-4.60" | "0.08302+-0.37" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "50" |
muscle | "3.2138+-2.98" | "0.06207+-0.24" | "< 0,001" | "96%" | "23" |
organisms | "4.9665+-5.12" | "0.09152+-0.33" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "45" |
plants | "5.7218+-8.35" | "0.06031+-0.37" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "37" |
protein | "4.3315+-3.69" | "0.04375+-0.25" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "45" |
ribosome | "3.7261+-3.62" | "0.03043+-0.17" | "< 0,001" | "96%" | "41" |
RNA | "5.6694+-6.22" | "0.04918+-0.25" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "39" |
species | "4.3077+-4.47" | "0.07835+-0.30" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "42" |
vaccine | "5.9744+-5.80" | "0.01282+-0.11" | "< 0,001" | "95%" | "11" |
Virus | "4.4777+-4.52" | "0.02077+-0.16" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "31" |
- Go to folder table-V-recommendation
- Execute all sqls in folder sqls
- Export sql data to csv data file (like the CSVs in the folder data)
- Run table-V.R
- The results should look like:
aerobic respiration | "5.2424+-4.06" | "0.06061+-0.24" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "12" |
amphibians | "2.2500+-1.69" | "0.1250+-0.34" | "< 0,001" | "94%" | "7" |
bacteria | "4.0720+-3.78" | "0.04974+-0.22" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "47" |
blood | "2.7200+-2.07" | "0.0000+-0.00" | "< 0,001" | "94%" | "12" |
brain | "4.0494+-3.55" | "0.07716+-0.31" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "42" |
cancer | "3.6755+-3.25" | "0.0266+-0.22" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "30" |
chromosomes | "3.6863+-2.75" | "0.1025+-0.30" | "< 0,001" | "95%" | "40" |
DNA | "4.5462+-4.73" | "0.0375+-0.22" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "45" |
enzymes | "4.1162+-4.41" | "0.01695+-0.13" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "39" |
evolutionary | "5.1257+-4.54" | "0.08461+-0.35" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "47" |
gene | "3.7699+-3.20" | "0.04084+-0.25" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "48" |
genetic code | "5.8121+-6.88" | "0.04242+-0.20" | "< 0,001" | "99%" | "24" |
genomes | "3.7837+-3.02" | "0.04436+-0.25" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "45" |
hormones | "4.7054+-4.90" | "0.1250+-0.57" | "< 0,001" | "94%" | "25" |
humans | "4.6830+-4.66" | "0.06575+-0.30" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "50" |
muscle | "3.0855+-2.94" | "0.04605+-0.21" | "< 0,001" | "96%" | "24" |
organisms | "4.6674+-5.04" | "0.07296+-0.30" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "45" |
plants | "5.5293+-8.37" | "0.05455+-0.36" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "40" |
protein | "4.1062+-3.60" | "0.03443+-0.22" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "44" |
ribosome | "3.2035+-3.10" | "0.01732+-0.13" | "< 0,001" | "95%" | "41" |
RNA | "5.1458+-5.94" | "0.03836+-0.23" | "< 0,001" | "98%" | "38" |
species | "4.1569+-4.48" | "0.07703+-0.30" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "44" |
vaccine | "5.5698+-5.67" | "0.01163+-0.11" | "< 0,001" | "95%" | "15" |
Virus | "4.2332+-4.34" | "0.02145+-0.16" | "< 0,001" | "97%" | "33" |
- Go to folder table-V-recommendation
- Execute all sqls in folder sql-recommendation and sql-recommendation2
- Export sql data to csv data file (like the CSVs in the folder recommedation)
- Run recommedation-test.R
- The results should look like:
"aerobic respiration" | "12" | "4" | "33%" | "2+-0.58" | "4+-1.84" | "0.00+-0.00" | "0.0202" | "100%" |
"amphibians" | "7" | "2" | "29%" | "1+-0.00" | "2+-3.54" | "0.00+-0.00" | "0.6171" | "75%" |
"bacteria" | "47" | "40" | "85%" | "5+-5.60" | "4+-3.67" | "0.06+-0.18" | "< 0,001" | "97%" |
"blood" | "12" | "5" | "42%" | "1+-0.89" | "4+-2.98" | "0.00+-0.00" | "0.0254" | "90%" |
"brain" | "42" | "34" | "81%" | "3+-2.72" | "4+-2.96" | "0.05+-0.18" | "< 0,001" | "98%" |
"cancer" | "30" | "22" | "73%" | "2+-1.37" | "4+-2.50" | "0.00+-0.00" | "< 0,001" | "100%" |
"chromosomes" | "40" | "33" | "82%" | "2+-2.10" | "4+-3.59" | "0.06+-0.24" | "< 0,001" | "100%" |
"dna" | "45" | "44" | "98%" | "7+-7.82" | "4+-2.63" | "0.03+-0.09" | "< 0,001" | "100%" |
"enzymes" | "39" | "29" | "74%" | "3+-3.99" | "3+-2.34" | "0.01+-0.06" | "< 0,001" | "98%" |
"evolutionary" | "47" | "44" | "94%" | "7+-8.97" | "5+-3.53" | "0.09+-0.19" | "< 0,001" | "100%" |
"gene" | "48" | "44" | "92%" | "7+-7.27" | "3+-2.00" | "0.02+-0.07" | "< 0,001" | "100%" |
"genetic code" | "24" | "15" | "62%" | "2+-0.72" | "4+-2.26" | "0.07+-0.26" | "< 0,001" | "100%" |
"genomes" | "45" | "36" | "80%" | "4+-4.15" | "4+-3.34" | "0.04+-0.17" | "< 0,001" | "98%" |
"hormones" | "25" | "15" | "60%" | "3+-2.37" | "4+-2.98" | "0.00+-0.00" | "< 0,001" | "97%" |
"humans" | "50" | "50" | "100%" | "9+- 9.50" | "5+-6.52" | "0.05+-0.13" | "< 0,001" | "100%" |
"muscle" | "24" | "13" | "54%" | "2+-1.50" | "4+-2.06" | "0.08+-0.28" | "< 0,001" | "100%" |
"organisms" | "45" | "42" | "93%" | "5+-5.76" | "5+-3.92" | "0.09+-0.27" | "< 0,001" | "100%" |
"plants" | "40" | "38" | "95%" | "4+-4.49" | "4+-3.35" | "0.03+-0.10" | "< 0,001" | "99%" |
"protein" | "44" | "39" | "89%" | "8+-9.02" | "4+-2.42" | "0.007+-0.03" | "< 0,001" | "96%" |
"ribosome" | "41" | "30" | "73%" | "2+-2.09" | "3+-2.16" | "0.08+-0.32" | "< 0,001" | "96%" |
"rna" | "38" | "25" | "66%" | "3+-3.34" | "4+-2.97" | "0.05+-0.20" | "< 0,001" | "100%" |
"species" | "44" | "42" | "95%" | "6+-5.97" | "5+-3.57" | "0.12+-0.36" | "< 0,001" | "98%" |
"vaccine" | "15" | "7" | "47%" | "1+-0.38" | "6+-8.32" | "0.00+-0.00" | "0.0037" | "93%" |
"virus" | "33" | "25" | "76%" | "3+-2.33" | "4+-2.72" | "0.00+-0.00" | "< 0,001" | "98%" |