This is a docker image of ICEcoder web editor on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Apache2
Very flexible multlaguage syntax,very good as root container for web-project containers
The editor can be accessed as http://:/icecoder/
You can access /var/www/html (the root of the webserver) and everything below, this can be configured inside the editor.
For full information and manual, please visit the website
- Context aware code highlighting
- Desktop like file manager
- Document tabs indicate current doc & changes made
- Code folding
- Browser based, can run online or offline
- HTML, CSS, LESS, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, PHP, Ruby, Python & many more!
- Easy to support over 60 other languages
- Found match & current position counter
- Indicates content type cursor is on
- Displays nest position of text cursor, hover to select, click to set cursor
- Nest structure OK/broken indicator
- Colour preview block on CSS colours, ie red, #f00 or RGBA(255,0,0,0.5)
- Live bug reporting system
- Live editing
- Multiple selections
- Smart tab key system (selected lines are auto-indented)
- Open last files on load
- Code Assist system
- Adds end tags as you type and in a context aware way
- Diff pane with insert, changed and removed lines highlighted
- Autocloses brackets and quotes as you type
- ESC = Comment/Uncomment line, incl partial lines
- HTML & JavaScript code hinting
- Tag wrappers
- File uploader, plus supports multiple files
- Jump to definition shortcut
- Account login to help keep online files secure
- Multi domain config settings
- Restrict files, ban files and restrict by IP
- Multi user, dev and demo modes
- Settings to change behaviour, functionality & style
- Control multiple users and registration
- Plugin manager
- Template based config files
- Add your own custom processes
- Find & replace builder to apply to current doc, open docs, files & filenames
- Highlight word and press CTRL+I to Google search that
- DOM element highlighting with the Pestcide plugin
- Can rename open files (whoaah!)
- CTRL+Enter open current webpage in new tab
- MySQL Database management via Adminer plugin
- Sass and LESS compiling on save plugins
- Github integration to clone, pull, commit & sync repos
- Linux terminal plugin
- Image viewer with hex & RGB eyedropper
- Alphanumeric tab sorting
- Farbtastic color picker integrated
- Open remote file content
To start the image listening on external port 8080 execute - update accordingly
docker run -d -p 8080:80 thepapamaan/icecoder
please remeber to use the -d
flag to make it run in the background, to access a running container, use
docker exec -t <container id> /bin/bash
- Aug 22, 2015, updated to ICEcoder 5.0 - nimmis
- July 09, 2019, forked nimmis/icecoder & updated dockerfile to ICEcoder 6.0
Update/replace Ubuntu and Apache versions - possibly move to Alpine.