Inline import files as data-URIs, or copy them to output
npm i --save-dev rollup-plugin-url
import {rollup} from "rollup"
import url from "rollup-plugin-url"
const writeoptions = {dest: "output/output.js"}
const plugin = url({
limit: 10 * 1024, // inline files < 10k, copy files > 10k
include: ["**/*.svg"], // defaults to .svg, .png, .jpg and .gif files
entry: "main.js",
plugins: [plugin],
.then(bundle => bundle.write(writeoptions))
.then(() => plugin.write(writeoptions))
Optional. Type: number
This is the file size limit to inline files. If files exceed this limit, they will be copied instead to the destination folder and the hashed filename will be given instead.
Optional. Type: a minimatch pattern, or array of minimatch patterns
These patterns determine which files are inlined. Defaults to .svg, .png, .jpg and .gif files.