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Kubernetes Configuration

Ken Steinfeldt edited this page Aug 2, 2019 · 2 revisions

Configuring the Helm chart for Kubernetes

The following files will need to be edited to deploy the service broker with Helm

  • values.yaml
  • templates/configmap.yaml


Connection credentials are set in these two fields. The values are used to create secrets during installation.

api:  // this secret will set the credentials for the service broker
  name: ecs-broker  // name of the secret + "-auth"
  namespace: default  // k8s namespace
  username: admin  // service broker admin user
  password: ChangeMe  // admin user password

ecsConnection:  // this secret is for your ECS management credentials
  name: ecs-broker-connection  // name of the secret + "-auth"
  username: <MANAGEMENT_USER_NAME>  // ecs management username
  password: <MANAGEMENT_PASSWORD>  // ecs management password


This file defines the spring application.yml file the broker will use. It contains details of the ecs connection and defines the desired service plans. Below we finish the ecs connection buy filling out the remaining details such as the endpoints, namespace, etc. the prefix value prefixes the automated bucket and object names with a human readable or distinguishing name. For example production-.

      object-endpoint: ""  // change this to your object endpoint
      management-endpoint: ""  // change this to your management endpoint
      namespace: <ECS_NAMESPACE>  // ecs namespace the broker is using
      replication-group: ecstestdrivegeo  // ecs replication group
      prefix: kubetesting-  // desired prefix (optional)

Below the connection settings is the catalog block. This block is where the catalog is defined. We have predefined two services and two plans in the provided chart. They can be served by changing the active field to "true" but can be freely discarded or edited as desired.

        active: true
        bindable: true
        description: "Elastic Cloud S3 Object Storage Bucket"
        id: f3cbab6a-5172-4ff1-a5c7-72990f0ce2aa

Once these files are configured the broker is easily installed run helm install charts from the projects root directory.