The Turing Way Book Dash Call for Applications, Practitioners Hub Workshop Update and GitHub Organisation Plans
Hello and welcome to our latest newsletter, curated by me: Alexandra, The Turing Way Research Project Manager, with contributions from the amazing The Turing Way team.
Below are some highlights of what you will find in this edition:
- 📚💨 Call for applications is open for November's Book Dash until 11 September 2023 - apply!
- 📹 Find updates from our First Practitioners Hub workshop on exploring cross-sector needs, challenges and opportunities - watch recording from the keynote panel.
- 🏗️ Our Infrastructure Working Group is planning a dedicated Github organisation for The Turing Way - join the discussion.
Keep reading for details on these highlights in 'Community News', 'Opportunities' and more from The Turing Way community.
To keep up to date with community events, you can also subscribe to our shared calendar.
If you're interested in keeping up in real-time, please check out our Welcome page, join our Slack workspace, follow the project on Twitter, or join us on Fosstodon.
We are excited to announce that our next Book Dash is scheduled for 13-17 November 2023.
Send your application via the application form for applicants The application deadline is 11 September 2023 (everywhere in the world).
Anne Lee Steele and Susana Roman Garcia (Thank you!) have recorded a few videos to walk you through the Book Dash application process (with chapter markers so that you can pick & choose what you might need some guidance for).
Watch videos for detailed explanation:
Our London Hub and the TU Delft Hubs fostered wonderful collaborations and connections in May 2023. We are very keen to have more hubs join the event!
Send your interest by filling out this form for local hub.
Please submit your application as soon as possible, even if you don't have all your local details finalised - we are keen to help! Please get in touch if you have any questions or feedback by emailing or on Slack via the #ask-away channel or by reaching out to me via Direct Message.
Over the past year, it has become clear that The Turing Way has expanded greatly in size and would benefit from having its own GitHub organisation. Anne has consulted with our Translation and Localisation Working Group members who already use an organisation to maintain different resources for their work, as well as discussed with the project leads to assess the crucial roles of a GitHub organisation on the community-led work.
With these details, our Infrastructure Working Group will lead the scoping and implementation plans, as well as inform the transition timeline and process. At a recent Collaboration Café, they also had an open discussion with the Translation and Localisation team to understand the various needs and challenges, notes from which are shared on issue #3255.
Follow and join this discussion on GitHub Organisation for The Turing Way on issue #3213.
On Thursday 27 July 2023, The Turing Way Practitioners Hub hosted their first hybrid workshop hosted at The Alan Turing Institute's office in London, UK.
From left to right (standing): Malvika Sharan, Lucy Stephenson, Lauren Wool, Vicky Hellon, Brian Tarran. (Seated): Rowan Hemsi, Neil Chue Hong, Kirstie Whitaker, Alexandra Araujo Alvarez and Raphael Sonabend
The Experts in Residence came together for a day to discuss their roles, challenges with adopting data science best practices in their respective fields and to what future directions they can collectively work towards.
A public keynote panel was facilitated by Jennifer Ding on "Exploring cross-sector needs, challenges, and opportunities", with the invited speakers Kirstie Whitaker, Simon Reeve, Lauren Wool and Neil Chue Hong.
You can watch the keynote panel.
From left to right, standing, Jeniffer Ding. Seated: Kirstie Whitaker, Simon Reeve, Lauren Wool and Neil Chue Hong
We would like to thank everyone who participated in the event and look forward to facilitating more conversations in the coming months.
Julien Colomb, Jo Havemann and Malvika Sharan will be delivering the Managing Open & Reproducible Computational Projects on 30 and 31 August from 10:00 to 13:00 UK time. They will introduce best practices in data science project management and teach how to apply them to a computational research project.
Read details and register to attend the workshop
This is a pilot version of this workshop. Therefore, we are particularly seeking participation from members who would like to both learn and reuse materials to teach others about managing computational projects. We have created 25 tickets, which will be allocated on a "first come first serve" basis. For any questions, please email or reaching out to me via Direct Message.
All are welcome to these calls, no sign-up is needed! ✨
- Collaboration Cafe: The next call is on 06 September 2023, 15:00-17:00 UTC (in your time zone). Join us for a Community Chat in the main room, and work on your own projects in break-out rooms!
- Translation and Localisation Weekly Meetings: every second Tuesday at 16:00 UTC (in your time zone). These calls are for co-working on translation and localisation efforts across several languages, and for learning more about the work of the team.
- Infrastructure Monthly Meetings: every second Thursday of the month, at 16:00 UTC (in your time zone). These calls are for co-working on infrastructure support, and for learning more about the work of the team.
- Accessibility Monthly Meetings: every second Monday of the month, at 17:00 UTC (in your time zone)
- Fireside Chats: We are on summer hiatus for July and August, but will be back in September. We always plan these talks as close to the last Thursday or Friday of the month as possible, depending on speaker availability. Follow us on Eventbrite to be alerted about upcoming events.
Many members of The Turing Way community take a break in August. If this is your plan too, we wish you a good break and hope you find moments to rest, relax and enjoy your time away. 💐
We are taking a mid-season break before we return with the next sets of Fireside Chat in September. Meanwhile, why not catch up on or rewatch our Fireside Chats from this year so far?
"Reflect, unlearn, reframe: Community care in times of digital burnout" (March 2023) Speakers: Mayya Sundukova (Open Life Science), Chris Hartgerink (Liberate Science) and Agnes Kiragga (African Population Health Research Council) Facilitated by: Patricia Herterich (Open Life Science) and Eirini Zormpa (The Alan Turing Institute)
"Implementing Open Science at Scale" (May 2023) Speakers: Alex Mendonça (ScieELO), Ana Persic (UNESCO), Nokuthula Mchunu (Africa Open Science Platform) and Steve Crawford (NASA-TOPS). Facilitated by: Malvika Sharan (The Turing Way) and Chelle Gentemann (NASA-TOPS)
“Between computation, climate and culture: perspectives on sustainability and research”. Speakers: Claire Buckley (Julie's Bicycle), Loïc Lannelongue (Green Algorithms, University of Cambridge), Shannon Dosemagen (Open Environmental Data Project), and Anne Pasek (Low Carbon Research Methods) Facilitated by: Alejandro Coca-Castro (Environmental Data Science book) and Carlos Martinez-Ortiz (Netherlands eScience Centre). Both core contributors to The Turing Way
Want to collaborate to co-design and facilitate a Fireside Chat in 2024? Contact our Research Community Manager Anne Lee Steele (
Illustration by Scriberia. Used under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3332807.
The NHS-R community has started their own documentation project called the NHS-R Way, citing The Turing Way as inspiration. They will be hosting an NHSR Conference in Birmingham (and virtually) on 17-18 October 2023. The Turing Way will facilitate a keynote tall.
Find the event information and book your ticket.
The Society for Open Reliable and Transparent Ecology and Evolutionary biology (SORTEE) has opened two (redesigned) award categories 2023 Student Award and 2023 Researcher Award.
The awards provide recognition for open and transparent work in ecology and evolution. The intent of these awards is to facilitate the uptake and promotion of Open, Reliable, and Transparent (ORT) science by students and researchers in ecology and evolution.
Nominations will close on 1 September 2023 - Read more about SORTEE awards
NWO will provide funding of up to EUR 50,000 to 30 projects. It aims to promote #OpenScience in fields where it is not yet the norm and encourage collaboration among different organisations and disciplines.
The submission deadline is 26 September 2023 - read more about NWO
On 4 September 2023, Swansea University is hosting the UK TRE Community in-person meeting, the biggest meet-up of the UK TRE community to date. The community was born just last year during RSEcon23 (as RSE TRE Community) and the meeting comes back as a satellite event for RSEcon24. This is a free to attend with hybrid sessions in the morning and in-person breakouts during the afternoon.
The registration deadline is 17 August 2023 - read more about the meet-up.
- Eirini Zormpa and Sophia Batchelor gave a presentation about "Community Management at The Turing" at the Lunch & Learn from The Alan Turing Institute on 13 July 2023. Zenodo link
- Alden Conner and Vicky Hellon participated at the Local Network Leads' summer retreat on 24-25 July 2023, representing the Turing and The Turing Way.
- Malvika Sharan and Alex (that's me!), hosted The Practitioners Hub hybrid Workshop on the 27 July 2023
- Sara El Gebali presented a keynote at ISMB-ECCB - Bioinformatics Open Source Conference 2023 on 24-25 July 2023 - Thank you Sara for a shout-out to The Turing Way.
- Bastian Greshake gave a talk about AutSPACEs and with Sara, he spoke at a Data Ethics panel at ISMB-ECCB - Bioinformatics Open Source Conference 2023 on 24-25 July 2023.
- Community members took part in the Accelerating Open Science Summit organised by NASA/TOPS in Geneva on 13 July 2023
📅 Check out our centralised event schedule to learn more about what is happening in the community.
If you are attending an event and would like to meet folks from across the community, please include that in this Etherpad
For more events, subscribe to the Open Research Calendar.
If you want us to promote your future events in the upcoming Newsletters, send Alexandra and Anne an email at with the info. The #events channel on Slack is also a great option to promote community events.
- Tweet by Juli Arancio - Link to tweet.
- Tweet by Dario Taraborelli - Link to tweet
Transformation Projects Manager 💰 £52,000/yr 🗓️ 06 August 2023
Research Associate, Autonomous Systems for Biodiversity Monitoring 💰 £42,893 - £48,510/yr 🗓️ 16 August 2023
Research Fellow - AI Trust & Transparency, Defence and Security 💰 £53,576 - £55,125/yr 🗓️ 20 August 2023
Programme Coordinator - NetworkPlus, Digital Twins 💰 £29,216/yr 🗓️ 29 August 2023
Visit The Alan Turing career page to access more opportunities.
Job: Scientific Community Manager 📍 Location: Imperial College London 💰 £43,309–£52,318/yr (pro rata) ⏰ Submit your application by 07 August 2023 🔗 Read Details
Job: Research Software Engineer 📍 Location: British Antarctic Survey 💰 £39,748-£50,790/yr ⏰ Submit your application by 06 August 2023 🔗 Read Details
Job: ELIXIR-UK Communications Officer 📍 Location: Earlham Institute, based in Norwich, UK 💰 £34,950 - £43,750/yr ⏰ Submit your application by 13 August 2023 🔗 Read Details
Fellowship: Community Fellow - Sloane Lab 📍 Location: Sloane Lab (London) 💰 £39,748-£50,790/yr ⏰ Submit your application by 11 September 2023 🔗 Read Details
You are welcome to join The Turing Way community, and learn more about the project.
- About the project
- The Turing Way book
- Welcome Page (A great place to start!⭐)
- GitHub repository
- Slack Workspace
- Mastodon profile
- YouTube Channel
- Twitter profile
If you'd like to contribute to the next newsletter, please email me at or Anne Lee Steele at! Feel free to send a message on Slack, or book some time in on Anne's calendly to say hello.
Be safe, stay open and thanks for reading our newsletter!
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