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How to use "_PlaceFilter"

Joseph edited this page Nov 20, 2024 · 1 revision

At some point, you may have thought or wanted to make fast flags only affect certain games of your liking. It does exist, and it's called PlaceFilter.

So how does it work?

Let's say you want to use DFFlagOrder66. You need to put "_PlaceFilter" at the end of the flag, which now becomes "DFFlagOrder66_PlaceFilter".

Use the value you want to use, you want to logically use "true" for DFFlagOrder66.

You put a semicolon after the value and then the id of the game you want to use, I will use the game "Rivals" as an example. Rivals has the id for 17625359962. You can find the id of any game by looking at the game link.

The value is now "true;17625359962".

    "DFFlagOrder66_PlaceFilter": "true;17625359962"

And then finally, you can import it into Bloxstrap/AppleBlox.

You can also use this with multiple games, just put a semicolon after each game id you put.

    "DFFlagOrder66_PlaceFilter": "true;17625359962;738339342;2897155393"
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