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A Handy Ncurses Cheatsheet

A handy cheatsheet for programmers working with ncurses library by GNU. Complete inshort documentation and usage details. This is a reference doc which will help you in the process of building up great interactive command line projects using the ncurses library by GNU.

How to install ncurses

Well installing ncurses library is an easy task, you just have to follow the steps listed below:

Installing ncurses on Debian/Ubuntu Linux

  1. sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev

Installing ncurses on Mac OS X

  1. Install Homebrew (if not already): /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Install ncurses package: $brew install homebrew/dupes/ncurses

How to link ncurses with project

Command structure: g++ ${file} -o ${file_path}/${file_base_name} -lncurses

Example: gcc main.cpp -o main -lncurses

Initialization Functions

Functions Discription
initscr() Initializes the terminal in cursor mode. It must be called first to do any manupulation with ncurses package.
refresh() Tell the curses system to dump the contents on the screen. It checks the window and updates only the portion which has been changed.
wrefresh() Tell the curses system to dump the contents on the given window. It checks the given window and updates only the portion which has been changed.
endwin() Ends the terminal cursor mode.
raw() Disable inline buffering. Control characters are directly passed to the program without generating a signal.
cbreak() Disable inline buffering. Control characters are interpreted as any other character by the terminal driver.
echo() Switch on echo.
noecho() Switch off echo.
keypad(stdscr,TRUE) Enable reading of fucntion keys.
halfdelay() Enable the half−delay mode, it waits for 'X' tenths of a second for input and then returns ERR, if no input is available

Miscellaneous Functions

Functions Discription
clear() Clear the stdscr window.
wclear() Clear the given window.
move(y,x) Move the cursor to the x,y position on the window.
wmove(win,y,x) Move the cursor to the x,y position on the given window.
getmaxyx(stdscr,y,x) Get the boundaries of the screeen i.e. number of rows and columns
getyx(stdscr,y,x) Get the current cusor position

Output Functions

Functions Discription
addch() Print a character with given attributes at the current cursor position and advance the position of the cursor.
mvaddch() Move the cursor to a given position and then print as by addch().
waddch() Print a character as by addch() but into the given window.
mvwaddch() Move the cursor to a given position and then print as by addch() but into the given window.
printw() Print similar to printf() but at any position on the window i.e. current cursor position and advance the position of the cursor.
mvprintw() Move the cursor to a given position and then print as by printw().
wprintw() Print as by printw() but into the given window.
mvwprintw() Move the cursor to a given position and then print as by printw() but into the given window.
addstr() Print a character string with given attributes at the current cursor position and advance the position of the cursor.
mvaddstr() Move the cursor to a given position and then print as by addstr().
waddstr() Print a character string as by addstr() but into the given window.
mvwaddstr() Move the cursor to a given position and then print as by addstr() but into the given window.

Input Functions

Functions Discription
getch() Input a character with given attributes from the current cursor position and advance the position of the cursor.
mvgetch() Move the cursor to a given position and then input as by getch().
whetch() Input a character as by getch() but from the given window.
mvwgetch() Move the cursor to a given position and then input as by getch() but into the given window.
scanw() Takes input similar to scanf() but from any position on the window i.e. current cursor position and advance the position of the cursor.
mvscanw() Move the cursor to a given position and then input as by scanw().
wscanw() Takes input as by scanw() but from the given window.
mvwscanw() Move the cursor to a given position and then input as by scanw() but from the given window.
getstr() Input a character string with given attributes from the current cursor position and advance the position of the cursor.
mvgetstr() Move the cursor to a given position and then input as by getstr().
wgetstr() Input a character string as by getstr() but from the given window.
mvwgetstr() Move the cursor to a given position and then input as by getstr() but from the given window.

Attribute Functions

Functions Discription
attron() Switches on attribute(s) given to it.
wattron() Switches on attribute(s) given to it, in the given window.
attrset() Fully overrides whatever attributes the window previously had and sets it to the new attribute(s).
wattrset() Fully overrides whatever attributes the given window previously had and sets it to the new attribute(s).
attroff() Switches off the attribute(s) given to it.
wattroff() Switches off the attribute(s) given to it, in the given window.
standend() Turns off all attributes and brings you to normal mode.
attr_get() Gets the current attributes and color pair of the window.
wattr_get() Gets the current attributes and color pair of the given window.
chgat() Change attribute(s) for characters that are already on the screen.
mvchgat() Move the cursor to the given position and then perform the work as by chgat().
wchgat() Perform the work done as by chgat() on the given window.
mvwchgat() Move the cursor to the given position and then perform the work as by chgat() on the given window.

Attributes List

We can OR(|) any number of above attributes to get a combined effect.

Functions Discription
A_NORMAL Normal display (no highlight).
A_STANDOUT Best highlighting mode of the terminal.
A_UNDERLINE Underlining.
A_REVERSE Reverse video.
A_BLINK Blinking.
A_DIM Half bright.
A_BOLD Extra bright or bold.
A_PROTECT Protected mode.
A_INVIS Invisible or blank mode.
A_ALTCHARSET Alternate character set.
A_CHARTEXT Bit−mask to extract a character.
COLOR_PAIR(n) Color−pair number n.

Color Functions

Functions Discription
start_color() Needed to be called before using colors.
has_colors() Check whether terminal has color capabilities.
init_pair() Initiate a color pair number n with foreground and background color, which can be used in COLOR_PAIR(n).
init_color() Change the rgb values for the colors defined by curses initially.
can_change_color() Check whether the terminal has the capability of changing color.


The following colors are defined in curses.h. You can use these as parameters for various color functions.

Colors Code

Windows Functions

Functions Discription
box() Draw border around windows.
newwin() Creates a new Window.
create_newwin() Creates a new window with newwin() and displays a border around it with box().
delwin() Deallocate memory related to the window.
destroy_win() Erases the window from the screena dn then delete it by calling delwin()
wborder() Draws a border around the window by the characters given to it.