Tekton Pipeline release v0.56.0 "Persian Terminator LTS"
-Docs @ v0.56.0
-Examples @ v0.56.0
Installation one-liner
kubectl apply -f https://storage.googleapis.com/tekton-releases/pipeline/previous/v0.56.0/release.yaml
The Rekor UUID for this release is 24296fb24b8ad77a0c94b8ccf25fa815c6b01ab90941b17a37373885d8f62efc99b17eea417bed4d
Obtain the attestation:
rekor-cli get --uuid $REKOR_UUID --format json | jq -r .Attestation | jq .
Verify that all container images in the attestation are in the release file:
# Obtains the list of images with sha from the attestation
REKOR_ATTESTATION_IMAGES=$(rekor-cli get --uuid "$REKOR_UUID" --format json | jq -r .Attestation | jq -r '.subject[]|.name + ":v0.56.0@sha256:" + .digest.sha256')
# Download the release file
curl "$RELEASE_FILE" > release.yaml
# For each image in the attestation, match it to the release file
printf $image; grep -q $image release.yaml && echo " ===> ok" || echo " ===> no match";
- ✨ Support overriding the SCM type and server URL (#7450)
User are now able to override the global server URL when using the git resolver to allow fetching from multiple git providers. - ✨ TEP-0142: Introduce WorkingDir in StepActions (#7461)
- ✨ TEP-0075(object params and results) promoted to stable (#7544)
TEP-0075 promoted to stable - object params and results is now possible with enable-api-fields set to stable. - ✨ kind/feature : populate-params-and-results-to-workspace-bindings (#7503)
- ✨ TEP-0142: Passing StepResults between Steps (#7458)
Enable passingStepResults
in a `Task. - ✨ param substitutions not allowed in StepAction's script (#7459)
Param substitutions not allowed directly in StepAction's script
- 🐛 fix: ensure global podTemplate configuration is merged correctly (#7552)
Merge the env
and volumes
from the podTemplate in the pipelineRun or TaskRun with the global defaults, instead of only considering the specified in the Run's.
- 🐛 Add back conversion for TaskRunStatus Resources (#7507)
restore conversion functions from taskRun and taskRunStatus resources for backwards compatibility
- 🐛 add default resource requirements to init-containers and containers of a pod (#7003)
[Bug fix]: takes default values of a resource requirements from a config map and updates to a init-container and container resource requirements value, if the value is not present
- 🐛 kind/bug allowExecution evaluation for when expression returns early when CEL is defined (#7569)
- 🐛 Fix broken import of go.opentelemetry.io/otel to v1.21.0 (#7465)
- 🔨 Label for failure PipelineRun Status Message (#7475)
user error attributions can now be seen via PipelineRunStatus condition messages
- 🔨 Error sweep: correct InvalidPipelineResultReference failure reason (#7459)
- 🔨 Bump github.com/sigstore/sigstore from 1.7.5 to 1.8.1 (#7575)
- 🔨 Bump github.com/spiffe/spire-api-sdk from 1.8.5 to 1.8.7 (#7570)
- 🔨 Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 41.0.1 to 41.1.1 (#7567)
- 🔨 Bump actions/upload-artifact from 4.0.0 to 4.1.0 (#7566)
- 🔨 Bump github/codeql-action from 3.22.12 to 3.23.0 (#7548)
- 🔨 Bump actions/checkout from 3.1.0 to 4.1.1 (#7537)
- 🔨 Bump ossf/scorecard-action from 2.1.2 to 2.3.1 (#7536)
- 🔨 Bump tj-actions/changed-files from 40.2.3 to 41.0.1 (#7535)
- 🔨 Bump actions/upload-artifact from 3.1.0 to 4.0.0 (#7534)
- 🔨 Bump github/codeql-action from 2.2.4 to 3.22.12 (#7533)
- 🔨 Bump github.com/containerd/containerd from 1.7.8 to 1.7.11 (#7529)
- 🔨 Bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 (#7527)
- 🔨 Hardened GitHub workflows a little bit (#7524)
- 🔨 Bump k8s.io/api from 0.27.8 to 0.27.9 in /test/custom-task-ctrls/wait-task-beta (#7518)
- 🔨 Bump github.com/jenkins-x/go-scm from 1.14.20 to 1.14.24 (#7515)
- 🔨 Bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.59.0 to 1.60.1 (#7506)
- 🔨 Bump github.com/google/go-containerregistry from 0.16.1 to 0.17.0 (#7462)
Thanks to these contributors who contributed to v0.56.0!
- ❤️ @JeromeJu
- ❤️ @Yongxuanzhang
- ❤️ @chitrangpatel
- ❤️ @dependabot[bot]
- ❤️ @ericzzzzzzz
- ❤️ @jkandasa
- ❤️ @l-qing
- ❤️ @vdemeester
Extra shout-out for awesome release notes:
- 😍 @JeromeJu
- 😍 @Yongxuanzhang
- 😍 @chitrangpatel
- 😍 @ericzzzzzzz
- 😍 @jkandasa
- 😍 @l-qing