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Book Dash, November 2022 Report

The Turing Way Book Dash, 14-18 November 2022: Overview and Report

Read more about The Turing Way Book Dash here

Alt: Screenshot of zoom with people waving at the camera. Attendees are (in the order - left to right, top to bottom) from session 1: Rachael joining from London with a virtual background that says "that could be a chapter in the Turing Way", Malvika joining from India, with Turing Way logo as her background, Hari joining from London - with a background illustration of people collaborating, Winny joining from Uganda, she is wearing a green blazer and blue curtain background, Saranjeet joining from India, she is wearing a red Hoodie, with a white wall background, Alden and Mahwish joining from The Alan Turing Institute office in London, Mahwish is wearing a black sweater and Alden is wearing a grey sweater, Esther joining from the Netherlands - she is waving with both hands, Giulia Tomba is joining from somewhere in the UK, she is wearing a beige sweater, Batool joining somewhere from the UK - she is wearing a brown hijab. Patricia has a blurred background, she is wearing a grey sweater and a pair of black framed glasses, A black square with Mahwish Mohammad's name - her camera was off as she was joining from the Alan Turing Institute with the meeting room's camera with Alden. Jafsia has a still photograph as his profile picture. He is wearing a purple shirt and has a curtain in his background. From session 2: Kirstie joins from somewhere in London, with baby Mackenzie. She is wearing a black sweater with a turquoise blue necklace made up of round stones. Anne Steele is waving, joining from London, with Turing Way pathways as her background. Emma Karoune is joining from Southampton, UK. She is wearing a black hijab and over-ear headphones, with a grey sweater. Her background is an illustration of the data management process. Anne Fouilloux is calling from France, wearing a striped black and white jacket with a red scarf, as well as glasses. Alejandro is calling from Colombia, with Turing Way's remote work image behind him. Danny is calling from Washington DC, USA, and wearing a blue shirt and glasses with a dark frame. Aditi is calling from the UK, wearing a red shirt and glasses with a clear frame. Aman is calling from India, wearing glasses with a dark frame, with a checkered shirt. Andrea is calling from California, USA, wearing a bright green scarf and black sweater, with navy over-ear headphones, dark-rimmed glasses, the LGBTQ + Progress flag behind her, as well as two paintings. Melissa Black is joining from Brazil, with over-ear headphones, a black and white tank top, and wearing dark-rimmed glasses. Liz is joining from New York, USA, wearing a brown sweater, wearing earbud headphones. There is a small painting in the background and blinds next to her. Esther is joining from the Netherlands but is not visible on the screen. Her background is white with blue illustrated buildings. A white cat is sitting on a black keyboard, with a hand (presumably Esther’s) between them

We are delighted to share that the eighth Book Dash was hosted successfully from 14 to 18 November 2022 with more than 30 participants, including our planning committee members, Trainers and Presenters. 

The Book Dash planning committee members were: Arielle Bennett, Emma Karoune, Esther Plomp and Lena Karvovskaya, who were supported by Anne Lee Steele and Malvika Sharan in their work.

Invited participants who attended the Book Dash event were (alphabetically): Aditi Dutta, Alden Conner, Alejandro Coca Castro, Aman Goel, Andrea Sánchez-Tapia, Anne Fouilloux, Batool Almarzouq, Danny Garside, Elisa Rodenburg, Jennifer Ding, Jim Madge, Johanna Bayer, Liz Hare, Mahwish Mohammad, Melissa Black, Pamela Villar Gonzales, Rachael Stickland, Saranjeet Kaur, Shern Tee, Winny Nekesa Akullo.

Patricia Herterich, Giulia Tomba and Elisee Jafsia, were among many community members who joined to hear from our Book Dash participants.

Overview of themes and topics discussed during the Book Dash

Discussion and collaboration among the attendees at this Book Dash covered a wide range of topics including Accessibility in data science: Andrea, Liz, Anne, Malvika; Data (Management and wrangling): Mahwish, Rachael, Winny, Esther; Localisation and Translation: Batool, Pamela, Alejandro; RSE roles: Johanna, Shern; Community management: Malvika, Emma, Arron, as well as individuals tackling existing issues: Alden (research sustainability), Aman (documentation).

Format of the event

The Turing Way Book Dash events are a less intense version of Book Sprints, where participants collaboratively work on The Turing Way book synchronously to develop new chapters and review/edit existing ones to make them more accessible, comprehensive and up-to-date. They also contribute to enhancing the project by improving the ways we work in the community and take lead on accomplishing different tasks or subprojects.

The November edition of Book Dash featured 19 invited contributors, 6 committee members, 14 online working sessions, four discussions and social events, and two community share-outs.

In the past, we have organised 1-1.5 day-long Book Dash events in person or partially remotely. However, since November 2020, we have been hosting Book Dashes online and with multiple short co-working called development sessions spread over 5 days for flexible participation by members. We developed this format to allow people in different time zones to participate with the same efficiency and equitable support. This involved creating multiple small development sessions throughout the day, adding dedicated sessions for informal social interactions, developing shared documents with all the information, providing support funds to ensure that everyone can comfortably participate and hosting a pre-event call to communicate these resources to everyone.

Like the previous Book Dash in 2022, this time we also had local hubs hosted in London and Amsterdam with modifications introduced for the in-person participants to plan their day offline.

Application, Review and Selection process

As in the past, we invited applications through an open call where interested applicants could state their goals and interest in the Book Dash. This application was also open for the long-term members of the community who may have attended a Book Dash or Collaboration Cafes in the past to join as a helper and mentor for new contributors as well.

Applicants were asked to think about the collaborative element of the Book Dash and state how they could engage with other participants. To get a sense of the time zones these applicants came from, we asked them to choose their preferred slots during the day that they can join. You can see a template of this document here.

The Book Dash Planning Committee used the rubrics (as explained in the online chapter) to score the applications during the review. They met online to discuss applications, frame feedback and conclude their selection process.

Book Dash Planning Committee

Planning committee members (order - left to right and top to bottom): Arielle Bennett, Batool Almarzouq, Carlos Martnez, Emma Karoune, Esther Plomp, ...

Learn more about them:

  • Arielle is the Research Project Manager for the Tools, Practices & Systems Programme at the Alan Turing Institute. In The Turing Way, she has worked on writing, facilitating discussion and mentored contributions in the Guide for Ethical Research (details).
  • Emma is a Research Associate and Community Manager of DECOVID at The Alan Turing Institute, and an Environmental Archaeology and Palaeoecology researcher. She has led several collaborations and discussions on chapters within the Guides for Collaboration and Communication (details).
  • Esther is a Data Steward at the Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. She has been a core contributor to the project developing, guiding and collaborating on chapters related to data management and reproducibility - and leads our partnership via her with the TU Delft (details).
  • Lena is a Data Community Manager at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterda (VU Amsterdam), Netherlands. She like Esther has been a core contributor to the project developing, guiding and collaborating on chapters related to data management and reproducibility (details).

We want to express our gratitude for their thoughtful engagement in the project and for helping build an inclusive and safe place in the Book Dash. It is only with their help, we can host the next event in November taking careful consideration for our participants.


  • Call for application start date: 1 September 2022
  • Deadline for submission: 10 October (midnight anywhere on Earth)
  • Deadline for local hub - an expression of interest: 3 October
  • Decisions on the applications: Latest by 28 October 2022
  • Pre Book Dash Onboarding calls (2 x 1 hour): 8 November 2022
  • Pre Book Dash GitHub Skill-up (1 hour): 9 November 2022 [Placeholder, subject to change]
  • Book Dash Contribution Sessions during the week: of 14-17 November 2022
  • The Turing Way community share-out: 18 November 2022

Additions to The Turing Way Book

Curated from the DAY-5 share out notes

GitHub activities: New and existing Pull Requests and Issues that attendees worked on:

  • 32 Issues
  • 33 Pull Requests
  • Several first-time contributors to an Open Source project repository were made during the GitHub workshops, as well as during the first two days of the event. 🔔
  • 6 new chapters/subchapters were published, while 5 existing chapters/subchapters were revised and updated.

New chapters published in The Turing Way book

  1. Data Wrangler subchapter in the Research Infrastructure chapter
  2. Research Ethics for Social Data
  3. Data Curation
  4. Declarative Virtual Machines with Vagrant in the Virtual Environment chapter
  5. Research Objects in Action
  6. Peer review subchapters

Existing chapters updated during the Book Dash

  1. Types of Sensitive Data - overview
  2. Research data Management - FAIR Principles - Community Involvement section
  3. Ethical Considerations for Open Source Governance - Additional Resources section
  4. Personal Data - Direct and indirect identifiers
  5. Data Management Plan - Digital Preservation

Our attendees also led and participated in the following informal discussions and public events:

Presentations from the main events:

On Day 5, during the community shareouts, The Turing Way working group representatives shared updates from their respective groups:


We will post videos from the two community shareouts on the last day of the Book Dash on our YouTube channel.

New Illustrations by Scriberia for The Turing Way Community


At the end of the event, we asked our participants to share feedback anonymously in the "Pluses and Deltas" HackMD.

We greatly appreciate the work that our attendees have accomplished in the project during this short event and thank them for their feedback, a few of which have been highlighted below.


  • I enjoyed working in the hub and lovely to meet new people. 
  • It was my first Book Dash and I was glad that I got support from the organisers and fellow participants in getting started. Everyone was super helpful to assist everyone get his/her work done. 
  • This was my second book dash and I enjoyed working through it! The concept of the book dash is fantastic as it allows a chance for a lot of collaboration with the community and helps in coming up with better ideas and solutions. I also love the illustrations made by the Scriberia Artist! Looking forward to the next one!
  • Enjoyed the Book Dash very much! Plan to come back again next time. :)
  • It was a supporting and welcoming community that encouraged people to get tasks done, but with the understanding that lives, and jobs, are still happening around this book dash. The opportunity to work with the artist was special and interesting - I've never had such an experience before. Such a diverse amount of valuable work is being done!
  • It was my first Book Dash and I loved the experience! I felt so welcomed despite being new to the community! It was extra special contributing from halfway across the world, and the Book Dash team went all out to help us find slots that fit the time difference!
  • First BookDash - learned about how the book and community operate
  • Opportunity to have conversations; share and develop ideas together
  • Accessibility: alt text for illustrated concepts, use of Etherpad
  • It was my first Book Dash and I had a wonderful experience! It was great meeting so many new people and learning from them. Everyone was quite welcoming and it felt great to be a part of the community. I really enjoyed the various sessions and loved collaborating with the Scriberia artist. :) Already excited for the next Book Dash!
  • It was my first BookDash and hopefully it won't be the last one! I really enjoy the structure, the time to work and all the possibilities! I am very happy I met such inspiring people and get to know more about other members. I really like the environment there, and the people organizing the event are fantastic and super welcoming! Looking forward to the next one and keep contributing to the Turing Way.


  • Working in a hub - I think next time we should try to have two small rooms as we needed some place to take calls in breakout rooms. +1
  • I know that if it is not online fewer people can attend, but I really think it would be beneficial to have the option of full in-person.
  • It will be good to try to know in advance the topics, so the people that want to work together can try to adapt to the time of the other people (this would be fixed as well if everyone is in person)
  • Claim the expenses during the Bookdash will be easier (so everything is sorted at the end), and I can imagine better for the organization.

What's next?

Still wondering where to start?

Here are a few suggestions for good first contributions:

Relevant links & references from Book Dash

Bonus Playlist with songs selected by our attendees

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