Simple tests against github resource using Nightwatch framework
How to run in Intellij Idea:
- Edit configuration -> New configuration "Node.js"
- Node Interpreter = <path_to_node.exe>
- Working directory = <path_where_nightwatch_config_is_placed> (e.g. nightwatch.conf.js)
- JavaScript file = <path_to_nightwatch_runner> (smth like ..nodejs\node_modules\nightwatch\bin\runner.js)
- Application parameters = nightwatch params like these: --config nightwatch.conf.js --test tests\email_tests.js
Project scripts depend on some node modules. In order to get scripts workable, add these dependencies:
- Install packages to npm modules default directory:
- npm install -g assert
- npm install -g xmlhttprequest
- Create "modules" folder under the project root (where "pages", "tests" are located)
- Move packages just downloaded to this folder