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themathqueen committed Mar 8, 2024
1 parent 233fb80 commit 7b21f52
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Showing 7 changed files with 881 additions and 368 deletions.
154 changes: 62 additions & 92 deletions src/linear_algebra/my_ips/frob.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -201,6 +201,10 @@ noncomputable def matrix_direct_sum_from_to (i j : k) :
(matrix (s i) (s i) ℂ) →ₗ[ℂ] (matrix (s j) (s j) ℂ) :=
@direct_sum_from_to ℂ _ k _ (λ a, matrix (s a) (s a) ℂ) _ (λ a, matrix.module) i j

lemma matrix_direct_sum_from_to_same (i : k) :
(matrix_direct_sum_from_to i i : matrix (s i) (s i) ℂ →ₗ[ℂ] _) = 1 :=
direct_sum_from_to_apply_same _

lemma linear_map.pi_mul'_apply_include_block' {i j : k} :
(linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂) ∘ₗ
( (include_block : (ℍ_ i) →ₗ[ℂ] ℍ₂) (include_block : (ℍ_ j) →ₗ[ℂ] ℍ₂))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,104 +299,70 @@ begin
{ refl, }, },

-- lemma pi_frobenius_equation [hθ : Π i, fact (θ i).is_faithful_pos_map]
-- {i j : k} (x y : ℍ₂) :
lemma direct_sum_tensor_to_kronecker_apply
(x y : ℍ₂) (r : k × k) (a b : s r.1 × s r.2) :
(direct_sum_tensor_to_kronecker (x ⊗ₜ[ℂ] y))
r a b
= x r.1 a.1 b.1 * y r.2 a.2 b.2 :=
simp_rw [direct_sum_tensor_to_kronecker,
linear_equiv.coe_mk, direct_sum_tensor_matrix, direct_sum_tensor_apply,
tensor_product.to_kronecker_apply, kronecker_map, of_apply],

-- lemma pi_frobenius_equation [hθ : Π i, fact (θ i).is_faithful_pos_map] :
-- ((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂ ⊗ₘ (1 : l(ℍ₂)))
-- ∘ₗ ↑(tensor_product.assoc ℂ ℍ₂ ℍ₂ ℍ₂).symm
-- ∘ₗ ((1 : l(ℍ₂)) ⊗ₘ ((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂).adjoint : ℍ₂ →ₗ[] (ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂))))
-- (include_block (x i) ⊗ₜ[] include_block (y j))
-- = (((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂).adjoint : ℍ₂ →ₗ[] ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂) ∘ₗ (linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂ : ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂ →ₗ[] ℍ₂))
-- (include_block (x i) ⊗ₜ[] include_block (y j)) :=
-- = (((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂).adjoint : ℍ₂ →ₗ[] ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂) ∘ₗ (linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂ : ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂ →ₗ[] ℍ₂)) :=
-- begin
-- -- letI := λ a, (hθ a).normed_add_comm_group,
-- -- letI := λ a, (hθ a).inner_product_space,
-- have := calc
-- apply tensor_product.ext',
-- intros x y,
-- rw [← sum_include_block x, ← sum_include_block y],
-- calc
-- ((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂ ⊗ₘ (1 : l(ℍ₂)))
-- ∘ₗ (tensor_product.assoc ℂ ℍ₂ ℍ₂ ℍ₂).symm.to_linear_map
-- ∘ₗ (tensor_product.assoc ℂ ℍ₂ ℍ₂ ℍ₂).symm
-- ∘ₗ ((1 : l(ℍ₂)) ⊗ₘ ((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂).adjoint : ℍ₂ →ₗ[] (ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂))))
-- (include_block (x i) ⊗ₜ[] include_block (y j))
-- =
-- (linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂ ⊗ₘ (1 : l(ℍ₂)))
-- ((tensor_product.assoc ℂ ℍ₂ ℍ₂ ℍ₂).symm
-- ((include_block ⊗ₘ (include_block ⊗ₘ include_block))
-- (x i ⊗ₜ[] (linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j)).adjoint (y j)))) : _
-- ... = (linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂ ⊗ₘ (1 : l(ℍ₂)))
-- (((include_block ⊗ₘ include_block) ⊗ₘ include_block)
-- ((tensor_product.assoc ℂ (ℍ_ i) (ℍ_ j) (ℍ_ j)).symm
-- (x i ⊗ₜ[] (linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j)).adjoint (y j)))) : _
-- ... = if (i = j) then (
-- (((include_block : (ℍ_ j) →ₗ[] ℍ₂) ⊗ₘ include_block) ∘ₗ
-- ((linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j) ⊗ₘ (1 : l(ℍ_ j)))
-- ∘ₗ ↑(tensor_product.assoc ℂ (ℍ_ j) (ℍ_ j) (ℍ_ j)).symm
-- ∘ₗ ((1 : l(ℍ_ j)) ⊗ₘ (linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j)).adjoint)))
-- (x j ⊗ₜ[] y j)) else 0 : _,
-- -- ... = if (i = j) then (
-- -- ((include_block ⊗ₘ include_block) ∘ₗ
-- -- ((linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j)).adjoint ∘ₗ (linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j)))) (x j ⊗ₜ[] y j)) else 0 : _,
-- -- ... = if (i = j) then (
-- -- (include_block ⊗ₘ include_block)
-- -- ((linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j)).adjoint
-- -- ((linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j)) (x j ⊗ₜ[] y j)))) else 0 : _,
-- { rw [linear_equiv.to_linear_map_eq_coe] at this,
-- simp_rw [frobenius_equation], }
-- -- ... = (M ⊗ₘ (1 : l(ℍ₂)))
-- -- (((include_block ⊗ₘ include_block) ⊗ₘ include_block)
-- -- ((tensor_product.assoc ℂ (ℍ_ i) (ℍ_ j) (ℍ_ j)).symm
-- -- (x ⊗ₜ[] (linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j)).adjoint y))) : _
-- -- ... = (M ∘ₗ (include_block ⊗ₘ include_block) ⊗ₘ include_block)
-- -- ((tensor_product.assoc ℂ (ℍ_ i) (ℍ_ j) (ℍ_ j)).symm
-- -- (x ⊗ₜ[] (linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j)).adjoint y)) : _
-- -- ... = 0 : _,
-- -- rw ← (direct_sum_tensor_to_kronecker : ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂ ≃ₗ[] Π i : (k × k), matrix (s i.fst × s i.snd) (s i.fst × s i.snd) ℂ).injective.eq_iff,
-- -- ext1 a,
-- -- ext1 b c,
-- -- simp_rw [linear_map.comp_apply, tensor_product.map_tmul, linear_map.mul'_adjoint_single_block,
-- -- linear_map.mul'_adjoint, map_sum, smul_hom_class.map_smul, tensor_product.tmul_sum,
-- -- tensor_product.tmul_smul, map_sum, smul_hom_class.map_smul, linear_equiv.coe_coe,
-- -- tensor_product.map_tmul, tensor_product.assoc_symm_tmul, tensor_product.map_tmul,
-- -- linear_map.one_apply, linear_map.mul'_apply, include_block_mul_include_block,
-- -- direct_sum_tensor_to_kronecker, linear_equiv.coe_mk, direct_sum_tensor_matrix,
-- -- direct_sum_tensor_apply, tensor_product.to_kronecker_apply,
-- -- finset.sum_apply, pi.smul_apply, kronecker_map, of_apply,
-- -- dite_apply, dite_mul, pi.zero_apply, zero_mul, smul_dite, smul_zero,include_block_apply_std_basis_matrix, include_block_apply,
-- -- block_diag'_apply, dite_apply, dite_mul, pi.zero_apply, zero_mul,
-- -- linear_map.apply_dite, map_zero, direct_sum_tensor, linear_equiv.coe_mk,
-- -- linear_map.apply_dite, dite_apply, map_zero, pi.zero_apply, linear_map.apply_dite,
-- -- map_zero, dite_apply, pi.zero_apply, finset.sum_dite_irrel, finset.sum_const_zero],
-- -- congr,
-- -- ext1 h,
-- -- simp only [h, linear_map.mul'_adjoint_single_block, smul_dite, smul_zero,
-- -- finset.sum_dite_irrel, finset.sum_const_zero, std_basis_matrix],
-- -- by_cases j = i,
-- -- { simp only [h, eq_self_iff_true, dif_pos, linear_map.mul'_adjoint_single_block,
-- -- linear_map.mul'_adjoint, map_sum, smul_hom_class.map_smul, pi.smul_apply,
-- -- finset.sum_apply, tensor_product.map_tmul, direct_sum_tensor_apply,
-- -- tensor_product.to_kronecker_apply, kronecker_map, of_apply,
-- -- include_block_apply_std_basis_matrix],
-- -- simp only [std_basis_matrix, block_diag'_apply, mul_ite, mul_one, mul_zero,
-- -- ite_mul, one_mul, zero_mul, smul_ite, smul_zero, smul_dite, mul_dite, dite_mul],
-- -- simp only [finset.sum_dite_irrel, finset.sum_const_zero, finset.sum_ite_irrel,
-- -- ite_and,, finset.sum_ite_eq', finset.sum_ite_eq, finset.sum_dite_eq,
-- -- finset.sum_dite_eq', finset.mem_univ, if_true],
-- -- split_ifs; simp [h_1, h],
-- -- apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
-- -- intros h_2,
-- -- split_ifs;
-- -- simp [h_3], }

-- -- rw [matrix_eq_sum_include_block x, matrix_eq_sum_include_block y],
-- -- simp only [tensor_product.sum_tmul, tensor_product.tmul_sum, map_sum,
-- -- simp_rw [← linear_map.comp_apply, ← tensor_product.map_tmul, linear_map.mul'_adjoint_single_block hθ],
-- -- linear_map.one_apply],
-- -- simp_rw [← tensor_product.map_tmul, ← linear_map.comp_apply,
-- -- ← linear_equiv.to_linear_map_eq_coe, tensor_product.assoc_symm_comp_map,
-- -- ← linear_map.comp_assoc, ← tensor_product.map_comp],

-- -- have := calc ∑ (x_1 x_2 : k), ((((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂).comp (include_block ⊗ₘ include_block)) ⊗ₘ include_block).comp
-- -- (tensor_product.assoc ℂ (ℍ_ x_2) (ℍ_ x_1) (ℍ_ x_1).symm.to_linear_map))
-- -- (x x_2 ⊗ₜ[] (m_ x_1 ⋆) (y x_1))
-- -- = 0 : _,
-- -- rw [linear_map.mul'_direct_sum_apply_include_block'],
-- ((∑ i, include_block (x i)) ⊗ₜ[] (∑ j, include_block (y j)))
-- =
-- ∑ i j, if (i = j) then (
-- ((include_block ⊗ₘ include_block) ∘ₗ
-- ((linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j)).adjoint ∘ₗ (linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j))))
-- ((x j) ⊗ₜ[] (y j))) else 0 :
-- by { simp_rw [tensor_product.sum_tmul, tensor_product.tmul_sum, map_sum],
-- repeat { apply finset.sum_congr rfl, intros },
-- rw [frobenius_equation_direct_sum_aux], }
-- ... =
-- ∑ j, ((include_block ⊗ₘ include_block)
-- ((linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j)).adjoint
-- ((linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j))
-- ((x j) ⊗ₜ[] (y j))))) :
-- by { simp_rw [finset.sum_ite_eq, finset.mem_univ, if_true,
-- linear_map.comp_apply], }
-- ... =
-- ∑ j, (((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂).adjoint : ℍ₂ →ₗ[] ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂)
-- ∘ₗ (include_block ∘ₗ (linear_map.mul' ℂ (ℍ_ j))))
-- ((x j) ⊗ₜ[] (y j)) :
-- by { simp_rw [linear_map.comp_apply, linear_map.pi_mul'_adjoint_single_block], }
-- ... =
-- ∑ i j, ite (i = j)
-- ((((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂).adjoint : ℍ₂ →ₗ[] ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂) ∘ₗ
-- (include_block.comp ((linear_map.mul' ℂ (matrix (s j) (s j) ℂ)).comp (matrix_direct_sum_from_to i j ⊗ₘ 1))))
-- (x i ⊗ₜ[] y j)
-- )
-- 0 :
-- by { simp_rw [finset.sum_ite_eq, finset.mem_univ, if_true,
-- matrix_direct_sum_from_to_same, tensor_product.map_one, linear_map.comp_one], }
-- ... =
-- ∑ j, (((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂).adjoint : ℍ₂ →ₗ[] ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂)
-- ((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂ : ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂ →ₗ[] ℍ₂)
-- (include_block (x j) ⊗ₜ[] include_block (y j)))) :
-- by { simp_rw [← linear_map.pi_mul'_apply_include_block'], }
-- ... =
-- (((linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂).adjoint : ℍ₂ →ₗ[] ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂) ∘ₗ (linear_map.mul' ℂ ℍ₂ : ℍ₂ ⊗[] ℍ₂ →ₗ[] ℍ₂))
-- ((∑ i, include_block (x i)) ⊗ₜ[] (∑ j, include_block (y j))) :
-- by { },

-- end

lemma frobenius_equation' [hφ : fact φ.is_faithful_pos_map] :
Expand Down
43 changes: 32 additions & 11 deletions src/linear_algebra/my_ips/nontracial.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1182,9 +1182,31 @@ begin
intros i,
private def f₁_equiv :
(ℍ₂ ⊗[ℂ] ℍ₂ᵐᵒᵖ) ≃ₗ[ℂ] ℍ₂ ⊗[ℂ] ℍ₂ := (1 : ℍ₂ ≃ₗ[ℂ] ℍ₂) (mul_opposite.op_linear_equiv ℂ).symm

@[simps] def pi.transpose_alg_equiv (p : Type*) [fintype p] [decidable_eq p]
(n : p → Type*) [Π i, fintype (n i)] [Π i, decidable_eq (n i)] :
(Π i, matrix (n i) (n i) ℂ) ≃ₐ[ℂ] (Π i, matrix (n i) (n i) ℂ)ᵐᵒᵖ :=
{ to_fun := λ A, mul_opposite.op (λ i, (A i)ᵀ),
inv_fun := λ A, (λ i, (mul_opposite.unop A i)ᵀ),
left_inv := λ A, by
{ simp only [mul_opposite.unop_op, transpose_transpose], },
right_inv := λ A, by
{ simp only [mul_opposite.op_unop, transpose_transpose], },
map_add' := λ A B, by
{ simp only [pi.add_apply, transpose_add],
refl, },
map_mul' := λ A B, by
{ simp only [pi.mul_apply, mul_eq_mul, transpose_mul, ← mul_opposite.op_mul],
refl, },
commutes' := λ c, by
{ simp only [algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one, pi.smul_apply, pi.one_apply,
transpose_smul, transpose_one],
refl, }, }

lemma pi.transpose_alg_equiv_symm_op_apply (A : Π i, matrix (s i) (s i) ℂ) :
(pi.transpose_alg_equiv k s).symm (mul_opposite.op A) = λ i, (A i)ᵀ :=

private def f₂_equiv :
ℍ₂ ⊗[ℂ] ℍ₂ ≃ₐ[ℂ] Π i : k × k, (matrix (s i.1) (s i.1) ℂ ⊗[ℂ] matrix (s i.2) (s i.2) ℂ) :=
Expand All @@ -1207,15 +1229,14 @@ private def f₄_equiv :
// x.is_block_diagonal } :=

def tensor_product_mul_op_equiv :
(ℍ₂ ⊗[ℂ] ℍ₂ᵐᵒᵖ) ≃ₐ[ℂ]
Π i : k × k, matrix (s i.1 × s i.2) (s i.1 × s i.2) ℂ :=
(1 : ℍ₂ ≃ₐ[ℂ] ℍ₂) (pi.transpose_alg_equiv k s : ℍ₂ ≃ₐ[ℂ] ℍ₂ᵐᵒᵖ).symm).trans
(f₂_equiv.trans (f₃_equiv))

private def f₅_equiv :
(ℍ₂ ⊗[ℂ] ℍ₂ᵐᵒᵖ)
≃ₗ[ℂ] { x : matrix (Σ i : k × k, s i.1 × s i.2) (Σ i : k × k, s i.1 × s i.2) ℂ
// x.is_block_diagonal } :=
let : ℍ₂ ⊗[ℂ] ℍ₂ ≃ₐ[ℂ] _ := f₂_equiv.trans (f₃_equiv.trans f₄_equiv),
exact f₁_equiv.trans this.to_linear_equiv,

noncomputable def module.dual.pi.is_faithful_pos_map.Psi_inv_fun'
(hψ : Π i, fact (ψ i).is_faithful_pos_map) (t r : ℝ) :
Expand Down

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