As Google deprecated the Picasa API, and it won't work from 15 March 2019, I sunset this project.
ATM Google Drive is the only way I know to retrieve your photos. See Perkeep for an importer!
Picago is a small Go library for downloading and uploading photos from Picasa Web.
go install
You must obtain a client ID and secret from Google in order to call the APIs this project relies on.
Go to and create a new project. You can name it whatever you want. You can also reuse an existing project if you have one.
Click on the project, and under "APIs & auth" > "Consent screen", ensure you have "Product name" and "Email address" specified.
Under "APIs and auth" > "Credentials" click "Create new client ID". Choose type "Installed application", then installed application type "Other".
After getting a client ID and secret, you can run the example app as
pica-dl -secret=Y0xf_rauB9MVTNYAI2MYIz2w -dir=/tmp/pica
This will download all photos from all albums under /tmp/pica. Each album and photo is accompanied with a .json file containing some metadata.