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kodeine for Visual Studio Code

Write Kustom formulas in VS Code!
Get it from the VS Code Marketplace.


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  • Syntax highlighting for kode.
  • Live formula evaluation.
  • Live evaluation steps (for debugging).
  • Informative error and warning messages in the problems tab, highlighting the exact position of the problem.
  • Basic text global support (read more below).
  • Snippets:
    • fl - basic fl() call
    • Special character tc(utf) snippets:
      • !, $, %, &, (, ), *, +, -, /, <, =, >, ^, |, ~, ", ,
        Prefix a special character with a backslash (\) to get the tc(utf) snippet for it (ex. \$).
      • \n - new line character
      • \ - space


  • Currently implemented:
    • All operators: +, -, *, /, ^, %, =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, ~=, |, &
    • Functions:
      ce(), cm(), df(), dp(), fl(), gv(), if(), mu(), tc(), tf(), lv()
      • df(Z) and any other timezone related stuff is not implemented (yet).
      • df() has two vscode settings related to it (read more below).
      • Local variables are not fully realized in Kustom yet. See section on local variables below for details on the current lv() implementation in kodeine.
    • Other functions are not implemented (yet).
  • Globals are not saved after VS Code is closed.
  • Currently in alpha, meaning the code might not be stable and you might find bugs.
    Also, There are many features that would be cool to have but aren't implemented (yet).
  • The parsing & evaluation engine was written without access to the original source code and is not a 1:1 port. I am aware of some inconsistencies, but there might well be others I am not aware of.
    I (obviously) recommend testing your formula in Kustom before releasing it in a preset.
    • ce() results can be off by 1 or 2, the reason seems to be some float handling differences between Java and JavaScript (hard to confirm though).
    • Floating point numbers in general don't work the same as in Kustom if you venture anywhere outside of the most basic use cases. If you want to know why, play around with them a bit in Kustom itself.

About local variables (lv())

Because local variables (lv()) are not fully realized in Kustom at the time of writing, they have been implemented based on intentions stated by the developer, instead of the current, buggy implementation:

  • lv([name], [value]) - sets the value of a local variable named [name] to [value]
  • lv([name]) or #name or "#name" - gets the value of a local variable named [name]
  • Local variables transfer into fl() and back out of body and increment forumlas.
    • lv(a, @) + fl(0,0,0, "#a") => @
      (if locals didn't transfer into fl(), this would return #a instead)
    • fl(0,0,0, "lv(a, @)") + #a => @
      (if locals didn't transfer out of fl(), this would return #a instead)
  • Local variables for a parent formula are directly used when evaluating globals.
    • For example:
      Create gv(global) and have it access a local variable named a:
      This will return #a in its own results, because the local variable was never set before being accessed.
      Now, let's create another formula, where we set lv(a) and then access the value of gv(global):
      $lv(a, @) + gv(global)$ => @
      If parent formula locals weren't used when evaluating globals, this would return #a instead.
    • This behavior is, at the time of writing, pure speculation - lv() throws an error when used in a text global in Kustom. If a future update implements this in a different way, or it is confirmed to not be a feature by the developer, it might be changed or removed. For now, I think this is how it should work.
      This implementation allows you to turn text globals into functions - use lv([argument]) or #argument in the global, and then, before calling gv([function]), set argument values using lv([argument], [value]).

Using the extension

Getting started

The extension registers a language called kode in VS Code. To use kodeine features, you need a file with its language set to kode.


  • Create a file with a .kode extension. This will automatically set its language to kode.


  • Create a file and manually set its language to kode in one of three ways:
    1. Click the "Select a language" link that appears after a new file is created,
    2. Hit Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette. Type Change Language Mode, hit Enter, type kode, hit Enter again.
    3. Click on Plain Text on the status bar, in the bottom right corner. A language list will appear - type kode and hit Enter.

When you set a file's language is set to kode, you should see syntax highlighting and have access to snippets.

Viewing live formula evaluation results

Opening a file with its language set to kode should automatically bring up an output channel showing live evaluation results. You can always bring that output channel up easily using a command:

  1. Hit Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette.
  2. Type Show formula - a command called Show formula result window will come up. Hit Enter.

Viewing live formula evaluation steps (debugging formulas)

When a file with its language set to kode is active:

  1. Hit Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette.
  2. Type Show evaluation steps - a command called Show formula evaluation steps beside active editor will come up. Hit Enter.

The evaluation steps will automatically refresh every time you edit your formula.

Using globals

Adding a global:

When a file with its language set to kode is active:

  1. Hit Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette.
  2. Type Add Global - a command called Add a text global from active document will come up. Hit Enter.
  3. Enter a name for the global in the window that pops up and hit Enter again.
    • If an error message pops up, read it and fix your name accordingly (or type ! after the name to override the warning).

Viewing globals:

The extension adds a view to your Explorer tab, called "Global List". Clicking on globals on the list brings up the document that global is linked with.
You can also easily delete individual globals or clear all globals using buttons on the list.

Removing a global:

If you don't want to use the Global List GUI, You can also delete a global using a command:

  1. Hit Ctrl + Shift + P to open the Command Palette.
  2. Type Remove global - a command called Remove a global will come up. Hit Enter.
  3. Select the global to be removed from the list that pops up and hit Enter again.

Viewing the Formula Evaluation Tree

The extension adds a view to your Run and Debug tab, called "Formula Evaluation Tree". This view shows what objects the kodeine parser created from your formula text and what each element of your formula returned along the way.


kodeine contributes two settings to vscode:

  • kodeine.clockMode (auto, 12h or 24h)
    Equivalent to a Kustom setting. Affects df(h), df(k) and df(a).
  • kodeine.firstDayOfTheWeek (one of mon, tue, wed, thu, fri, sat, sun)
    Equivalend to a Kustom setting. Affects df(e).

Tips & Tricks

  • Use scrcpy to mirror your phone screen to your computer. scrcpy also supports clipboard mirroring, which makes transferring your formulas between vscode and your phone easy.
  • Until functions like wi(icon) are implemented, you can instead create globals like gv(wi_icon) to debug your formulas for different values.
  • Don't be afraid to add newlines, tabs and spaces to your formulas!
    Whitespace between $ is ignored during evaluation, but will be preserved in the evaluation steps window. It can help a ton with making your formula more readable and easier to debug.
  • Check out vscode tips and tricks as well!

What is Kustom and what are formulas?

Kustom is a family of Android apps dedicated to customizing your homescreen by providing a WYSIWYG editor.
Most properties in that editor can be set to a formula, meaning they can dynamically update based on current time, device status and more.


Visit the Kustom homepage (official docs, FAQs etc.)

Get Kustom apps from the Play Store

Learn more

Contact the developer

Have any questions about the extension? Spotted a bug? It crashed? You like it a lot?

Using the engine in your own project

If you would like to use the engine I built in your own project, contact me! I'm pretty new to js modules, node packages and all that stuff, so I don't know the best way to distribute the engine separately from the extension, but if you need it, I'm more than happy to help.


kodeine is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.