Sadly this module is depreciated.:(
Library to work as API to the Oregon State's registration system. I want to this to serve as a tool for other long-suffering students who want to streamline registration/class management.
First be sure you have the module lxml
as it is a dependency for parsing the html.
git clone
cd OSU-Registration
sudo python install
Working with the library is just instantiating the class and calling it's member functions
First import the module
import registration
Set up variables with your student id and password for the registration website.
sid = '930608334'
pin = '431254'
Instantiate the class
registration_class = registration.infosu(sid, pin)
When the registration_class
is instantiated it fetches the transcript access it like this:
The get_transcript
function updates the transcript
registration_class.transcript.grades #Print out a list of classes you have taken with grades
registration.transcript.credits #Print out how many credits you have
You can use the transcript to check if you have already taken a class or not.
transcript.has_class('cs', '162')
transcript.has_passed_class('cs', '162')
Or you can use it to see your grade distribution
When the registration_class
object is instantiated it fetches your current schedule
registration_class.schedule.schedule #get dictionary of days of the week
The get_schedule
function updates the schedule that your registration_class
objects has
schedule.current_classes #Array of classes and details of classes you are taking
schedule.schedule #Array of your weekly schedule
The class_search
function searches for a class using the Department name and the Course number.
registration_class.class_search('cs', '261')
Or you can search for a class that does not conflict with your current schedule
registration_class.class_search_schedule('cs', '261')
The add_class
function takes a up to CRNs and tries to add the class, returns True
or False
The make_schedule
will return all possible non-conflicting combinations for a list of classes. This function takes a array of classes, a optional arguement for the term. If no arguement is given it will assume the current term.
registration_class.make_schedule(['cs 261', 'fr 213', 'cs 275', 'mth 232']) #current term
registration_class.make_schedule(['cs 162', 'mth 111'], 'F12') # This will return the combinations for fall 2012
The get_major_requirements
function gets a list of classes that you need to take in order to graduate
audit = registration_class.get_major_requirements()