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236 lines (192 loc) · 8.67 KB

File metadata and controls

236 lines (192 loc) · 8.67 KB


unmaintained Version License: MIT Dependency discordjs

djs-slash is a command handler for discord.js v13 that provides an easy command definition with file.


  • type checking (with TypeScript)
  • slash command
  • context menu command


Install by running this command:

npm i djs-slash

discord.js v13 is also required.

How to use

Project architecture example

├ commands/                    (this folder contains all commands)
| ├ slash/                     (slash command)
| | ├ ping.ts
| | └ cmd/
| |   ├ subcommand.ts
| |   └ subcommandgroup/
| |     └ subcommand.ts
| ├ user/                      (context menu commands on user)
| | ├ hi.ts
| | └ ban.ts
| └ message/                   (context menu commands on message)
|   ├ delete.ts
|   └ repeat.ts
└ index.ts

Load commands

const commands = SlashCommandManager.create({
    commandFolder: './commands' // This is the path to the folder where command are stored relative to the entry point of the application (ie the index.ts file)

// If no parameter is provided, './commands' is used as default path
const commands = SlashCommandManager.create();

Full script example

import { Client, Intents } from "discord.js";
import { SlashCommandManager } from "djs-slash";

const GUILD_ID = '000000000000000000'
const BOT_TOKEN = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa';

// Create the djs client
const client = new Client({ intents: [Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS] });

// Load all commands from ./commands/
const commands = SlashCommandManager.create();

client.once("ready", async (client) => {
    // Registering commands on a guild
    const guild = await client.guilds.fetch(GUILD_ID);
    await guild.commands.set(commands.toApplicationCommandData());

    // Registering commands globally
    await client.application.commands.set(commands.toApplicationCommandData());

client.on("interactionCreate", async (interaction) => {
    // Pass the interaction to the SlashCommandManager to execute the command
    if (await commands.execute(interaction)) {
        // The interaction trigger a command
    } else {
        // The interaction didn't trigger a command.
        // Either the interaction is not a command interaction
        // either it didn't correspond to a registred command.

(async () => {
    await client.login(BOT_TOKEN);

Define a command

Slash command

Slash command files must be placed in a sub-folder named slash inside the command folder.
The name of the file is the name of the command.
To create sub-command and sub-command group use folder. Folder name is the name of the command/group.

ping example:

import { SlashCommand } from 'djs-slash';

export default SlashCommand.define("Reply with 'pong'", {}, async (interaction) => {
    await interaction.reply({ content: ':ping_pong: pong !', ephemeral: true });
import { SlashCommand } from "djs-slash";

// Use SlashCommand.define to create your command
// The value must be exported with `export default`
export default SlashCommand.define(
    "Reply with 'pong'", // The description of the command
        defaultPermission: true, // (optionnal) the defaultPermission option
        // The arguments of the command
        options: {
            // Create a argument named 'foo'
            foo: {
                type: "STRING",
                description: "The foo argument",
                required: true,
                choices: [
                    { name: "ping", value: "Ping" },
                    { name: "pong", value: "Pong" },
                ] as const, // `as const` is required to resolve properly the type of the argument.
            // Create a argument named 'bar'
            bar: {
                type: "USER",
                description: "A user to mention",
    // The callback of the function
    // The first parameter is the CommandInteraction
    // The second parameter is an object with the value of the argument
    async (interaction, { foo, bar }) => {
        // The type of the arguments are deduced from the value of `type` above.
        // If the argument is not required (by default) the value can be null.
        // foo : "Ping" | "Pong"
        // bar : User | null
        await interaction.reply(`:ping_pong: ${foo} !` + bar ? ` ${bar}` : "");

SlashCommand.define(description, options, callback)

  • description string: the description of the command.
  • options { defaultPermission, options }
    • defaultPermission boolean: whether the command is enabled by default when the app is added to a guild.
    • options object: the options of the command, key is the name of the options.
      • description string: the description of the option.
      • required boolean: whether the option is required.
      • type: the type of the option.
      • choices: the choices of the option for the user to pick from.
      • channelTypes: when the option type is channel, the allowed types of channels that can be selected.
  • callback (interaction, options) => void | Promise<void>
    • interaction CommandInteraction: the interaction object that trigger the command.
    • options object: a key-value object where key is the name of the option and the value the value provided by the user.

User command

User command files must be placed in a sub-folder named user inside the command folder.
The name of the file is the name of the command.

An user command example:

import { UserCommand } from 'djs-slash';

export default UserCommand.define(async (interaction, user) => {
    await interaction.reply({ content: `Hi, ${user}` });


  • callback (interaction, user) => void | Promise<void>

Message command

Message command files must be placed in a sub-folder named message inside the command folder.
The name of the file is the name of the command.

A message command example:

import { MessageCommand } from 'djs-slash';

export default MessageCommand.define(async (interaction, message) => {
    await interaction.reply({ content: message.content });


  • callback (interaction, message) => void | Promise<void>

Example Project

Checkout the example project to learn more.

To run the example project:

  1. clone the repo git clone
  2. go into the directory cd djs-slash
  3. install dependencies npm ci
  4. build the library npm run build
  5. go into the example directory cd example
  6. create a copy of config.jsonc, name it config.json and fill it up
  7. run the example bot npm start


👤 Tristan Guichaoua

📝 License

Copyright © 2021 Tristan Guichaoua.
This project is MIT licensed.