CSES No. Title Solution 1068 Weird Algorithm C++ 1069 Repetitions C++ 1070 Permutations C++ 1071 Number Spiral C++ 1072 Two Knights C++ 1073 Towers C++ 1074 Stick Lengths C++ 1083 Missing Number C++ 1084 Apartments C++ 1090 Ferris Wheel C++ 1091 Concert Tickets C++ 1092 Two Sets C++ 1094 Increasing Array C++ 1141 Playlist C++ 1163 Traffic Lights C++ 1164 Room Allocation C++ 1617 Bit Strings C++ 1618 Trailing Zeros C++ 1619 Restaurant Customers C++ 1620 Factory Machines C++ 1621 Distinct Numbers C++ 1622 Creating Strings C++ 1623 Apple Division C++ 1624 Chessboard and Queens C++ 1625 Grid Paths C++ 1629 Movie Festival C++ 1630 Tasks and Deadlines C++ 1631 Reading Books C++ 1640 Sum of Two Values C++ 1641 Sum of Three Values C++ 1642 Sum of Four Values C++ 1643 Maximum Subarray Sum C++ 1754 Coin Piles C++ 1755 Palindrome Reorder C++ 2162 Josephus Problem I C++ 2163 Josephus Problem II C++ 2165 Tower of Hanoi C++ 2168 Nested Ranges Check C++ 2169 Nested Ranges Count C++ 2183 Missing Coin Sum C++ 2205 Gray Code C++ 2216 Collecting Numbers C++ 2217 Collecting Numbers II C++ 2431 Digit Queries C++