You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.You switched accounts on another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.Dismiss alert
Done. Shutting down
Metal | INFO | Closing device 0
Metal | INFO | Disabling and clearing program cache on device 0
Always | WARNING | Attempting to push work to Device 0 which is not initialized. Ignoring...
Always | WARNING | Attempting to push work to Device 0 which is not initialized. Ignoring...
Device | INFO | Closing user mode device drivers
(python_env) alexa@yyz-cust1:~/ox/tt-metal$ ls -l /dev/shm/
total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 alexa alexa 32 Feb 8 22:09 sem.read_write_mutex
To Reproduce
build latest tt-metal
(python_env) alexa@yyz-cust1:~/ox/tt-metal$ build_Debug/tt-train/sources/examples/sample_app/sample_app
ls -l /dev/shm/
total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 alexa alexa 32 Feb 8 22:09 sem.read_write_mutex
Expected behavior
the semaphore has to be cleared for other account to work with tt-metal
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Please complete the following environment information:
OS: [e.g. Ubuntu 20.04]
Version of software (eg. commit)
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
changed the title
TTNN app leaves global sistem-wide no-cleared semaphore on exit . Severe. Need resotiion ASAP.
TTNN app leaves global system-wide no-cleared semaphore on exit . Severe. Need resotiion ASAP.
Feb 8, 2025
### Issue
Metal folks reported issue
tenstorrent/tt-metal#17763 - handling mutex
for sync on TTDevice read/write. Removing it for now since UMD is not
using this code path in concurrent way. Opened issue #523 to fix this
### Description
Remove mutex for TTdevice read/write sync
### List of the changes
- Remove mutex for TTDevice read/write sync
### Testing
### API Changes
(python_env) alexa@yyz-cust1:~/ox/tt-metal$ build_Debug/tt-train/sources/examples/sample_app/sample_app
Device | INFO | Opening user mode device driver
Detecting chips (found 1)
2025-02-08 22:09:57.081 | INFO | SiliconDriver - Opened PCI device 0; KMD version: 1.29.0, IOMMU: disabled
2025-02-08 22:09:57.083 | INFO | SiliconDriver - Detected PCI devices: [0]
2025-02-08 22:09:57.083 | INFO | SiliconDriver - Using local chip ids: {0} and remote chip ids {}
2025-02-08 22:09:57.154 | INFO | SiliconDriver - Software version 6.0.0, Ethernet FW version 6.9.0 (Device 0)
Metal | INFO | Initializing device 0. Program cache is NOT enabled
Metal | INFO | AI CLK for device 0 is: 1000 MHz
Device created
Creating a tensor with bfloat16 data type
Tensot x:
-0.25 0.589844 0.898438 -0.632812 0.462891 0.558594 0.197266 0.193359 -0.6875 -0.10791 -0.6875 -0.796875 -0.882812 -0.0810547 0.730469 -0.332031 0.202148 -0.710938 0.416016 0.300781 -0.957031 -0.886719 0.9375 0.443359 0.664062 0.875 -0.574219 -0.996094 -0.632812 0.984375 -0.632812 0.234375
-0.390625 0.222656 0.0493164 -0.984375 -0.135742 -0.953125 -0.416016 0.0493164 0.223633 -0.200195 -0.71875 -0.90625 -0.414062 0.945312 -0.265625 -0.53125 -0.0874023 -0.816406 0.570312 0.236328 -0.597656 -0.234375 0.0284424 0.964844 0.18457 -0.0664062 -0.90625 0.71875 0.214844 0.359375 -0.65625 -0.0986328
-0.867188 -0.972656 0.894531 0.882812 0.929688 0.125977 0.613281 -0.228516 -0.390625 -0.964844 -0.800781 -0.535156 0.367188 -0.515625 -0.119629 0.365234 -0.753906 0.219727 -0.00964355 0.664062 -0.929688 -0.652344 0.816406 -0.217773 -0.482422 -0.632812 0.324219 0.507812 -0.375 -0.149414 0.0400391 -0.582031
0.0932617 0.134766 -0.628906 -0.933594 0.9375 0.683594 0.546875 -0.100098 0.878906 -0.208984 0.789062 0.851562 0.195312 0.453125 0.839844 -0.345703 -0.820312 0.140625 -0.605469 0.0415039 -0.90625 0.921875 -0.347656 0.6875 -0.22168 0.494141 -0.457031 0.0791016 0.65625 0.172852 -0.285156 0.929688
-0.4375 0.213867 0.0849609 -0.447266 -0.714844 -0.40625 0.601562 -0.667969 -0.847656 -0.964844 0.972656 -0.152344 0.542969 -0.209961 -0.601562 -0.412109 -0.988281 -0.96875 0.628906 -0.601562 0.412109 0.421875 0.457031 0.578125 0.539062 0.211914 -0.851562 0.851562 -0.28125 0.300781 -0.765625 0.828125
0.722656 0.699219 0.246094 -0.101074 -0.337891 -0.808594 -0.871094 -0.257812 -0.376953 0.335938 -0.349609 0.330078 0.458984 0.181641 0.273438 -0.449219 0.773438 0.12207 -0.0554199 -0.233398 -0.757812 0.941406 0.425781 0.695312 0.519531 0.443359 0.12207 -0.527344 0.539062 -0.486328 -0.0123901 -0.917969
0.0454102 0.419922 -0.144531 -0.777344 -0.945312 -0.121094 -0.78125 -0.59375 -0.933594 0.789062 0.271484 -0.0490723 -0.371094 0.125977 0.0170898 0.390625 0.8125 -0.71875 -0.5 0.208008 -0.178711 0.0795898 0.507812 -0.59375 -0.539062 0.882812 -0.84375 0.197266 -0.419922 0.388672 -0.675781 0.757812
0.859375 0.248047 0.613281 -0.408203 0.265625 -0.785156 0.742188 -0.0869141 0.605469 -0.5625 -0.625 -0.166016 0.78125 0.765625 0.0786133 -0.349609 0.613281 -0.753906 0.789062 -0.287109 -0.363281 0.8125 -0.777344 -0.455078 -0.542969 0.294922 -0.145508 -0.996094 0.632812 -0.292969 0.71875 -0.388672
-0.984375 -0.667969 0.0214844 0.0678711 -0.165039 -0.0302734 -0.554688 0.384766 -0.757812 -0.460938 -0.324219 -0.511719 0.882812 -0.660156 -0.353516 -0.558594 0.0373535 0.115723 0.404297 -0.191406 -0.271484 -0.867188 0.941406 -0.490234 0.921875 -0.503906 -0.496094 0.392578 -0.00549316 0.423828 -0.396484 -0.703125
-0.429688 0.992188 -0.925781 -0.464844 0.21875 0.953125 0.00534058 -0.177734 -0.894531 -0.933594 -0.441406 -0.308594 0.816406 0.267578 -0.519531 0.361328 -0.707031 0.0617676 -0.0209961 -0.104004 0.96875 0.105469 -0.515625 0.18457 0.34375 -0.835938 0.519531 -0.259766 -0.523438 -0.515625 0.455078 0.605469
-0.263672 -0.0593262 0.263672 0.964844 0.265625 -0.202148 0.0712891 0.632812 -0.816406 0.59375 0.667969 -0.695312 -0.357422 0.0163574 -0.625 0.390625 -0.917969 0.714844 0.181641 -0.347656 0.353516 -0.558594 -0.964844 0.421875 0.0241699 0.617188 -0.546875 -0.300781 0.289062 -0.804688 -0.648438 0.878906
0.380859 -0.204102 -0.225586 0.0354004 0.871094 0.671875 -0.722656 0.349609 -0.316406 0.46875 -0.769531 -0.578125 0.847656 0.0825195 0.753906 0.390625 -0.482422 -0.539062 0.318359 -0.648438 0.632812 0.960938 0.110352 0.0332031 0.059082 -0.476562 -0.515625 0.992188 -0.8125 0.929688 0.792969 0.116211
0.800781 0.761719 0.265625 -0.621094 -0.320312 -0.441406 -0.300781 0.400391 0.451172 0.691406 0.792969 0.710938 0.773438 -0.19043 0.558594 0.773438 0.283203 0.699219 -0.828125 0.871094 -0.675781 0.570312 0.796875 0.337891 0.211914 0.161133 -0.980469 -0.253906 -0.796875 0.878906 0.326172 0.945312
-0.988281 -0.431641 -0.675781 -0.388672 0.097168 -0.0286865 0.382812 -0.103027 0.302734 0.988281 -0.550781 -0.644531 0.423828 -0.960938 -0.523438 -0.012207 -0.347656 -0.640625 0.492188 -0.265625 0.298828 0.488281 0.695312 0.441406 0.314453 -0.382812 0.135742 0.0849609 -0.8125 0.0175781 -0.263672 0.271484
-0.46875 -0.498047 -0.511719 0.179688 0.945312 0.957031 -0.212891 -0.0264893 0.78125 0.808594 0.261719 -0.130859 0.585938 -0.298828 0.00524902 0.289062 0.15332 0.335938 -0.0149536 0.726562 -0.609375 -0.539062 0.443359 -0.0016098 -0.4375 0.143555 -0.949219 0.535156 0.289062 -0.910156 -0.644531 0.988281
0.878906 -0.0600586 0.90625 -0.439453 0.828125 0.765625 -0.257812 0.494141 -0.96875 0.902344 0.855469 -0.337891 -0.143555 0.105469 0.929688 0.144531 0.925781 0.957031 0.703125 -0.847656 -0.410156 -0.386719 -0.229492 -0.617188 0.699219 -0.462891 -0.365234 -0.0294189 -0.660156 -0.253906 0.113281 -0.209961
0.871094 0.6875 0.390625 0.859375 0.139648 -0.855469 -0.804688 -0.582031 0.229492 0.341797 0.976562 -0.28125 -0.71875 -0.490234 0.0366211 -0.408203 0.753906 -0.353516 0.480469 0.695312 0.392578 -0.726562 0.404297 0.416016 -0.279297 0.105469 -0.412109 -0.40625 0.617188 -0.160156 0.617188 -0.486328
0.730469 0.222656 0.824219 -0.835938 0.022583 -0.988281 0.00302124 0.253906 0.59375 -0.609375 0.298828 -0.855469 0.402344 -0.206055 0.589844 -0.898438 0.777344 0.769531 -0.322266 -0.941406 -0.248047 0.157227 -0.808594 -0.123047 0.15625 0.34375 -0.925781 -0.341797 -0.0683594 -0.6875 0.0849609 0.960938
-0.425781 0.675781 0.181641 0.71875 -0.9375 -0.498047 -0.921875 -0.921875 0.644531 -0.392578 -0.279297 0.0737305 -0.742188 -0.345703 0.0444336 0.652344 0.539062 -0.455078 -0.566406 0.929688 0.245117 -0.0854492 -0.828125 0.683594 -0.894531 -0.609375 0.0625 -0.176758 0.0810547 0.398438 0.273438 -0.722656
0.451172 -0.734375 0.949219 0.9375 0.0324707 0.427734 -0.353516 -0.914062 0.589844 -0.202148 -0.457031 -0.132812 -0.121582 0.486328 -0.839844 -0.498047 -0.949219 -0.628906 0.921875 -0.835938 0.671875 -0.142578 0.390625 0.376953 -0.181641 -0.882812 -0.652344 0.828125 -0.683594 -0.115234 -0.498047 -0.519531
0.0981445 -0.808594 0.427734 -0.632812 0.320312 0.867188 -0.439453 0.275391 0.90625 0.0332031 0.474609 0.3125 0.108398 -0.12793 0.222656 0.458984 -0.160156 -0.902344 -0.503906 0.131836 -0.287109 -0.679688 0.515625 -0.757812 -0.96875 -0.314453 -0.765625 -0.8125 -0.90625 -0.808594 -0.917969 -0.376953
0.707031 0.957031 0.40625 -0.648438 -0.0515137 -0.964844 -0.800781 0.523438 -0.0167236 0.613281 -0.0529785 -0.306641 -0.652344 -0.0703125 -0.131836 0.298828 -0.202148 -0.902344 0.231445 0.894531 0.269531 0.769531 -0.90625 -0.476562 -0.25 -0.96875 0.25 0.863281 0.0062561 0.0020752 0.710938 0.0786133
0.316406 0.367188 -0.671875 0.231445 -0.855469 0.886719 0.283203 0.886719 -0.945312 0.734375 0.170898 0.271484 0.878906 0.601562 0.150391 0.353516 -0.223633 0.146484 0.285156 -0.742188 -0.0830078 0.621094 0.0908203 0.640625 0.882812 0.25 -0.227539 0.640625 0.921875 0.302734 0.808594 -0.585938
-0.605469 -0.451172 -0.859375 -0.570312 -0.796875 -0.245117 -0.960938 -0.921875 -0.808594 0.236328 0.365234 -0.326172 -0.855469 0.310547 -0.361328 -0.228516 0.6875 0.361328 -0.953125 -0.318359 0.628906 -0.478516 -0.435547 -0.00787354 -0.761719 0.384766 0.392578 -0.302734 0.257812 0.871094 0.753906 -0.917969
0.46875 -0.164062 0.605469 0.933594 -0.435547 0.0957031 -0.644531 -0.152344 0.5 0.136719 0.613281 0.151367 0.980469 0.462891 -0.173828 -0.742188 -0.255859 -0.498047 0.550781 0.160156 -0.318359 0.730469 0.859375 0.123535 0.714844 -0.519531 -0.141602 0.359375 0.5 0.478516 0.507812 -0.523438
-0.792969 -0.244141 0.804688 0.0683594 0.010498 -0.00686646 0.652344 -0.220703 -0.359375 -0.404297 0.789062 -0.796875 -0.220703 -0.890625 -0.976562 0.914062 0.808594 0.691406 -0.816406 -0.289062 -0.361328 0.910156 0.898438 0.353516 0.898438 -0.0349121 0.146484 -0.013916 0.263672 -0.832031 -0.103027 -0.816406
-0.412109 0.204102 -0.341797 0.106934 0.34375 -0.574219 0.503906 0.890625 0.582031 0.5625 0.578125 -0.769531 -0.816406 0.859375 -0.0111084 0.945312 -0.882812 0.988281 0.0986328 -0.886719 -0.116699 0.472656 0.773438 0.0917969 -0.296875 0.410156 -0.765625 0.933594 -0.710938 0.375 0.519531 0.671875
0.236328 0.730469 -0.796875 0.675781 -0.828125 -0.147461 0.400391 -0.554688 -0.851562 -0.206055 0.640625 0.78125 0.412109 -0.703125 -0.835938 0.0266113 -0.828125 -0.53125 0.972656 0.162109 -0.25 0.722656 -0.257812 0.757812 0.625 -0.523438 0.890625 0.8125 0.96875 0.183594 0.503906 -0.298828
-0.24707 0.416016 -0.832031 -0.0366211 0.550781 -0.243164 0.116699 0.410156 -0.151367 -0.5 0.8125 -0.337891 -0.777344 -0.130859 -0.0147095 -0.492188 -0.976562 -0.189453 -0.0625 0.142578 -0.886719 0.480469 -0.761719 0.53125 -0.761719 0.644531 0.296875 0.488281 0.490234 0.361328 0.166016 -0.523438
0.921875 -0.199219 -0.25 -0.0444336 -0.427734 -0.832031 0.734375 0.0566406 -0.550781 -0.126953 0.925781 0.601562 -0.972656 0.953125 0.9375 0.111816 -0.910156 -0.353516 0.78125 -0.910156 0.0551758 0.847656 0.984375 0.835938 -0.851562 -0.492188 0.107422 0.390625 0.9375 -0.847656 0.0461426 -0.664062
0.257812 -0.5625 0.390625 -0.410156 -0.0908203 0.988281 0.253906 0.392578 0.167969 -0.231445 0.800781 0.472656 -0.90625 0.828125 -0.4375 0.914062 0.898438 -0.882812 0.777344 -0.210938 -0.0883789 -0.785156 0.240234 -0.328125 -0.443359 -0.660156 -0.621094 0.292969 -0.0722656 -0.222656 -0.292969 -0.539062
0.166992 -0.466797 -0.84375 -0.279297 0.945312 -0.478516 0.96875 -0.0932617 0.394531 -0.933594 0.0717773 -0.439453 -0.380859 -0.176758 0.625 0.205078 0.369141 -0.457031 -0.671875 -0.730469 0.820312 -0.84375 0.644531 0.878906 0.898438 -0.166016 0.451172 0.162109 0.226562 0.835938 -0.163086 -0.832031
Performing operation on the tensor
Metal | WARNING | Circular buffer indices are not contiguous starting at 0. This will hurt dispatch performance. Non-contiguous indices: 2. First unused index: 1. Kernels: reader_unary_interleaved_start_id
Metal | WARNING | Circular buffer indices are not contiguous starting at 0. This will hurt dispatch performance. Non-contiguous indices: 2. First unused index: 1. Kernels: writer_unary_interleaved_start_id, reader_unary_interleaved_start_id, eltwise_sfpu
Tensot y:
-0.24707 0.554688 0.78125 -0.589844 0.445312 0.527344 0.195312 0.191406 -0.632812 -0.107422 -0.632812 -0.714844 -0.769531 -0.0805664 0.664062 -0.324219 0.200195 -0.652344 0.402344 0.294922 -0.816406 -0.773438 0.804688 0.427734 0.613281 0.765625 -0.542969 -0.835938 -0.589844 0.832031 -0.589844 0.231445
-0.378906 0.220703 0.0490723 -0.832031 -0.134766 -0.8125 -0.402344 0.0490723 0.22168 -0.198242 -0.65625 -0.785156 -0.400391 0.808594 -0.261719 -0.503906 -0.0869141 -0.726562 0.539062 0.233398 -0.5625 -0.231445 0.0283203 0.820312 0.182617 -0.065918 -0.785156 0.65625 0.212891 0.351562 -0.609375 -0.0981445
-0.761719 -0.824219 0.777344 0.769531 0.800781 0.125 0.574219 -0.225586 -0.378906 -0.820312 -0.714844 -0.507812 0.357422 -0.492188 -0.119141 0.355469 -0.683594 0.217773 -0.00958252 0.613281 -0.800781 -0.605469 0.726562 -0.21582 -0.462891 -0.589844 0.318359 0.484375 -0.365234 -0.148438 0.0397949 -0.546875
0.0927734 0.133789 -0.585938 -0.800781 0.804688 0.628906 0.519531 -0.0996094 0.769531 -0.207031 0.707031 0.75 0.193359 0.4375 0.742188 -0.337891 -0.730469 0.139648 -0.566406 0.0412598 -0.785156 0.792969 -0.339844 0.632812 -0.219727 0.472656 -0.439453 0.0786133 0.609375 0.171875 -0.28125 0.800781
-0.421875 0.211914 0.0844727 -0.431641 -0.652344 -0.394531 0.5625 -0.617188 -0.746094 -0.820312 0.824219 -0.151367 0.515625 -0.208008 -0.5625 -0.400391 -0.832031 -0.820312 0.585938 -0.5625 0.400391 0.408203 0.439453 0.542969 0.511719 0.209961 -0.75 0.75 -0.277344 0.294922 -0.691406 0.734375
0.660156 0.640625 0.243164 -0.100586 -0.330078 -0.722656 -0.761719 -0.253906 -0.367188 0.328125 -0.341797 0.322266 0.441406 0.179688 0.269531 -0.433594 0.695312 0.121582 -0.0551758 -0.230469 -0.683594 0.804688 0.412109 0.640625 0.496094 0.427734 0.121582 -0.5 0.511719 -0.466797 -0.0123291 -0.792969
0.045166 0.40625 -0.143555 -0.699219 -0.808594 -0.120605 -0.703125 -0.558594 -0.800781 0.707031 0.267578 -0.0488281 -0.361328 0.125 0.0169678 0.378906 0.722656 -0.65625 -0.478516 0.206055 -0.177734 0.0791016 0.484375 -0.558594 -0.511719 0.769531 -0.746094 0.195312 -0.40625 0.378906 -0.625 0.683594
0.753906 0.245117 0.574219 -0.396484 0.261719 -0.703125 0.675781 -0.0864258 0.566406 -0.53125 -0.582031 -0.165039 0.703125 0.691406 0.078125 -0.341797 0.574219 -0.683594 0.707031 -0.28125 -0.353516 0.722656 -0.699219 -0.439453 -0.515625 0.289062 -0.144531 -0.835938 0.589844 -0.287109 0.65625 -0.378906
-0.832031 -0.617188 0.0213623 0.0673828 -0.164062 -0.0301514 -0.523438 0.375 -0.683594 -0.443359 -0.318359 -0.488281 0.769531 -0.609375 -0.345703 -0.527344 0.0371094 0.115234 0.392578 -0.189453 -0.267578 -0.761719 0.804688 -0.470703 0.792969 -0.482422 -0.474609 0.380859 -0.00546265 0.410156 -0.384766 -0.644531
-0.416016 0.835938 -0.796875 -0.447266 0.216797 0.8125 0.00531006 -0.176758 -0.777344 -0.800781 -0.425781 -0.302734 0.726562 0.263672 -0.496094 0.353516 -0.648438 0.0615234 -0.020874 -0.103516 0.820312 0.10498 -0.492188 0.182617 0.335938 -0.738281 0.496094 -0.255859 -0.498047 -0.492188 0.439453 0.566406
-0.259766 -0.059082 0.259766 0.820312 0.261719 -0.200195 0.0708008 0.589844 -0.726562 0.558594 0.617188 -0.640625 -0.349609 0.0162354 -0.582031 0.378906 -0.792969 0.652344 0.179688 -0.339844 0.345703 -0.527344 -0.820312 0.408203 0.0240479 0.578125 -0.519531 -0.294922 0.283203 -0.71875 -0.601562 0.769531
0.371094 -0.202148 -0.223633 0.0351562 0.761719 0.621094 -0.660156 0.341797 -0.310547 0.451172 -0.695312 -0.542969 0.746094 0.0820312 0.683594 0.378906 -0.462891 -0.511719 0.3125 -0.601562 0.589844 0.816406 0.109863 0.032959 0.0588379 -0.457031 -0.492188 0.835938 -0.722656 0.800781 0.710938 0.115723
0.714844 0.6875 0.261719 -0.578125 -0.314453 -0.425781 -0.294922 0.388672 0.435547 0.636719 0.710938 0.652344 0.695312 -0.188477 0.527344 0.695312 0.279297 0.640625 -0.734375 0.761719 -0.625 0.539062 0.714844 0.330078 0.209961 0.160156 -0.828125 -0.25 -0.714844 0.769531 0.320312 0.808594
-0.832031 -0.417969 -0.625 -0.378906 0.0966797 -0.0285645 0.373047 -0.102539 0.296875 0.832031 -0.519531 -0.597656 0.410156 -0.816406 -0.498047 -0.012146 -0.339844 -0.597656 0.470703 -0.261719 0.292969 0.46875 0.640625 0.425781 0.308594 -0.373047 0.134766 0.0844727 -0.722656 0.0174561 -0.259766 0.267578
-0.451172 -0.476562 -0.488281 0.178711 0.808594 0.816406 -0.210938 -0.0263672 0.703125 0.722656 0.257812 -0.129883 0.550781 -0.292969 0.00521851 0.283203 0.152344 0.328125 -0.0148926 0.664062 -0.570312 -0.511719 0.427734 -0.00160217 -0.421875 0.142578 -0.8125 0.507812 0.283203 -0.789062 -0.597656 0.832031
0.769531 -0.0598145 0.785156 -0.423828 0.734375 0.691406 -0.253906 0.472656 -0.820312 0.78125 0.753906 -0.330078 -0.142578 0.10498 0.800781 0.143555 0.796875 0.816406 0.644531 -0.746094 -0.398438 -0.376953 -0.226562 -0.578125 0.640625 -0.445312 -0.355469 -0.0292969 -0.609375 -0.25 0.112793 -0.208008
0.761719 0.632812 0.378906 0.753906 0.138672 -0.753906 -0.71875 -0.546875 0.226562 0.333984 0.828125 -0.277344 -0.65625 -0.470703 0.036377 -0.396484 0.683594 -0.345703 0.460938 0.640625 0.380859 -0.664062 0.392578 0.402344 -0.275391 0.10498 -0.400391 -0.394531 0.578125 -0.15918 0.578125 -0.466797
0.664062 0.220703 0.730469 -0.738281 0.0224609 -0.832031 0.00300598 0.25 0.558594 -0.570312 0.292969 -0.753906 0.390625 -0.204102 0.554688 -0.78125 0.699219 0.695312 -0.316406 -0.804688 -0.245117 0.15625 -0.722656 -0.122559 0.155273 0.335938 -0.796875 -0.333984 -0.0678711 -0.632812 0.0844727 0.816406
-0.412109 0.625 0.179688 0.65625 -0.804688 -0.476562 -0.792969 -0.792969 0.597656 -0.380859 -0.275391 0.0732422 -0.675781 -0.337891 0.0441895 0.605469 0.511719 -0.439453 -0.535156 0.800781 0.242188 -0.0849609 -0.734375 0.628906 -0.777344 -0.570312 0.0622559 -0.175781 0.0805664 0.386719 0.269531 -0.660156
0.435547 -0.667969 0.8125 0.804688 0.0322266 0.414062 -0.345703 -0.789062 0.554688 -0.200195 -0.439453 -0.131836 -0.121094 0.466797 -0.742188 -0.476562 -0.8125 -0.585938 0.792969 -0.738281 0.621094 -0.141602 0.378906 0.367188 -0.179688 -0.769531 -0.605469 0.734375 -0.628906 -0.114746 -0.476562 -0.496094
0.0976562 -0.722656 0.414062 -0.589844 0.314453 0.761719 -0.423828 0.271484 0.785156 0.032959 0.455078 0.306641 0.10791 -0.126953 0.220703 0.441406 -0.15918 -0.78125 -0.482422 0.130859 -0.28125 -0.625 0.492188 -0.683594 -0.820312 -0.308594 -0.691406 -0.722656 -0.785156 -0.722656 -0.792969 -0.367188
0.648438 0.816406 0.394531 -0.601562 -0.0512695 -0.820312 -0.714844 0.498047 -0.0166016 0.574219 -0.0527344 -0.300781 -0.605469 -0.0698242 -0.130859 0.292969 -0.200195 -0.78125 0.228516 0.777344 0.265625 0.695312 -0.785156 -0.457031 -0.24707 -0.820312 0.24707 0.757812 0.00622559 0.00205994 0.652344 0.078125
0.310547 0.357422 -0.621094 0.228516 -0.753906 0.773438 0.279297 0.773438 -0.808594 0.667969 0.169922 0.267578 0.769531 0.5625 0.149414 0.345703 -0.22168 0.145508 0.28125 -0.675781 -0.0825195 0.578125 0.090332 0.597656 0.769531 0.24707 -0.224609 0.597656 0.792969 0.296875 0.722656 -0.550781
-0.566406 -0.435547 -0.753906 -0.539062 -0.714844 -0.242188 -0.816406 -0.792969 -0.722656 0.233398 0.355469 -0.320312 -0.753906 0.304688 -0.353516 -0.225586 0.632812 0.353516 -0.8125 -0.3125 0.585938 -0.458984 -0.421875 -0.0078125 -0.6875 0.375 0.380859 -0.296875 0.253906 0.761719 0.683594 -0.792969
0.451172 -0.163086 0.566406 0.800781 -0.421875 0.0952148 -0.597656 -0.151367 0.478516 0.135742 0.574219 0.150391 0.828125 0.445312 -0.172852 -0.675781 -0.251953 -0.476562 0.519531 0.15918 -0.3125 0.664062 0.753906 0.123047 0.652344 -0.496094 -0.140625 0.351562 0.478516 0.458984 0.484375 -0.498047
-0.710938 -0.241211 0.71875 0.0678711 0.010437 -0.00683594 0.605469 -0.21875 -0.351562 -0.392578 0.707031 -0.714844 -0.21875 -0.777344 -0.828125 0.789062 0.722656 0.636719 -0.726562 -0.283203 -0.353516 0.789062 0.78125 0.345703 0.78125 -0.034668 0.145508 -0.013855 0.259766 -0.738281 -0.102539 -0.726562
-0.400391 0.202148 -0.333984 0.106445 0.335938 -0.542969 0.482422 0.777344 0.546875 0.53125 0.542969 -0.695312 -0.726562 0.753906 -0.0110474 0.808594 -0.769531 0.832031 0.0981445 -0.773438 -0.116211 0.455078 0.695312 0.0913086 -0.291016 0.398438 -0.691406 0.800781 -0.652344 0.365234 0.496094 0.621094
0.233398 0.664062 -0.714844 0.625 -0.734375 -0.146484 0.388672 -0.523438 -0.75 -0.204102 0.597656 0.703125 0.400391 -0.644531 -0.738281 0.0264893 -0.734375 -0.503906 0.824219 0.161133 -0.24707 0.660156 -0.253906 0.683594 0.582031 -0.498047 0.777344 0.722656 0.820312 0.181641 0.482422 -0.292969
-0.244141 0.402344 -0.738281 -0.036377 0.519531 -0.240234 0.116211 0.398438 -0.150391 -0.478516 0.722656 -0.330078 -0.699219 -0.129883 -0.0146484 -0.470703 -0.828125 -0.1875 -0.0622559 0.141602 -0.773438 0.460938 -0.6875 0.503906 -0.6875 0.597656 0.291016 0.46875 0.470703 0.353516 0.165039 -0.498047
0.792969 -0.197266 -0.24707 -0.0441895 -0.414062 -0.738281 0.667969 0.0563965 -0.519531 -0.125977 0.796875 0.5625 -0.824219 0.8125 0.804688 0.111328 -0.789062 -0.345703 0.703125 -0.789062 0.0549316 0.746094 0.832031 0.738281 -0.75 -0.470703 0.106934 0.378906 0.804688 -0.746094 0.0458984 -0.613281
0.253906 -0.53125 0.378906 -0.398438 -0.090332 0.832031 0.25 0.380859 0.166992 -0.228516 0.714844 0.455078 -0.785156 0.734375 -0.421875 0.789062 0.78125 -0.769531 0.699219 -0.208984 -0.0878906 -0.703125 0.237305 -0.322266 -0.427734 -0.609375 -0.578125 0.287109 -0.0717773 -0.220703 -0.287109 -0.511719
0.166016 -0.449219 -0.746094 -0.275391 0.808594 -0.458984 0.820312 -0.0927734 0.382812 -0.800781 0.0712891 -0.423828 -0.371094 -0.175781 0.582031 0.203125 0.359375 -0.439453 -0.621094 -0.664062 0.730469 -0.746094 0.597656 0.769531 0.78125 -0.165039 0.435547 0.161133 0.224609 0.738281 -0.162109 -0.738281
Done. Shutting down
Metal | INFO | Closing device 0
Metal | INFO | Disabling and clearing program cache on device 0
Always | WARNING | Attempting to push work to Device 0 which is not initialized. Ignoring...
Always | WARNING | Attempting to push work to Device 0 which is not initialized. Ignoring...
Device | INFO | Closing user mode device drivers
(python_env) alexa@yyz-cust1:~/ox/tt-metal$ ls -l /dev/shm/
total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 alexa alexa 32 Feb 8 22:09 sem.read_write_mutex
To Reproduce
build latest tt-metal
(python_env) alexa@yyz-cust1:~/ox/tt-metal$ build_Debug/tt-train/sources/examples/sample_app/sample_app
ls -l /dev/shm/
total 4
-rw-rw-r-- 1 alexa alexa 32 Feb 8 22:09 sem.read_write_mutex
Expected behavior
the semaphore has to be cleared for other account to work with tt-metal
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Please complete the following environment information:
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: