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TEG Ext Auth POC

This POC is a simple example of how to use the Ext Auth to authenticate users and reroute them to backend services based on the appended headers in the authentication response.


The architecture of this POC is as follows:

  • TEG: TEG configures the Envoy proxy to use the Ext Auth filter to authenticate users. TEG also configures the Envoy proxy to route requests with the "X-Current-User" header equal to "user1" to the backend service v1 and requests with the "X-Current-User" header equal to "user2" to the backend service v2.
  • Envoy: The Envoy proxy that routes requests to the backend services. The Envoy proxy communicates with the Ext Auth service using a Unix Domain Socket (UDS) to authenticate users.
  • Ext Auth: A simple service deployed as a sidecar to the Envoy proxy that authenticates users and appends a "X-Current-User" header to the request based on the user. The allowed users are "token1 :user1","token2:user2", "token3:user3".
  • Backend: Two versions of a simple backend service that returns a simple response with the request headers and the service pod name.
                                │                              │
                                │                              │
                                │             TEG              │
                                │                              │
                                │                              │
                                               │                                 ┌────────────────┐
                                               │                                 │                │
                                               │  Configuration                  │                │
                                               │                                 │                │
                                               ▼                                 │                │
                                 ┌─────────────────────────────┐                 │    Backend     │
                                 │                             │         ┌───────►       V1       │
                                 │             Pod             │         │       │                │
                                 │   ┌──────────────────────┐  │         │       │                │
                                 │   │                      │  │         │       │                │
                                 │   │                      │  │         │       └────────────────┘
curl $GATEWAY_HOST \             │   │                      │  │         │
-H "authorization: Bearer token1"│   │        Envoy         │  │  user1  │
                                 │   │                      │  ┼─────────┘
  ──────────────────────────────►│   │                      │  │
                                 │   │                      │  │  user2
                                 │   │                      │  ┼──────────┐
                                 │   └──────────┬───────────┘  │          │
                                 │              │              │          │
                                 │              │ UDS          │          │      ┌────────────────┐
                                 │   ┌──────────▼───────────┐  │          │      │                │
                                 │   │                      │  │          │      │                │
                                 │   │       Ext Auth       │  │          │      │                │
                                 │   │                      │  │          └─────►│                │
                                 │   └──────────────────────┘  │                 │    Backend     │
                                 └─────────────────────────────┘                 │       V2       │
                                                                                 │                │
                                                                                 │                │
                                                                                 │                │

How to run

  1. Install TEG: Follow the instructions in the teg documentation to install TEG.

Note: because the POC uses the Backend resource to connect to the UDS ext-auth service, you need to enable the Backend resource when installing TEG. To do this, run the following command:

cat <<EOF > teg-values.yaml
        enableBackend: true

Then install TEG with the teg-values.yaml file:

helm install teg ${REGISTRY}/teg-envoy-gateway-helm \
 --version ${CHART_VERSION} \
 --values teg-values.yaml \
 -n envoy-gateway-system --create-namespace
  1. Install the POC: Run the following command to install the POC:
kubectl apply -f manifests

Wait for the pods to be ready:

kubectl wait --for=condition=Available --timeout=5m -n envoy-gateway-system \
    deployment -l
  1. Test the POC: Run the following commands to test the POC:

Get the Gateway address:

export GATEWAY_HOST=$(kubectl get gateway/ext-auth-poc -o jsonpath='{.status.addresses[0].value}')

You can also port-forward the Gateway to localhost if load balancer is not available:

export ENVOY_SERVICE=$(kubectl get svc -n envoy-gateway-system -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl -n envoy-gateway-system port-forward service/${ENVOY_SERVICE} 8080:80 &

Curl the Gateway with the authorization header "Bearer token1", which is the bearer token for user1:

curl -v $GATEWAY_HOST  -H "authorization: Bearer token1"

In the response, you should see:

  • A "X-Current-User" header with the value "user1" was appended to the request by the Ext Auth service.
  • The request was routed to the backend service v1.
... omitted
"X-Current-User": [

... omitted

"pod": "backend-app-v1-889987d96-hmdvs"

Curl the Gateway with with the authorization header "Bearer token2", which is the bearer token for user2:

curl -v $GATEWAY_HOST  -H "authorization: Bearer token2"

In the response, you should see:

  • A "X-Current-User" header with the value "user2" was appended to the request by the Ext Auth service.
  • The request was routed to the backend service v2.
... omitted
"X-Current-User": [

... omitted

"pod": "backend-app-v2-7d6658bc9-47ng5"

If you curl the Gateway with the authorization header "Bearer token3":

curl -v $GATEWAY_HOST  -H "authorization: Bearer token3"

In the response, you should see the request was randomly routed to either the backend service v1 or v2, as the HTTPRoute does not have a defined route for user3, and the request is routed to the default backend service.

If you curl the Gateway with the authorization header "Bearer token4":

curl -v $GATEWAY_HOST  -H "authorization: Bearer token4"

In the response, you should see a 403 Forbidden response, as the Ext Auth service does not recognize the token.


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