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DIAMOND Yume Nikki

installing VM

(go to ./dataset)

  1. Download xubuntu-24 as iso file (xfce4 is using x11, not wayland).
  2. Run ./
  3. If './yume-nikki-vm.qcow2' doesn't exist, it will run the installer. You can automate the process using:


* No need for third-party software and such
* Do not require password to log in
  1. If ./yume-nikki-vm.qcow2 does exist, it will boot the system.
  2. Log into your user (e.g. user: dweam password: dweam) and run:
# disable password prompts for the user in /etc/sudoers:
$ sudo vi /etc/sudoers
# - %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
# :x!
$ sudo apt install openssh-server
$ sudo systemctl enable ssh
$ sudo systemctl start ssh
  1. Run yume-nikki with wine:
cd ~/yumenikki
wine RPG_RT.exe
# install wine-mono when prompted
  1. Disable display power management or suspension in Settings > Power Management.
  2. Run python3 in the home directory.

To start recording, press 't'. This will generate ./data/video_{id:04d}/ which will be periodically rsync'ed to host to free up space on the VM.


  1. Create dweam conda environment and add it as ipython kernel accessible in jupyter.
  2. Run YN-Dataset.ipynb (so that dataset is created)
  3. Run ./ to put all hdf5 files into .tar.gz archive (alternatively, you can download the archive from huggingface and don't need steps 2 and 3).
  4. Edit AI-MarioKart64/diamond/configs/training.yaml, set wandb stuff:
  mode: online
  1. Run wandb login and paste API key.
  2. Run python src/
  • On RTX4090 (24GB VRAM) set denoising acc=6 batch=10 upsampler acc=1 batch=1
  1. To explore a model checkpoint, run YN-run.upynb (basically get spawn locations)
  2. To run it, use the src/ but change path_ckpt and spawn_dir to your spawn and checkpoint locations.