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A quick guide to the best wallets to use to buy, store and sell your Pepe assets. |, possibly the best Counterparty interface available right now, lets you navigate between exchanges (open markets for various token pairs) and dispensers (vending machines where you buy/sell Counterparty tokens and NFTs for BTC). You can also create and destroy tokens via the FreeWallet interface, and the wallet supports multiple addresses as well as segwit, importing private keys, and watch-only addresses.
Download for your desktop or mobile device to access a DEX or a dispenser.
Storing your Rare Pepes in Counterwallet is perfectly secure, and if you’re a regular XCP user you can manage all of your Counterparty assets from Counterwallet. If you would like to keep your Rare Pepes safely housed in their native environment so they feel at home, there is a Rare Pepe wallet as well.
Rare Pepe Wallet is a tool created by developer Joe Looney in 2016 that makes it possible to buy, sell, trade, edition, gift, and destroy Rare Pepes with PEPECASH or XCP. The wallet itself is a client-side application that allows users to access the DEX directly on-chain.
The integrated wallet was created before Metamask and other familiar marketplaces like OpenSea. Rare Pepe volume growth was a significant catalyst for XCP activity.
At least one company, Spells of Genesis, explored the creation of digital trading cards tied to the blockchain before the invention of the Rare Pepe Wallet.
However, Joe and the Rare Pepe Wallet community are the first to explore a long and important list of innovations that will set the course for the blockchain art market for years to come. These include:
- First blockchain community where anyone can submit artwork to be bought, sold, traded, or destroyed on the blockchain;
- First to offer the above service while taking zero commission;
- First to create a gift card system that allows for gifting artwork to people who do not own any cryptocurrency (a major innovation for improving adoption);
- First to conceive of VIP content like songs and games tied to the token in addition to the artwork;
- First to move a digitally scarce artwork to a physical piece of hardware (opendime). This proves to naysayers that digitally rare art can, in fact, exist in a physical form;
- First to create a digital artwork tied to the blockchain that changes its representation based on what machine it is displayed on.
Joe Looney (@wasthatawolf), the creator of the RarePepeWallet, also created the FakeRareWallet, for the purposes of the Fake Rare Pepe movement. The wallet’s website properly displays all fake rare pepes a user has in their possession (even if they’re animated, which is a nice touch), which isn’t the case with RarePepeWallet, as it only properly displays the original Rare Pepes.
Book of Orbs is discontinued, but it’s mobile wallet Casa Tookan is compatible with Counterparty, Bitcoin AND Ethereum. Perfect to send, receive and safely store your cards and other collectibles. Download Casa Tookan Wallet and use your Book of Orbs passphrase to connect.