Universal update script for steam games, minecraft and more. TekBASE is a server management software for clans, communities and service providers with an online shop, billing system, and reminder system. More information at TekLab.de
cd /home
git clone https://github.com/teklab-de/tekbase-game-updater.git
cd tekbase-game-updater
chmod -R 0777 *.sh
tar -cf updater.tar *
Copy the updater.tar on your Imageserver (download server) and create an update entry in your game list. Example for minecraft:
wget ftp://testuser:password@;tar -xf updater.tar;./updater.sh www minecraft
- imageserver = Your ftp or http download server
- gamefile = TekBASE admin panel -> gamelist -> edit game -> image file field
- gamefolder = Folder name in www folder
- steamuser = Your steam login or anonymous will be selected (not allowed for every game)
- steampw = Your steam password or anonymous will be selected (not allowed for every game)
- steamid = Steam id for the dedicated server files
wget imageserver/updater.tar;tar -xf updater.tar;./updater.sh file "imageserver" "gamefile"
in example:
wget ftp://testuser:password@;tar -xf updater.tar;./updater.sh file "http://xxxxx.xxx" "css123"
wget ftp://testuser:password@;tar -xf updater.tar;./updater.sh file "http://xxxxx.xxx/css/update" "version_123"
wget imageserver/updater.tar;tar -xf updater.tar;./updater.sh steam "steamid" "gamefolder" "steamuser" "steampw"
in example:
wget ftp://testuser:password@;tar -xf updater.tar;./updater.sh steam "232330" "" "STEAMUSER" "STEAMPW"
wget ftp://testuser:password@;tar -xf updater.tar;./updater.sh steam "232330" "" "" ""
wget imageserver/updater.tar;tar -xf updater.tar;./updater.sh www "gamefolder"
in example:
wget ftp://testuser:password@;tar -xf updater.tar;./updater.sh www "minecraft"
Copyright (c) TekLab.de. Code released under the GNU AGPLv3 License. The use by other commercial control panel providers is explicitly prohibited.