** Do not use this on a public server. This is meant to run locally (localhost) or on an internal server (http://localhost/alerts.html...)
Future development can be tracked here: https://github.com/teklynk/twitch_chat_alerts/projects/1
- NEW: September 2023. Follower alerts now requires an access token with moderator:read:followers permissions. The auth.json file also needs a clientId.
- Backup your custom css files and custom js files before pulling new changes. You can also diff the files to see what has changed and merge the changes that you want.
- Rename assets/css/sample.alerts.css to assets/css/alerts.css if the file does not exist.
- Clone or download this repo.
- npm install
- npm run server
- Visit http://localhost:8000/alerts.html?channel=MrStreamer&bot=CoolBot
- You can change the 8000 port number inside package.json if needed.
- Set your bot account as a mod on your main channel.
- Rename assets/css/sample.alerts.css to assets/css/alerts.css if the file does not exist.
Tokens can be generated from https://twitchtokengenerator.com/
If you want your bot to reply in chat after a command, I suggest creating tokens using your bots account. To do this, you will need to sign in to Twitch using your bot account before visiting twitchtokengenerator or visit https://twitchtokengenerator.com/ in incognito mode.
IMPORTANT! Generate a Custom Scope Token with these permissions:
- bits:read
- chat:read
- chat:edit
- channel:read:subscriptions
- channel:read:redemptions
- user:read:subscription
- user:read:follows
- moderator:read:followers
example: http://localhost:8080/alerts.html?channel=MrStreamer&bot=CoolBot
- bot = Your bot account. This can also be your main account if you do not have a separate bot account.
- channel = Your main channel.
- notify = true/false. Turn notifications on or off.
- Rename sample.data.json to data.json
- Rename sample.auth.json to auth.json
- Rename sample.block.json to block.json
- Rename sample.notifications.json to notifications.json
Edit data.json. Add your own custom !action commands, !so and other bot responses.
auth.json contains your Twitch oAuth Token. If you are using a bot account, then you should generate these token using the bot account and not your main account.
data.json contains the alert actions.
block.json contains a list of users to block from using alerts.
notifications.json is used to send a random chat message on a timed interval (after 10 messages and longer than 10 minutes)
Redeems If using this with redeems/channel points, it will only work if your redeem requires the user to enter a message along with the redeem. EX: hightlighted-message. In data.json, set the "command": "redeem" and add "redeemtype": "highlighted-message". Use the "redeem" example below.
"command": "!alert",
"image": "animatedgif1.gif",
"audio": "song1.mp3",
"video": "",
"volume": "",
"message": "Hello World1! {username}",
"say": "",
"timelimit": "5000",
"perm": "mods",
"cooldown": "10000"
"command": "!fart",
"image": "",
"audio": "fart1.mp3",
"video": "",
"volume": "0.5",
"message": "",
"say": "{username} just farted :)",
"timelimit": "1000",
"perm": "all",
"cooldown": "10000"
"command": "!hey,
"image": "",
"audio": "",
"video": "",
"volume": "0.8",
"message": "",
"say": "hello @{username} :)",
"timelimit": "1000",
"perm": "all",
"cooldown": "10000"
"command": "!so",
"image": "",
"audio": "",
"video": "",
"volume": "1.0",
"video": "{randomclip}",
"message": "Go check out {channel}",
"say": "Go check out @{channel}. They were last seen playing: {playing} - {status} {url}",
"timelimit": "10000",
"perm": "mods",
"cooldown": "10000"
"command": "redeem",
"redeemtype": "highlighted-message",
"image": "",
"audio": "mixkit-funny-video-game-slide-2888.wav",
"video": "",
"volume": "",
"message": "{message}",
"say": "",
"timelimit": "5000",
"perm": "all",
"cooldown": "5000"
"command": "follow",
"image": "{logo}",
"audio": "song2.mp3",
"video": "",
"volume": "1.0",
"message": "Thanks for the follow! {username}",
"say": "",
"timelimit": "8000",
"perm": "mods",
"cooldown": "10000"
"command": "hosted",
"image": "{logo}",
"audio": "song2.mp3",
"video": "",
"volume": "1.0",
"message": "Thanks for the host! {username}",
"say": "",
"timelimit": "8000",
"perm": "mods",
"cooldown": "10000"
"command": "raided",
"image": "{logo}",
"audio": "song2.mp3",
"video": "",
"volume": "1.0",
"message": "Thanks for the raid! {username}",
"say": "",
"timelimit": "8000",
"perm": "mods",
"cooldown": "10000"
"command": "cheer",
"image": "{logo}",
"audio": "",
"video": "",
"volume": "1.0",
"message": "Thanks for the {bits} cheers! {username} {message}",
"say": "",
"timelimit": "8000",
"perm": "mods",
"cooldown": "10000"
"command": "subscription",
"image": "{logo}",
"audio": "",
"video": "",
"volume": "1.0",
"message": "{username} just subscribed",
"say": "",
"timelimit": "3000",
"perm": "mods",
"cooldown": "10000"
"command": "resub",
"image": "{logo}",
"audio": "",
"video": "",
"volume": "1.0",
"message": "{username} just resubscribed for {months} months",
"say": "",
"timelimit": "3000",
"perm": "mods",
"cooldown": "10000"
- "command": Your alert command.
- "image": Show image in the overlay
- "audio": Plays an audio file
- "video": Plays a video file
- "volume": This is a float(decimal) value "0.0" ~ "1.0". Default is "1.0" if not set.
- "message": Displays a message in the overlay
- "say": Says a message in chat
- "timelimit": (miliseconds) How long the alert runs
- "perm": all/mods. Limits the alert to mod only or available to everyone
- "cooldown": (miliseconds) Length of time before the command can be used again
- !alert : Custom chat commands that will trigger when someone in chat uses them (!commands, !sfx, !fart, !so, ! welcome)
- !so : Bot will look up {channel} and say a shout-out message with {playing},{status},{url},{logo} values for the {channel} entered. ie: !so teklynk. If {randomclip} is set for the video, the alert will play a random clip from the channel. If {logo} is set, the alert will pull the user logo from Twitch.
- follow : This will trigger when you receive a new follower.
- hosted : This will trigger when someone hosts your channel.
- raided : This will trigger when someone raids your channel.
- cheer : This will trigger when you receive a cheer/bits.
- subscription : This will trigger when someone subs to your channel.
- resub : This will trigger when someone re-subs to you channel.
- {username}
- {bits}
- {message}
- {months}
- !so : {channel} {playing} {status} {url} {randomclip}
Place all media (images, sounds, videos) inside the media folder/directory
- Video : webm, ogg, mp4
- Audio : mp3, ogg
- Images : gif, png, jpg
Each command is set as a class name on the ".alertItem" div so that you can add custom css for each alert if needed.
Example of how to add custom styling to the command called "hello".
.alertItem.hello p.message {
text-shadow: 2px 2px #990000;
font-size: 80px;