This kodi script matches songs in your music library with video information from theAudioDB and stores the links (usually youtube links) in the music database. This means you can not only play the version of the song you have in your local library, you can also play the song video. Please note that the actual videos are not downloaded, just the links to them.
This software is provided under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This script requires skin support and a working youtube plugin. It also requires that your music files have been tagged with musicbrainz ID's, at the very least the artist and track MBIDs. The scanner can work to a certain degree without track MBIDs but it won't work at all without artist MBIDs.
Scraped video links can be found in ListItem.SongVideoURL and any associated art in ListItem.Art(videothumb)
The script can be called from the addons section in which case it will process all artists, or
it can be passed an artist ID in which case it will just process that artist. It's therefore
possible to skin a button on the artistinfo dialog to fetch video links for that particular artist
using RunScript(script.videolinks,$INFO[ListItem.DBID])
in the onclick method