After this learning unit, you will be able to:
- Dynamically change the look of an HTML element
- Use DOM manipulation to select and trigger changes in your page
- Understand the logic behind the Memory game
- Show off a little bit for the first time with your recently acquired front-end abilities 😉
- Clone this repo into your ~/code/labs
Upon completion, run the following commands
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "done"
$ git push origin master
Navigate to your repo and create a Pull Request from your master branch to the original repository master branch.
In the Pull request name, add your name and last names separated by a dash "-"
Deliverables The starter-code provides every resource you need to style your game. Please, push every thing you need to make it work properly on GitHub before creating the pull request.
Do you remember that game called Memory that you used to play in with actual paper tiles? To win, you needed to remember the position of tiles.
The game consists of an even number of tiles with images on one side and a generic back. Each image appears on precisely two tiles.
When the game starts, all tiles are turned face down. The player then flips over two cards, selecting them by clicking on them. If the two tiles have the same image, they remain face up. Otherwise, the tiles flip back over after a small period of time.
The goal of the game is to get all the tiles flipped face up in the least number of tries. That means that lower number of tries are better scores.
My goal with this project will get any data image source, like facebook, imgur or even our own local repository
Let's do this in JavaScript!