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Testhub is a tests results aggregator that makes it easy to upload tests results from CI pipeline and present them in a visual form, providing insightful analytics.

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πŸš€ Getting Started

Managed Testhub

Testhub have managed version that is hosted on It's free for open source projects. Follow below guide to upload your test results

Check out our getting started guide to onboatd you project in 5 minutes


Helm Charts

Artifact Hub

Easiest way to deploy Testhub in Kuberneted cluster in helm-chart package Here is a guide on how to do it:


Dockerhub we "fresh" images: Check the docker-compose.yml to see how to run them togeather

Please note that there are two dockerfiles one for "genera purpose" and one for self hosted setup. In latter, we override API_ENDPOINT env var to make frontend work with hosted backend. Those images have on-prem in image tag on dockerhub.

πŸ‘ Contributing

We love help! Contribute by forking the repo and opening pull requests. Please ensure that your code passes the existing tests and linting, and write tests to test your changes if applicable.

All pull requests should be submitted to the main branch.

Running Porject Locally

⚠️ Please let us know if it takes you more than 15 minutes to run the project locally. We will work on fixing that.


The easiest way to run a project locally is to use 'dev-containers' You will need:

  • VS Code
  • Docker
  • Remote Development VS Code Extension pack I'm pretty sure you already have most of that. Then open /frontend or /backend directories in VSCode and reopen them in DevContainer as VsCode suggests. If you did not get a suggestion for some reason try F1-> Remote-Containers: Rebuild and Reopen in Container image

Then hit F5 and you are done.

Docker Compose

Use `docker-compose.yml' from the root of the project to run dependencies. It consists of

  • DB - MySQL
  • Backend - C# .Net Core moving to Golang
  • Frontent - Vue.js

If you work on backend then make sure you set two env vars

       CUSTOMCONNSTR_DEFAULTCONNECTION: 'Host=db;Database=testHub;Username=root;Password=password'

For frontend make sure you have your local conf.js pointing to locally running backend like export default "https://localhost:8090"


Thanks, folks πŸ₯‡ πŸ‘

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