A version of GitHub's our-boxen that works on both Linux and OSX. Has been tested on OSX 10.9.4 and Ubuntu 14.04.
Linuxbrew, the Linux fork of homebrew, has been coming along nicely. As homebrew was the key missing dependency for a version of boxen on Linux, now seems like a good time to make a Linux version of boxen based around linuxbrew.
- The bootstrap script now installs the boxen-linux dependencies, but if you don't already have git it can be difficult to get ahold of boxen-linux in the first place. Here's how to install it on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 14.04:
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install git-core
sudo mkdir -p /opt/boxen
sudo chown "${USER}":${USER} /opt/boxen
git clone https://github.com/boxen/our-boxen.git /opt/boxen/repo
cd /opt/boxen/repo
script/boxen --no-fde --debug
- Linuxbrew functions completely identically to homebrew, so if you want to add your own homebrew-sourced packages you can do so in your manifests in exactly the same way as you would for vanilla boxen:
package { '<homebrew-formula-name>': }
- As of right now, boxen-linux is only guaranteed to work on OSX and Ubuntu 14.04. It might run on other versions of Ubuntu, and there's a good chance that it will run on other subflavors of Debian Linux (at least with a few minor tweaks), but there is no possibility whatsoever that it will run on a flavor of Linux that doesn't rely on apt packaging.
As of right now, these are the boxen modules which I've modded Linux support into
- puppet-boxen (:repo => "telamonian/puppet-boxen")
- puppet-eclipse (:repo => "telamonian/puppet-eclipse")
- puppet-gcc (:repo => "telamonian/puppet-gcc")
- puppet-git (:repo => "telamonian/puppet-git")
- puppet-homebrew (:repo => "telamonian/puppet-homebrew")
- puppet-hub (:repo => "telamonian/puppet-hub")
- puppet-java (:repo => "telamonian/puppet-java")
- puppet-ruby (:repo => "telamonian/puppet-ruby")
- In order to deal with the difference in paths between OSX and Linux, boxen-linux creates a few directories and symlinks that vanilla boxen does not -directories -/User -/var/db -symlinks -/User/${USER} -> /home/${USER}
- Support for more versions of Linux
- Support for more modules
- If you want to deploy boxen on both OSX and Linux, you need to keep two versions of the facter gem in your vender/cache directory, facter-x.x.x.gem and facter-x.x.x-universal-darwin.gem. If you're running on OSX and you only have facter-x.x.x.gem, Puppet tries to use it and crashes.