v0.3.0 (2019-11-20)
9cfc258 Release v0.3.0
5833f82 Add license
85b15e9 Revise sample and test task action arguments
ccff531 Rename .ps1 tasks sample file
e46f6e0 Add submodule PSRepositoryReleaseManager v0.5.2
1ada8c9 Update readme badges
7808f52 Fix regression in test task name
4bc3033 Remove RepetitionDuration property from definition in tasks json sample
8849047 Add New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -RepetitionDuration property support
f201074 Fix module directory in test entrypoint script
c44d8bc Update readme
0c0e677 Add azure-pipelines.yml
3876f21 Add scheduled task json definition sample
a03a8ca Update principal in test schedule task definitions
0b8725a Relocate test scheduled task definitions directory
7586af8 Add capturing of stdout in integrated tests which is then output in verbose stream
8df06c6 Add module manifest definition
8ab4c1c Add submodule PSModulePublisher v0.3.2
8588e14 Update readme
0fac147 Remove ParameterSetName 'AsJson'
07ce5b9 Rrename Public and Private directories
9f45105 Add tests
f991a63 Improve returning of error object properties
3b436bc Remove helper function New-Clone and use Clone() method instead
4f02812 Use Write-Error instead of throw in public functions
4d30e38 Add parameter 'DefinitionObject' for specifying task definition objects. Use PSBoundParameters where possible
09fe98a Set object type for 'InputObject' parameter in Validate-DefinitionObject
30424bb Tweak function parameters
3453d39 Move scheduled task definition sample into docs/samples/definitions/scheduledtasks/
8bb23a3 Remove .gitignore
5e7ed96 [Breaking] Rename module to ScheduledTaskManagement. Move module files into /src/ScheduledTaskManagement/ . Update readme
d66589f Standardize and improve robustness of the script module file
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