π¦ A telegram Twitter bot that will allow you to send tweets!
Supports Twitter API v2! ππππππ
Find out more on DartNode
All the following features rely on authorized users.
- send text tweet
- send tweet with one photo(photo and document are supported.)
- reply bot tweet message to add more tweets to this thread
- reply
to delete tweet send any video tweet to download the videoIf you have Basic or Access subscription, you can download video tweet.- send pictures as media group, it will result in multiple photos in your tweet(max photo restrictions is 4)
start - Start using it today
sign_in - Go to sign in with Twitter
sign_off - sign off from Twitter
help - What is this bot
ping - Status about this bot
delete - Delete tweet
The most simple way to tweet!
Chat with this bot, and go to oauth by its instruction:
Copy and paste the auth code to this bot. And you're good to go!
Send any text message, photo/photo as file with caption will send tweet with photos.
Reply to bot's tweet message,
and you'll consult in a series of thread.
Reply command /delete
to bot's message and it will delete this tweet for you.
You could just send any video tweet, such as this one
The bot will first determine if this is a video tweet, if the answer is yes, it will ask what do you want to do with it:
Depending on your choice, this bot will download this video or retweet.
Group feature requires a newer version of Telegram
Just send a group of photos, add some captions if you want to, and hit send.
Warning: if you send more than four photos in a group, this bot will only send first four photos in a tweet
This bot use oauth, so you need to apply an app, setup callback url.
- Apply a Twitter Developer account https://developer.twitter.com/en/portal/dashboard
- Create a project
- Create an app and attach it to your project. Remember API key and API secret key!
- User authentication settings, Click Edit and enable OAuth
- App permissions Read/Write, Web App, Automated App or Bot, Callback
Get it from https://core.telegram.org/
vim twauth.py
# change this three lines to your own
# CONSUMER_SECRET ---> API secret key
APP_CONSUMER_KEY = os.environ.get("CONSUMER_KEY") or '1'
APP_CONSUMER_SECRET = os.environ.get("CONSUMER_SECRET") or '2'
callback_url = os.environ.get("CALLBACK_URL") or ""
# run it
python3 twauth.py
in your browser and follow the instructions.
git clone https://github.com/tgbot-collection/TeleTweet/
cd TeleTweet
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
vim teletweet/config.py
# setup bot token, consumer key, consumer secret, app id, app secret
python3 teletweet/bot.py
If you want the bot to be only available to you, please setup ALLOW_USER
with your own Telegram User ID.
Use ,
to separate.
Send /sign_in
to bot,paste your auth code, and you're good to go!
You can run/develop using docker. You can refer to docker-compose.yml
echo "{}"> env/auth.json
vim env/teletweet.env
# set up below config
BOT_TOKEN = os.getenv("TOKEN", "fghjk789")
APP_ID = os.getenv("APP_ID", "456fgh78")
APP_HASH = os.getenv("APP_HASH", "456gfhj78")
CONSUMER_KEY = os.getenv("CONSUMER_KEY", "456fghj78")
CONSUMER_SECRET = os.getenv("CONSUMER_SECRET", "45678fghj")
docker-compose up -d
- support multi-user, based on oauth
- help
- about
- start
- multi photo
GPL 2.0__