NPM TypeScript Boilerplate with Bun, ESM, using TSC without bundler, support Sourcemap from TypeScript
bun install
bun run build
bun run check
bun run check:watch
Using release-it
to publish the package, using npm commandline with OTP (One Time Password) for 2FA (Two Factor Authentication)
bun run release
This library supports both ECMAScript Modules (ESM) and CommonJS (CJS) by compiling TypeScript to both module formats. This ensures compatibility across different environments.
We use multiple build steps to generate both ESM and CJS versions:
"build-esm": "tsc -b",
"build-cjs": "babel dist/esm --plugins @babel/transform-export-namespace-from --plugins @babel/transform-modules-commonjs --out-dir dist/cjs --source-maps",
"build-annotate": "babel dist --plugins annotate-pure-calls --out-dir dist --source-maps"
: Compiles TypeScript to ESM usingtsc
: Converts ESM to CommonJS using Babel with@babel/transform-export-namespace-from
: Addsannotate-pure-calls
annotations to improve tree-shaking and debugging.
When publishing to npm, we remove "type": "module"
in package.json
to prevent issues in CommonJS projects. Otherwise, Node.js would treat all JavaScript files as ESM, causing import errors in CJS environments.
During development, "type": "module"
is kept to ensure correct behavior when testing the ESM build.
To handle this automatically, we use release-it along with pre/post publish hooks:
"hooks": {
"before:npm:release": "bun run prepublishOnly",
"after:npm:release": "bun run postpublish"
: Ensures the correct build setup before publishing.after:npm:release
: Cleans up any post-publish artifacts.
Since release-it does not use npm lifecycle hooks, we manually invoke these scripts in .release-it.json
to ensure the correct behavior.
Build process come from Effect.ts: