Debar/exclude/ignore barrel files automatically from vscode auto import/intellisense. This extension blacklists all barrel files from vscode auto import setting
Importing (be it named imports) from barrel files hampers your bundle size very badly.
- Install this VSCode extension and vscode wont be able to suggest you any barrel files in intellisense.
- This extension is forgiving so it wont black list files its not able to detect as barrels
- go to the link or search for
in your vscode extensions panel - click install
- Press
Cmd/Ctrl + shift + P
in vscode - Type
Workspace settings
- click
Preferences: Open workspace settings (JSON)
- Search for
- Note that all the barrel files are now added to exclude pattern.
- Press
Cmd/Ctrl + shift + P
in vscode - Type
- click
Debarrel (force barrel recalculation)
- It will recalculate all barrel files from node_modules folder
- Make sure to grab all the logs from "output" panel of vscode. Just select debarrel from the dropdown and paste all the logs in issue you will create in next step.
- Feel free to raise issue on the repository using this link
Contributions are always welcome. Read through for knowing how to setup the repo.