Lysande is a Jekyll theme meant as a base for a portfolio site.
- Clean responsive design that works all the way down to a mobile screen
- Blog page and layout
- Projects page and layout
- Disqus Comments
- SEO best practices via Jekyll SEO Tag
A live preview of the theme here
The theme being used as the theme for my portfolio here
If you're running Jekyll v3.5+ and self-hosting you can quickly install the theme as a Ruby gem. If you're hosting with GitHub Pages you can install as a remote theme or directly copy all of the theme files (see structure below) into your project.
Add this line to your Jekyll site's
:gem "lysande-jekyll-theme"
Add this line to your Jekyll site's
file:theme: lysande-jekyll-theme
Then run Bundler to install the theme gem and dependencies:
bundle install
GitHub Pages has added full support for any GitHub-hosted theme.
gem "lysande-jekyll-theme"
in your Gemfile with:gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
bundle update
and verify that all gems install properly. -
remote_theme: "theuggla/lysande-jekyll-theme"
to your_config.yml
file. Remove any othertheme:
Note: Your Jekyll site should be viewable immediately at If it's not, you can force a rebuild by Customizing Your Site (see below for more details).
If you're hosting several Jekyll based sites under the same GitHub username you
will have to use Project Pages instead of User Pages. Essentially you rename the
repo to something other than and create a gh-pages
branch off of master
. For more details on how to set things up check
GitHub's documentation.
If you forked or downloaded the lysande-jekyll-theme
repo you can
safely remove the following files and folders:
If you're using the Ruby Gem or remote theme versions of Lysande, upgrading is fairly painless.
To check which version you are currently using, view the source of your built site and you should something similar to:
Lysande Jekyll Theme 1.0.0
Copyright 2017-2018 Molly Arhammar -
Free for personal and commercial use under the MIT license
At the top of every .html
file and /assets/main.css
Simply run bundle update
if you're using Bundler (have a Gemfile
) or gem update lysande-jekyll-theme
if you're not.
When hosting with GitHub Pages you'll need to push up a commit to force a rebuild with the latest theme release.
An empty commit will get the job done too if you don't have anything to push at the moment:
git commit --allow-empty -m "Force rebuild of site"
If you want to get the most out of the Jekyll + GitHub Pages workflow, then you'll need to utilize Git. To pull down theme updates you must first ensure there's an upstream remote. If you forked the theme's repo then you're likely good to go.
To double check, run git remote -v
and verify that you can fetch from origin
To add it you can do the following:
git remote add upstream
Now you can pull any commits made to theme's master
branch with:
git pull upstream master
Depending on the amount of customizations you've made after forking, there's likely to be merge conflicts. Work through any conflicting files Git flags, staging the changes you wish to keep, and then commit them.
Another way of dealing with updates is downloading the theme --- replacing your layouts, includes, and assets with the newer ones manually. To be sure that you don't miss any changes it's probably a good idea to review the theme's commit history to see what's changed since.
Here's a quick checklist of the important folders/files you'll want to be mindful of:
Name | |
_layouts |
Replace all. Apply edits if you customized any layouts. |
_includes |
Replace all. Apply edits if you customized any includes. |
assets |
Replace all. Apply edits if you customized stylesheets, scripts or icons. |
_sass |
Replace all. Apply edits if you customized Sass partials. |
_data/theme.yml |
Safe to keep. Verify that there were no major structural changes or additions. |
_config.yml |
Safe to keep. Verify that there were no major structural changes or additions. |
Note: If you're not seeing the latest version, be sure to flush browser and
CDN caches. Depending on your hosting environment older versions of
or *.html
may be cached.
Layouts, includes, Sass partials, and data files are all placed in their default
locations. Stylesheets and icons in assets
, and a few development related
files in the project's root directory.
Please note: If you installed Basically Basic via the Ruby Gem method, theme
files found in /_layouts
, /_includes
, /_sass
, and /assets
will be
missing. This is normal as they are bundled with the lysande-jekyll-theme
├── _data # data files
| └── theme.yml # theme settings and custom text
├── _includes # theme includes
├── _layouts # theme layouts (see below for details)
├── _sass # Sass partials
├── assets
| ├── backgrounds
| | └── default_rustic.jpg
| ├── fonts
| | └── [...fonts]
| ├── icons
| | └── [ media icons]
| ├── open-graph
| | └── default.png
| ├── projects
| | └── images
| | └── symbols
| └── main.scss
├── _config.yml # sample configuration
└── # sample home page
└── # sample blog landing page
└── # sample projects landing page
After creating a Gemfile
and installing the theme you'll need to add and edit
the following files:
Using the jekyll new
command will get you up and running the quickest.
Edit _config.yml
and create _data/theme.yml
as instructed above and you're
good to go.
Configuration of site-wide elements (title
, description
, etc.) happens in your project's _config.yml
. See the
example configuration in this repo for additional
reference. The most important thing to note is that you will want to add permalink: pretty
your _config.yml
to keep the links working properly.
Description | |
title |
Your site's title (e.g., Arthur Dent's Site) |
email |
Your emai. Will be used as a link in the social media menu |
description |
Short site description (e.g., A site about my coffe projects) |
url |
The base URL to your site (e.g., Leave empty if hosting on github pages. |
author |
Your name, used as a byline and title of the site |
share_image |
For sharing in line with Open Graph, set the name for your image (including .png) and place it in your /assets/open-graph directory. |
background_image |
The name of the image-file to use as a background image of the site. Place the image in /assets/backgrounds |
rss |
If set to true, an rss feed will be added for the projects of the site |
[social-media]_username |
The theme supports usernames to various social media sites. If you add in any of these usernames in your config file, an icon will appear in your header that links to that account. Supported social media sites are twitter , github , tumblr , instagram , facebook , pinterest |
youtube_channel |
The name of your Youtube channel. If added, an icon will appear in your header that links to the channel |
skype_inviteURL |
The url to invite someone to add you on skype. If added, an icon will appear in your header that links to the invitation |
linkedin_usernameURL |
The username-URL you have chosen for your LinkedIn account. If added, an icon will appear in your header that links to the account |
upwork_userID |
The ID of your Upwork account. If added, an icon will appear in your header that links to the account |
disqus_shortname |
To enable Disqus comments, add your Disqus shortname |
For more configuration options be sure to consult the documentation for: jekyll-seo-tag, [jekyll-feed][jekyll-feed],
To change text on the landing pages of the blog, project and index pages found in the example folder, add the following to your /_data/theme.yml
file and customize as necessary. Leaving the field empty ill revert to the default-text, while setting it to none
will show no text at all.
index_text: \'\'|\'none\'|\'custom text\'
blog_intro: \'\'|\'none\'|\'custom text\'
projects_intro: \'\'|\'none\'|\'custom text\'
All pages with a menu: main
attribute in their Front Matter will be added to the global
menu. For more granular control and sorting of these menu links:
The link in the menu will be named after the page's
attribute in the Front Matter. -
The links will be sorted according to the
attribute in the front matter, starting from 1 and counting upwards.
Author information from the _config.yml
is used as the byline of your page.
Optionally, if you have a Disqus account, you can show a comments section below each post.
To enable Disqus comments, add your Disqus shortname to your project's
disqus_shortname: my_disqus_shortname
Comments will only appear in production when built
with the following environment value:
. If you are building with Github Pages, the environment variable will be set to production
If you don't want to display comments for a particular post you can disable
them by adding comments: false
to that post's front matter.
To display the comments, make sure your posts has a layout of 'post' and add comments to the Front Matter of the posts you would like the comments on, like so:
comments: true
This theme provides the following layouts, which you can use by setting the
Front Matter on each page,
like so:
layout: name
The theme comes with four layouts: default, post, projects and blog. It includes a header, footer and a global navigation menu.
It is intended to be used with a _projects folder, where markdown documents representing your projects can be stored. Without the _projects folder, it is possible to use it as a blog with _posts only.
This layout handles all of the basic page scaffolding placing the page content
between the masthead and footer elements. All other layouts inherit this one
and provide additional styling and features inside of the {{ content }}
The blog
layout includes a local navigation list of all posts in _posts, and displays a list with the title, an excerpt, and a disqus comment count for each post.
To be able to use the theme with the blog
and post
layouts, create a _posts
directory and place your blog posts in it with a Front Matter that includes
layout: post
The blog posts should be in .md
format, and be named in line with the
-convention. See example
The post
layout supports the following additional Front Matter:
url: /your-custom-url-to-post
title: the title of the post
comments: true
excerpt_separator: <!--custom-->
If excerpt_separator
is not given, it will default to the first paragraph break. If comments
is set to true
and a disqus_shortname
has been given in the _config-yml
, disqus comments will be enabled when the site is in production.
To be able to use the theme with the projects layout, copy this into your _config.yml-file:
categories: [example1, example2]
Add the categories you are interested in, separated by commas, between the square brackets.
To make use of the projects layout, create a _projects
directory and add your projects as .md
-files, adding the following to each project's Front Matter:
category: example1
and supply one of the categories you have recorded in your config file. See example
The projects will be displayed on any page you give the projects
layout, or otherwise accessible via site.projects,
just as site.posts gives you access to your blog posts. Anything you add to a page with the projects layout
will be displayed on top of the projects posts, under the projects navigational menu. Projects are displayed crouped by category, and the projects
layout adds a navigation between the different categories if more
categories than three and/or a small screen display.
The projects
layout supports the following front matter:
title: "jekyll theme"
category: code, published
tags: liquid, html, sass
Whete title
will be the title of the project, and tags
will be displayed in smaller font.
The default structure and style of this theme can be overridden and customized in the following two ways.
Theme defaults can be overridden
by placing a file with the same name into your project's _includes
directory. For instance:
- To specify a custom style path or meta data to the
file, create an_includes
directory in your project, copy_includes/head.html
from Lysande's gem folder to<your_project>/_includes
and start editing that file.
ProTip: to locate the theme's files on your computer run
bundle show lysande-jekyll-theme
. This returns the location of the
gem-based theme files.
To override the default Sass (located in theme's
directory), do one of the following:
Copy directly from the Lysande gem
- Go to your local Lysande gem installation directory (run
bundle show lysande-jekyll-theme
to get the path to it). - Copy the contents of
from there to<your_project>
. - Customize what you want inside
- Go to your local Lysande gem installation directory (run
Copy from this repo.
- Copy the contents of assets/main.scss
. - Customize what you want inside
- Copy the contents of assets/main.scss
The sass layouts available to import to your main.scss should you wish are the _base, that styles the main appearance of the site, the header and the footer. It is recommended that you also import the _menu for styling of the global navigation. If you opt to use the project and blog layout for displaying your projects and blog posts, the styles for them are included as _projects and _blog. The _responsive makes the site responsive.
Full list of _sass as follows:
- @include '_base.scss' --- basic styling
- @include '_menu.scss' --- global menu
- @include '_projects.scss' --- page that displays projects
- @include '_blog.scss' --- main blog page with links to blog posts
- @include '_responsive.scss' --- makes site responsive
There are icon helper includes to aid in generating social network links.
Include Parameter | Description | Required |
username |
Username on given social network | Required |
Found a typo in the documentation? Interested in adding a feature or fixing a bug? Then by all means submit an issue or take a stab at submitting a pull request. If this is your first pull request, it may be helpful to read up on the GitHub Flow.
When submitting a pull request:
- Clone the repo.
- Create a branch off of
and give it a meaningful name (
) and describe the feature or fix. - Open a pull request on GitHub.
Sample pages can be found in the /example
folder if you'd like to tackle any "low-hanging fruit" like fixing typos, bad
grammar, etc.
Molly Arhammar
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Molly Arhammar and contributors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.