Scoping Functions of Swift Style for Readable Code
, also
, let
, with
, run
The scope functions differ by the result they return:
return the context object.let
, andrun
return the closure result.
The return value of also
and apply
is the context object itself. so they can be included into call chains as side steps.
let org = Organization()
.also { print("new podo org") }
.apply {
$ = "podo"
$0.member = Member(name: "theo", role: .owner)
They also can be used in return statements of functions returning the context object.
func newPodoOrg() -> Organization {
Organization().apply {
$ = "podo"
$0.member = Member(name: "theo", role: .owner)
Use apply
for code blocks that don't return a value and mainly operate on the members of the receiver object.
let org = Organization().apply {
$ = "podo"
$0.member = Member(name: "theo", role: .owner)
Use also
for additional actions that don't alter the object, such as logging or printing debug information.
let member = Member(name: "theo", role: .owner)
let org = Organization()
org.also { print("new member") }
can be used to invoke one or more functions on result of call chains.
let numbers = [1, 5, 10] { $0 * 2 }
.filter { $0 > 3}
.let { $0.count }
is often used for executing a code block only with non-nil values.
var org: Organization?
org = Organization(name: "podo", member: Member(name: "theo", role: .member))
org?.member?.let {
$0.role = .owner // $0 is not nil inside '?.let {}'
A non-extension function: the context object is passed as an argument, and return value is the closure result.
can be read as "with this object, do the following."
let description = with(org) {
"Orgnaization name is \($, "
.appending("member name is \($")
Use run
as a non-extension function.
Non-extension run
lets you execute a block of several statements where an expression is required.
let hexNumberRegex = run { () -> Regex in
let digits = "0-9"
let hexDigits = "A-Fa-f"
let sign = "+-"
return Regex("[\(sign)]?[\(digits)\(hexDigits)]+")
Using Swift Package Manager
import PackageDescription let package = Package( name: "MyApp", dependencies: [ .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.1.0")) ] )
Using CocoaPods
pod 'Scope'
Scope is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for details.