Welcome to Dexify. Discover and Read Manga from the comfort of your Android smartphone. iOS version coming soon.
The app is available in the following countries:
- United States of America
- Canada
- United Kingdom
- Australia
You must be running Android 11 (API 31) or later in order to run the app.
If you wish to install the APK directly to your device, check the Releases tag on this Github repository.
Note: the Github releases may not be always up to date with the
branch or the Google Play releases.
This is a React Native app. You can run the app on your local computer. Requirements:
- Yarn
- Android SDK (must support version API 31 or later)
- Android smartphone with development mode enabled
The iOS version of the app has not been worked on at the moment so it cannot be ran on your local device. Support coming soon.
Please follow React Native's development environment setup steps if you haven't set up a React Native project yet.
Once done, open two terminal windows:
# window 1 -- starts Metro
yarn start
# window 2 -- builds and installs the app to your Android device
yarn android
This is not an official Mangadex mobile client.
The app uses Mangadex's services (ref) to display information. Anime information is taken from youranime.moe which itself comes from Kitsu and Anilist.
The ability to read manga on this app is provided by Mangadex where the ability to read from official is provided whenever possible. See Mangadex to learn more how they manage their data.