This is our inaugural newsletter sent to you via Buttondown, and we sincerely appreciate your confirmation of subscription with us.
In 2024, we proudly celebrate the fifth anniversary since the lauch of The Turing Way. To mark this significant milestone, we're eager to hear your ideas and invite you to share this celebration with us.
Amidst other news, we're excited to share a few highlights from the community and our ongoing projects:
- ππ¨ Apply to host a Book Dash Hub or to join the Planning Committee ββΒ applications extended until 15 March
- π‘ Practitioners Hub's Expression of Interest form for the second cohort is now open.
- π Catch up on new chapters on Data Hazards and Electronic Lab Notebooks
- βοΈ Next onboarding call is on 27 March, 15:00 UK time - save it in your calendar and sign-up to join
Find more updates and opportunities in the 'Community News' and 'Opportunities in The Turing Way orbit' sections below. To keep up to date with community events, you can also subscribe to our shared calendar here. π
If you're interested in keeping up in real-time, don't forget that you can always join our Slack workspace, follow the project on Twitter, or join us on Fosstodon.
Illustration by Scriberia showing community as a garden and members as gardeners. Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.
π Check out our new events calendar to learn more about what is happening in the community.
β¨ If you are attending an event and would like to meet folks from across the community, please include that in this pad.
AI-UK, the UK's biggest event showcasing data science and AI, is back this year! Hosted by The Alan Turing Institute, this event will discuss and showcase how AI and data science can help us tackle big challenges in the real world.
The Turing Way team is excited to return and host an exhibition booth at the conference. A big shoutout to Emma Karoune, Alexandra Araujo Alvarez, and Anne Lee Steele, who are busy planning The Turing Way booth. We're also thrilled to have Esther Plomp joining us in London. Kirstie and Malvika will be there too, ready to chat with the attendees.
Want to know more about the event or watch it live from home? Check out the free livestream.
If you're planning to join, whether it's from your couch or in person, we'd love to hear from you! Just drop an message to Anne at β we're looking forward to connecting with you.
Save the Date! Our First Book Dash of 2024 will be taking place on 3-7 June 2024. Send your details to join the Planning Committee and host a local hub. We have extended the date till 15 March.
Take a look at these tweets and toots to learn more. For more information, get in touch with Anne, who will be happy to discuss additional details and opportunities with you.
To disemminate outcomes from the first cohort of The Turing Way Practitioners Hub, we hosted a showcase event on March 6th. Centered around the theme Co-adoption of AI and Open Practices for Innovation, this event featured expert panels, attendee-led discussions and showcasing case studies from the first cohort (resources shared on Zenodo).
It also marked the opening of a call for Expression of Interests, inviting organisations and Small and Medium Enterprises to participate in the second cohort, scheduled to commence in September 2024.
We encourage you to read the newly published meta case study to learn more and evaluate how you can represent your organisation in the second cohort. For any further information, feel free to reach out to The Turing Way team.
In 2024, we are hosting public community calls that bring together folks from across the project - open to all! These calls serve as a platform for the community to come together, share accomplishments, and discuss governance-related matters.
Save the dates for the future calls planned for 2024:
- Tuesday 23 April (15:00 - 16:30) - In your time zone
- Thursday 11 July (15:00 - 16:30) - In your time zone
- Thursday 03 Oct (15:00 - 16:30) - In your time zone
- Thursday 12 Dec (15:00 - 16:30) - In your time zone
We hosted our first call in February, recording from which is available on our YouTube Channel
If you are involved in a working group, collaboration or a Turing Way project, please get in touch to talk about them in one of these calls.
Illustration by Scriberia.
Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.
There are lots of updates from the community from the past few months: everything from adding new collaborators to new chapters, project updates, to everything in between!
Please join us in planning our 5 year anniversary, in this issue recently made my Malvika. Join the conversation in discussing how we should celebrate 5 years of our amazing community and project: the-turing-way/the-turing-way#3518
Kirstie also recently submitted a mini workshop for Collaborations Workshop 2024, where The Turing. Learn more on the Github issue (#3551).
Thank you for participating in the discussion related to The Turing Way domain (issue #3266).
We have gone ahead and reserved
, transition to which will be supported by our Infrastructure Working Group.
If you are interested in joining the conversation and support the work behind the scene, please join the #infrastructure channel in our Slack Workspace.
The Turing Way will be part of the Turing's partnership in the Wellcome Trust-funded Data Science Without Borders' project.
As part of the Turing team, Malvika Sharan joined Owen Reckham, Katrina Payne and Camilla Rangel Smith (our previous Translation and Localisation co-lead) in attending the project launch event in Addis Ababa, hosted by The African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) and Africa CDC.
The project kick-off took place from 19 to 22 February, leading to insightful conversations with collaborators from Africa CDC, APHRC and Pathfinder countries: Armauer Hansen Research Institute - Ethiopia, the Institute for Health Research, Epidemiological Surveillance and Training - Senegal, Douala General Hospital - Cameroon; as well as technical partners alongside the Turing: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the Committee on Data (CODATA). The Turing team presented a session (slide deck) and discussed their roles in the project, highlighting the use of The Turing Way in capacity building, skills training and sharing best practices as learned from this project with the braoder community.
In December 2023, Malvika recorded a podcast about The Turing Way with Richard Littauer from Sustain OSS. The Sustain podcast brings together practitioners, sustainers, funders, researchers and maintainers of the open source ecosystem. We have conversations about the health and sustainability of the open source community.
Hosted all throughout the month, our recurring community calls are important and engaging spaces where you can learn more about The Turing Way!
Some require sign-ups (π) and some don't (β ), but absolutely all are welcome to these calls! β¨
- π Onboarding calls: The next call is THIS MONTH on 27 March, 15:00-16:00 UTC (in your timezone). These calls are hosted every two months, join us to connect with other new members of the community and learn more about the project!
- β Collaboration Cafe: The next call is on 20 March, 14:00-16:00 UTC (see in your time zone). Feel free to drop in to meet the community, do some focused writing, or otherwise -- more information on Etherpad.
- β Core Team Coworking Calls: every Monday, 10:00 UTC (see in your time zone). Find the joining link on this shared Etherpad.
- β Translation and Localisation Weekly Meetings: every other Wednesday at 14:30 UTC (in your time zone). These calls are for co-working on translation and localisation efforts across several languages, and for learning more about the work of the team. Join the #translation channel on Slack for more. ββ Note: these calls are currently cancelled for the month of March due to Ramadan.
- β Infrastructure Monthly Meetings: every second Thursday of the month, at 16:00 UTC (in your time zone). These calls are for co-working on infrastructure support, and for learning more about the work of the team. Join the #infrastructure channel on Slack for more.
- β Accessibility Monthly Meetings: every second Monday of the month, at 17:00 UTC (in your time zone). These calls are for planning monthly sprints and co-working on access-related chapters and upcoming guide. Join the #accessibility channel on Slack for more.
Illustration by Scriberia.
Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.
As always, we encourage you to take a look at our issues or pull requests to get involved with the project! There are plenty of chapters to get involved with, bugs to fix, and questiont o ask in the community.
Congratulations to two teams who recently published new chapters on Data Hazards and Electronic Lab Notebooks, respectively.
Shout out to all co-developers and reviewers of this chapter in the Guide for Ethical Research:
This chapter finds its roots in the work of Nina Di Cara and Natalie Zelenka, the creators of the Data Hazards Project and previous contributors to The Turing Way book. This chapter also collates information and knowledge gathered from Susana Roman Garcia and Ceilidh Welsh's experience hosting a one-day Data Ethics Symposium in March 2023.
The writing and reviewing process took months of discussion and review, involving members of the Data Hazards Team and The Turing Way, and is still a work in progress! If you wanted to get involved please check out some discussions on the chapter: the-turing-way/the-turing-way#3514
Learn more in our coverage on Twitter, Mastodon, and Linkedin.
Massive shout out to Richart Acton for drafting, and Esther Plomp and Danny Garside for reviewing this new chapter, now published in the Guide of Reproducible Research:
This sub-chapter originated with a section that Richard Acton wrote for members of the HDBI research consortium. Many of the revisions and conversations about this chapter were discussed in this pull request: the-turing-way/the-turing-way#3466.
It covers the pros and cons of ELNs compared to paper notebooks; common problems when adopting ELNs; considerations of lock-in and how to minimise it; and archival function of lab notebooks and what ELNs mean for this. It further discusses the potential for automations and integrations, provides links to resources to aid in selecting an ELN and highlights some open-source ELN and concludes with a call for open-standards development efforts!
Learn more in our coverage on Twitter, Mastodon, and Linkedin.
It's been a busy few months of talks by and with community leaders. As always, you can find an ongoing record in our Zenodo Community page.
- At the first Community Call, we featured talks from three Working Groups and a presentation from Kirstie.
- Melissa Black gave a talk about the Translation and Localisation Working Group at the Community Call on 15 February
- Liz Hare gave a talk about the "Accessibility Working Group" at the Community Call on 15 February
- Emma Karoune, Esther Plomp, and Arielle Bennett gave a talk about the "Book Dash Working Group" at the Community Call on 15 February
- Kirstie Whitaker gave a presentation on "Decision making in The Turing Way" at the Community Call on 15 February: Zenodo link
- Lena Karvovskaya, Carlos Martinez, Elisa Rodenburg, and Esther Plomp gave a about "TTW: Try Teaming-up With the Turing Way: Time Totally Well-spent" on 27 February: Zenodo link.
- Job: Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsonβs Research (MJFF): Community Manager of Research Data Resources
- β° Rolling
- π° $65,000-$85,000
- π Location: In-person, hybrid or remote
- π Read Details
- Fellowship: Open Future: Open Future Fellow
- β° Rolling
- π Location: Remote
- π Read Details
For more events, subscribe to the Open Research Calendar.
You are welcome to join The Turing Way community, and learn more about the project.
- About the project
- The Turing Way book
- HackMD Intro Page
- GitHub repository
- Slack Workspace
- Mastodon profile
- YouTube Channel
- Twitter profile
If you'd like to contribute to the next newsletter, please email Anne Lee Steele at! Feel free to send her a message on Slack, or book some time in on Anne's calendly to say hello.
Did you miss the last newsletters? Check them out here.