Codes to generate input files for ardis
There are five codes here:
Code to read in chem files outputted by CHEMCLIM and search for specific molecule:
Inputs: chem file name, molecule name
filename: path to chem file as a string
molname: molecule name as a string
Element 0: list of mixing ratios
Element 1: list of corresponding altitudes (km)
Code to extract effective altitudes and the lowest altitude temperature from a LAYERS file:
Input: LAYERS file
filename: path to LAYERS file as a string
Element 0: list of effective altitudes
Element 1: list of temperatures for all layers
Code to create reflectance AUTOSPEC files:
Inputs: LAYERS file, chem file, molecule list, stellar host temperature
layersfile: path to LAYERS file as a string
chemfile: path to chem file as a string
mollist: list of molecules (all as strings written exactly as in the chem file)
temp: stellar host temperature as a string with two decimal places
Output: reflectance AUTOSPEC file
Reflectance file: original LAYERS file name with suffix _AUTOSPEC_reflectance
Code to create emission AUTOSPEC files:
Inputs: LAYERS file, chem file, molecule list, stellar host temperature
layersfile: path to LAYERS file as a string
chemfile: path to chem file as a string
mollist: list of molecules (all as strings written exactly as in the chem file)
Output: emission AUTOSPEC file
Emission file: original LAYERS file name with suffix _AUTOSPEC_emission
Code to create emission AUTOSPEC files with cloud layers:
Inputs: LAYERS file, chem file, molecule list, stellar host temperature
layersfile: path to LAYERS file as a string
chemfile: path to chem file as a string
mollist: list of molecules (all as strings written exactly as in the chem file)
calt: altitude of cloud layer in km (as a float)
Output: emission AUTOSPEC file
Emission file: original LAYERS file name with suffix _AUTOSPEC_emission_#km
Code to create both reflectance and emission AUTOSPEC files:
Inputs: LAYERS file, chem file, molecule list, stellar host temperature
layersfile: path to LAYERS file as a string
chemfile: path to chem file as a string
mollist: list of molecules (all as strings written exactly as in the chem file)
temp: stellar host temperature as a string with two decimal places
clist: list of cloud altitudes as floats
Outputs: reflectance and emission AUTOSPEC files
Reflectance file: original LAYERS file name with suffix _AUTOSPEC_reflectance
Emission file: original LAYERS file name with suffix _AUTOSPEC_emission
Emission files with clouds: like emission, but with _#km suffix with cloud altitude
Put all 6 codes in the same directory and run make_AUTO with your LAYERS file, chem file, molecule list, stellar host temperature, and list of cloud altitudes as inputs. At the end of there is an example run with an example molecule list and cloud altitude list.