TensorBoard 1.7.0
The 1.7 minor series tracks TensorFlow 1.7.
- (Beta) New Beholder plugin that shows a live video feed of tensor data during
model training, by @chrisranderson. Caveat: only currently recommended for use
where TensorBoard and TensorFlow share a local disk. See for details:
- Debugger tensor value card improvements:
- Debugger health pills now show number of NaN/Inf values if any (#1026)
- Audio summary playback elements no longer loop by default (PR #1061), but
looping can be enabled for individual elements through a right-click option.
Bug fixes
- #965 - pr_curve_streaming_op no longer results in duplicate plots (PR #1053)
- #967 - custom scalar margin plots with missing tags now indicate the run
- #970 - browser back button now works across home page (/) - thanks @brianwa84
- #990 - apple-touch-icon.png requests no longer trigger 404s - thanks @lanpa
- #1010 - content no longer intrudes into sidebar on narrow viewports
- #1016 - CTRL+C now exits TensorBoard even with debugger enabled (PR #975)
- #1021 - text plugin no longer always shows as inactive on first page load