Sitecore 8.2 + Helix + Common Extensions and Patterns
Prerequisites: -Sitecore Instance Manager (SIM) Sitecore v8.2
-Npm Installation on root source folder
-Team Development for Sitecore (TDS)
-Integrated Dynamic Placeholders (can be found in the Sitecore MarketPlace)
FYI: Since I'm not using Unicorn for deployment of serialzed Sitecore Items any TDS project will be configured in Configuration Manager to not Build or Deploy (see blog for details)
Design: All components and renderings are based on the free bootstrap template Modern Business This template provided some great components to begin for the general sandbox purpose of my point of views
Reference Sources: Professional Sitecore 8 Development by Phillip Wicklund (Apress, 2016) - Outstanding book that documented well some practices that alot of my current and former colleagues have used in successful deliveries
I encourage anyone to fork it, own it, and continue to enhance it...I'll be doing the same.
- Realtime Logger
- CDN Integration
- Commerce Integrations
- Social
- Coveo Behavioral Search
- 2 Factor (once here, now needs a code remediation)