decomissioning contigency type
got rig of simple* in orders, executions and positions due to made order Qty decimal in request model to place orders on the all symbols and indexes when quantity step less than 0
added events on close and error got rid of usage of obsolete method in tests
ignored quote test (Because /Quote endpoint doesn't work know issue #16) add resp API for stats, user, leaderboard enhanced error handling (handling of HTML response)
added handling actions added order book L2 handling docs OrderBookSocketDto renamed to OrderBook10Dto (for orderBook10 web socket subscription)
fixed issue added logging. Please check out
fixed bug #7 added Bitmex WebSocket Limit Reached Exception. For the time being the limit provided by Bitmex is 20. It's not hardcoded value, the current framework takes it from WebSocket welcome message.
Fixed authentication issues. Currently, nonce became in seconds rather than in milliseconds, according to the official reference
WEBSOCKET subscription available!! (See Example project or BitmexApiSocketService*Tests.cs)
Fixed issues #3 #4
fixed bug #2 (the types of sums and quantities are chaned to decimal) added WebSocket nuget packge dependency for future changes
fixed bug #1
Added the follow APIs
Method | REST API Method |
GET | execution |
GET | execution/tradeHistory |
GET | instrument |
GET | instrument/active |
GET | instrument/activeAndIndices |
GET | instrument/activeIntervals |
GET | instrument/compositeIndex |
GET | instrument/indices |
Initial release with the following methods implemented and covered with the integration tests
Method | REST API Method |
GET | order |
PUT | order |
POST | order |
DELETE | order |
DELETE | order/all |
PUT | order/bulk |
POST | order/bulk |
POST | order/cancelAllAfter |
POST | order/closePosition |
GET | orderBook/L2 |
GET | position |
POST | position/isolate |
POST | position/leverage |
POST | position/riskLimit |
POST | position/transferMargin |
GET | quote |
GET | quote/bucketed |
GET | trade |
GET | trade/bucketed |