A web component to represent a graph data structure in a 3-dimensional space using a force-directed iterative layout. Uses ThreeJS/WebGL for 3D rendering and either d3-force-3d or anvaka's ngraph for the underlying physics engine.
See also the VR version.
Live example: http://bl.ocks.org/vasturiano/02affe306ce445e423f992faeea13521
import ForceGraph3D from '3d-force-graph';
var ForceGraph3D = require('3d-force-graph');
or even
<script src="//unpkg.com/3d-force-graph"></script>
var myGraph = ForceGraph3D();
Method | Description | Default |
width([px]) | Getter/setter for the canvas width. | <window width> |
height([px]) | Getter/setter for the canvas height. | <window height> |
graphData([data]) | Getter/setter for graph data structure (see below for syntax details). Can also be used to apply incremental updates. | { nodes: [], links: [] } |
jsonUrl([url]) | URL of JSON file to load graph data directly from, as an alternative to specifying graphData directly. | |
numDimensions([int]) | Getter/setter for number of dimensions to run the force simulation on (1, 2 or 3). | 3 |
backgroundColor([str]) | Getter/setter for the chart background color. | #000011 |
showNavInfo([boolean]) | Getter/setter for whether to show the navigation controls footer info. | true |
nodeRelSize([num]) | Getter/setter for the ratio of node sphere volume (cubic px) per value unit. | 4 |
nodeId([str]) (alias: idField) |
Node object accessor attribute for unique node id (used in link objects source/target). | id |
nodeLabel([str or fn]) (alias: nameField) |
Node object accessor function or attribute for name (shown in label). | name |
nodeVal([num, str or fn]) (alias: valField) |
Node object accessor function, attribute or a numeric constant for the node numeric value (affects sphere volume). | val |
nodeResolution([num]) | Getter/setter for the geometric resolution of each node, expressed in how many slice segments to divide the circumference. Higher values yield smoother spheres. | 8 |
nodeColor([str or fn]) (alias: colorField) |
Node object accessor function or attribute for node color (affects sphere color). | color |
nodeAutoColorBy([str or fn]) (alias: autoColorBy) |
Node object accessor function (fn(node) ) or attribute (e.g. 'type' ) to automatically group colors by. Only affects nodes without a color attribute. |
nodeOpacity([num]) | Getter/setter for the nodes sphere opacity, between [0,1]. | 0.75 |
nodeThreeObject([Object3d, str or fn]) | Node object accessor function or attribute for generating a custom 3d object to render as graph nodes. Should return an instance of ThreeJS Object3d. If a falsy value is returned, the default 3d object type will be used instead for that node. | default node object is a sphere, sized according to val and styled according to color . |
linkSource([str]) (alias: linkSourceField) |
Link object accessor attribute referring to id of source node. | source |
linkTarget([str]) (alias: linkTargetField) |
Link object accessor attribute referring to id of target node. | target |
linkLabel([str or fn]) | Link object accessor function or attribute for name (shown in label). | name |
linkHoverPrecision([int]) | Whether to display the link label when gazing the link closely (low value) or from far away (high value). | 1 |
linkColor([str or fn]) (alias: linkColorField) |
Link object accessor function or attribute for line color. | color |
linkAutoColorBy([str or fn]) | Link object accessor function (fn(link) ) or attribute (e.g. 'type' ) to automatically group colors by. Only affects links without a color attribute. |
linkOpacity([num]) (alias: lineOpacity) |
Getter/setter for line opacity of links, between [0,1]. | 0.2 |
forceEngine([str]) | Getter/setter for which force-simulation engine to use (d3 or ngraph). | d3 |
d3AlphaDecay([num]) | Getter/setter for the simulation intensity decay parameter, only applicable if using the d3 simulation engine. | 0.0228 |
d3VelocityDecay([num]) | Getter/setter for the nodes' velocity decay that simulates the medium resistance, only applicable if using the d3 simulation engine. | 0.4 |
d3Force(str, [fn]) | Getter/setter for the internal forces that control the d3 simulation engine. Follows the same interface as d3-force-3d 's simulation.force. Three forces are included by default: 'link' (based on forceLink), 'charge' (based on forceManyBody) and 'center' (based on forceCenter). Each of these forces can be reconfigured, or new forces can be added to the system. This method is only applicable if using the d3 simulation engine. |
warmupTicks([int]) | Getter/setter for number of layout engine cycles to dry-run at ignition before starting to render. | 0 |
cooldownTicks([int]) | Getter/setter for how many build-in frames to render before stopping and freezing the layout engine. | Infinity |
cooldownTime([num]) | Getter/setter for how long (ms) to render for before stopping and freezing the layout engine. | 15000 |
onNodeClick(fn) | Callback function for node clicks. The node object is included as single argument onNodeClick(node) . |
- |
onLinkClick(fn) | Callback function for link clicks. The link object is included as single argument onLinkClick(node) . |
- |
onNodeHover(fn) | Callback function for node mouse over events. The node object (or null if there's no node under the mouse line of sight) is included as the first argument, and the previous node object (or null) as second argument: onNodeHover(node, prevNode) . |
- |
onLinkHover(fn) | Callback function for link mouse over events. The link object (or null if there's no node under the mouse line of sight) is included as the first argument, and the previous link object (or null) as second argument: onLinkHover(link, prevLink) . |
- |
resetProps() | Reset all component properties to their default value. |
"nodes": [
"id": "id1",
"name": "name1",
"val": 1
"id": "id2",
"name": "name2",
"val": 10
"links": [
"source": "id1",
"target": "id2"