PRE is a Rails app project designed for finding a place to have pre-drinks before partying. 🍹🍹
🦾 built by a team of four people 🗓 through the course of two weeks 🔥 the final project of a 🚀 9-week Web Development Bootcamp at Le Wagon Berlin.
Some highlights of our learning during the project include:
🔎 Searchbar (implemented with PG Search); 🌎 Map (implemented with Geocoder); 🌤 Cloudinary Image Storage; 👾 Heroku; 🚂 Rails 7; 🛠 JavaScript ES6 (with Turbo); 💬 Chatrooms (implemented with WebSocket based on Rails action cable | Frontend: JavaScript & Stimulus); 💌 Join requests (Frontend: JavaScript, Turbo & Stimulus)