Seeking to take the next step in my career, I am constantly updating my expertise, from Web Development to Game Design. Currently, I am working as a Front-End Engineer at a Dutch company, OMRT. OMRT builds a Deep Tech design platform for real estate development. The product of OMRT is a collection of architectural design, physics, finance, and material modules that are connected within one digital brain. Together, it generates and analyses building designs parametrically.
Discover more about me, my projects, and my thoughts on tech and books on my personal website. Dive into my blog for tech articles and book reviews or explore my portfolio projects! Also:
- 🚀 Check out some of my projects projects
- 📽 I make tutorials on 3D web development on my Youtube channel
- 🖥️ See oe of my interactive 3D portfolios
- 🎮 You can find some of my games published on Google Play Store
- ⚛ I am contributing to the translation of the new React Docs into my native language
- 🧠 I'm learning everyday something new!
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating. Whether it’s a project collaboration, a role in your company, or any interesting gig, feel free to reach out.
- ⚡ My interests are: programming, design, reading, running, hiking, chess, technology, science, documentaries, learning, travel, art, movies, music, museums etc...
- ✉️ You can contact me at