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PC SAFT methods

Vegard Gjeldvik Jervell edited this page Aug 21, 2023 · 4 revisions

Methods in the pcsaft class (

The pcsaft class, found in addon/pycThermopack/thermopack/, is the interface to the PC-SAFT Equation of State. This class inherits the saft class, which in turn inherits the thermo class. This class implements utility methods to access mixing parameters etc.

Table of contents


Methods to initialise PC-SAFT model.

Table of contents

__init__(self, comps=None, parameter_reference='Default', simplified=False, polar=False)

Initialize PC-SAFT model in thermopack If no components are specified, model must be initialized for specific components later by direct call to 'init'. Model can at any time be re-initialized for new components or parameters by direct calls to 'init'


     comps (str, optional):

          Comma separated list of component names

     parameter_reference (str, optional):

          Which parameters to use?. Defaults to "Default".

     simplified (bool):

          Use simplified PC-SAFT (sPC-SAFT: 10.1021/ie020753p) (Default False)

     polar (bool):

          Use dipole and quadrupole contributions PCP-SAFT (10.1002/aic.10502, 10.1002/aic.10683 and 10.1021/jp072619u) (Default False)


init(self, comps, parameter_reference='Default', simplified=False, polar=False)

Initialize PC-SAFT model in thermopack


     comps (str):

          Comma separated list of component names

     parameter_reference (str, optional):

          Which parameters to use?. Defaults to "Default".

     simplified (bool):

          Use simplified PC-SAFT (sPC-SAFT: 10.1021/ie020753p) (Default False)

     polar (bool):

          Use dipole and quadrupole contributions PCP-SAFT (10.1002/aic.10502, 10.1002/aic.10683 and 10.1021/jp072619u) (Default True)


Utility methods

Set- and get methods for interaction parameters and pure fluid parameters.

Table of contents

association_energy_density(self, temp, n_alpha, phi=None, phi_t=None, phi_n=None, phi_tt=None, phi_tn=None, phi_nn=None)

Calculate association functional of Sauer and Gross


     temp (float):

          Temperature (K)

     n_alpha (np.ndarray):

          Weighted densities

     phi (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     phi_T (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     phi_n (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     phi_TT (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     phi_Tn (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     phi_nn (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.



          Optionally energy density and differentials


get_kij(self, c1, c2)

Get binary well depth interaction parameter


     c1 (int):

          Component one

     c2 (int):

          Component two



     kij (float):

          Well depth interaction parameter


get_pure_fluid_param(self, c)

Get pure fluid PC-SAFT parameters


     c (int):

          Component index (FORTRAN)


     m (float):

          Mean number of segments

     sigma (float):

          Segment diameter (m)

     eps_div_kb (float):

          Well depth divided by Boltzmann's constant (K)

     eps (float):

          Association energy (J/mol)

     beta (float):

          Association volume (-)


lng_ii(self, temp, volume, n, i, lng_t=None, lng_v=None, lng_n=None, lng_tt=None, lng_vv=None, lng_tv=None, lng_tn=None, lng_vn=None, lng_nn=None)

Calculate logarithm of the radial distribution function at contact given temperature, volume and mol numbers. Differentials are computed as functions of (T, V, n).


     temp (float):

          Temperature (K)

     volume (float):

          Volume (m3)

     n (array_like):

          Mol numbers (mol)

     i (int):

          FORTRAN component index

     lng_t (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     lng_v (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     lng_n (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     lng_tt (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     lng_vv (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     lng_tv (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     lng_tn (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     lng_vn (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.

     lng_nn (No type, optional):

          Flag to activate calculation. Defaults to None.





          Optionally differentials


set_kij(self, c1, c2, kij)

Set binary well depth interaction parameter


     c1 (int):

          Component one

     c2 (int):

          Component two

     kij (float):

          Well depth interaction parameter


set_pure_fluid_param(self, c, m, sigma, eps_div_kb, eps=0.0, beta=0.0)

Set pure fluid PC-SAFT parameters


     c (int):

          Component index (FORTRAN)

     m (float):

          Mean number of segments

     sigma (float):

          Segment diameter (m)

     eps_div_kb (float):

          Well depth divided by Boltzmann's constant (K)

     eps (float):

          Association energy (J/mol)

     beta (float):

          Association volume (-)


Deprecated methods

Deprecated methods are not maintained, and may be removed in the future.

Table of contents

get_pure_params(self, c)

Get pure fluid PC-SAFT parameters


     c (int):

          Component index (FORTRAN)


     m (float):

          Mean number of segments

     sigma (float):

          Segment diameter (m)

     eps_div_kb (float):

          Well depth divided by Boltzmann's constant (K)

     eps (float):

          Association energy (J/mol)

     beta (float):

          Association volume (-)


set_pure_params(self, c, m, sigma, eps_div_kb, eps=0.0, beta=0.0)

Set pure fluid PC-SAFT parameters


     c (int):

          Component index (FORTRAN)

     m (float):

          Mean number of segments

     sigma (float):

          Segment diameter (m)

     eps_div_kb (float):

          Well depth divided by Boltzmann's constant (K)

     eps (float):

          Association energy (J/mol)

     beta (float):

          Association volume (-)


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