diff --git a/connect_4.py b/connect_4.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1bd185
--- /dev/null
+++ b/connect_4.py
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+import os
+import telebot
+import pyrebase
+import threading
+import schedule
+from PIL import Image
+from time import time, sleep
+from telebot.types import InlineKeyboardButton
+from telebot.types import InlineKeyboardMarkup
+from telebot.types import InputMediaPhoto
+from telebot.types import InlineQueryResultPhoto
+config = { # Your FIREBASE DATABASE configurations
+ "apiKey" : "",
+ "authDomain" : "",
+ "databaseURL" : "",
+ "projectId" : "",
+ "storageBucket" : "",
+ "messagingSenderId" : "",
+ "appId" : "",
+ "measurementId" : "",
+firebase = pyrebase.initialize_app(config)
+database = firebase.database()
+API_KEY = "" # API TOKEN from @BotFather
+STORAGE_CHANNEL = 1234567890 # Channel Id for a private storage place
+bot = telebot.TeleBot(API_KEY, parse_mode="HTML") # Initializing the bot
+BANNER = "" # FILE ID of banner for your bot
+def connect_4_markup(play, positions): # Creates the move markup
+ game_board, buttons = InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width = 7), []
+ for pos in positions:
+ buttons.append(InlineKeyboardButton(play, callback_data=pos))
+ game_board.add(*buttons)
+ return game_board
+def board_img(red, yellow, game_id): # Creates the board image
+ board = Image.open(r"./assets/game_board.jpg")
+ p1 = Image.open(r"./assets/p1.png")
+ p2 = Image.open(r"./assets/p2.png")
+ tiles = {
+ "A1" : (0,0), "B1" : (0,0), "C1" : (0,0), "D1" : (0,0), "E1" : (0,0), "F1" : (0,0), "G1" : (0,0),
+ "A2" : (0,0), "B2" : (0,0), "C2" : (0,0), "D2" : (0,0), "E2" : (0,0), "F2" : (0,0), "G2" : (0,0),
+ "A3" : (0,0), "B3" : (0,0), "C3" : (0,0), "D3" : (0,0), "E3" : (0,0), "F3" : (0,0), "G3" : (0,0),
+ "A4" : (0,0), "B4" : (0,0), "C4" : (0,0), "D4" : (0,0), "E4" : (0,0), "F4" : (0,0), "G4" : (0,0),
+ "A5" : (0,0), "B5" : (0,0), "C5" : (0,0), "D5" : (0,0), "E5" : (0,0), "F5" : (0,0), "G5" : (0,0),
+ "A6" : (0,0), "B6" : (0,0), "C6" : (0,0), "D6" : (0,0), "E6" : (0,0), "F6" : (0,0), "G6" : (0,0),
+ }
+ game = board.copy()
+ for _ in red:
+ game.paste(p1, tiles[_])
+ for _ in yellow:
+ game.paste(p2, tiles[_])
+ game.save(f'Games/{game_id}.png')
+ return f'Games/{game_id}.png'
+def remove_expired(): # Deletes all expired games
+ try:
+ for game in database.child("Connect-4").get().each():
+ expiry, id = int(game.val()["expiry"]), game.val()["id"]
+ if int(time()) - expiry >= 600:
+ database.child(id).remove()
+ bot.edit_message_text(inline_message_id=id, text="Game expired! π")
+ bot.edit_message_reply_markup(inline_message_id=id, reply_markup=None)
+ except:
+ pass
+def parse_board(red, yellow): # Converts board image to ascii format
+ board = [
+ ['A1', 'B1', 'C1', 'D1', 'E1', 'F1', 'G1'],
+ ['A2', 'B2', 'C2', 'D2', 'E2', 'F2', 'G2'],
+ ['A3', 'B3', 'C3', 'D3', 'E3', 'F3', 'G3'],
+ ['A4', 'B4', 'C4', 'D4', 'E4', 'F4', 'G4'],
+ ['A5', 'B5', 'C5', 'D5', 'E5', 'F5', 'G5'],
+ ['A6', 'B6', 'C6', 'D6', 'E6', 'F6', 'G6'],
+ ]
+ for __ in board:
+ for _ in __:
+ if _ in red: __[__.index(_)] = 1
+ elif _ in yellow: __[__.index(_)] = 2
+ else: __[__.index(_)] = 0
+ return board
+def chk_win(board, piece, cols=7, rows=6): # Checks if player has wons
+ for c in range(cols-3): # Horizonatal arrangement
+ for r in range(rows):
+ if board[r][c] == piece\
+ and board[r][c+1] == piece\
+ and board[r][c+2] == piece\
+ and board[r][c+3] == piece:
+ return True
+ for c in range(cols): # Vertical arrangement
+ for r in range(rows-3):
+ if board[r][c] == piece\
+ and board[r+1][c] == piece\
+ and board[r+2][c] == piece\
+ and board[r+3][c] == piece:
+ return True
+ for c in range(cols-3): # Positive Diagonals
+ for r in range(rows-3):
+ if board[r][c] == piece\
+ and board[r+1][c+1] == piece\
+ and board[r+2][c+2] == piece\
+ and board[r+3][c+3] == piece:
+ return True
+ for c in range(cols-3): # Negative Diagonals
+ for r in range(3, rows):
+ if board[r][c] == piece\
+ and board[r-1][c+1] == piece\
+ and board[r-2][c+2] == piece\
+ and board[r-3][c+3] == piece:
+ return True
+def start(message): # Starts the bot
+ bot.send_photo(message.chat.id, BANNER, caption="Wanna a play a game of Connect-4?\n\
+ \nClick the buton and play with your friends!",
+ reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup().row(InlineKeyboardButton("Play Connect-4!",
+ switch_inline_query="connect_4")))
+@bot.inline_handler(lambda query: len(query.query) == 0 or query.query == 'connect_4')
+def send_game(query): # Creating the inline query handler
+ try:
+ c_4 = InlineQueryResultPhoto('_c4_',
+ 'https://github.com/TECH-SAVVY-GUY/telegram-games/blob/master/assets/game_board.jpg?raw=true',
+ 'https://github.com/TECH-SAVVY-GUY/telegram-games/blob/master/assets/connect-4.jpg?raw=true',
+ title = "ααααα΄αδΈ
- 4", description="Play a game of Connect-4 with your friends and family! βπ»",
+ reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup().row(InlineKeyboardButton("Tap to play!",
+ callback_data=f"c-play{query.from_user.id}")), caption = "Start the game! π₯³\n\
+ \nGame will be expire in 10 minutes!", parse_mode = "HTML"
+ )
+ bot.answer_inline_query(query.id, [c_4])
+ except: pass
+@bot.callback_query_handler(func=lambda call: True)
+def callback_listener(call): # A single callback listener for all calls
+ data, game_id = call.data, call.inline_message_id
+ if data[:6] == "c-play": # Starting the game
+ red, yellow = int(data[6:]), int(call.from_user.id)
+ if red == yellow:
+ bot.answer_callback_query(call.id,
+ "β οΈ Must be a different player! β οΈ", show_alert=True)
+ else:
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).child("id").set(game_id)
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).child("red").set(int(data[6:]))
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).child("yellow").set(call.from_user.id)
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).child("count").set(1)
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).child(
+ "board").set("['A6', 'B6', 'C6', 'D6', 'E6', 'F6', 'G6']")
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).child("red_places").set("[]")
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).child("yellow_places").set("[]")
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).child("expiry").set(int(time()))
+ bot.edit_message_caption(inline_message_id=game_id, caption=" ")
+ bot.edit_message_reply_markup(inline_message_id=game_id,
+ reply_markup=connect_4_markup("π΄", ["A6", "B6", "C6", "D6", "E6", "F6", "G6"]))
+ else: # Player move algorithm
+ game = database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).get()
+ players = [int(game.val()["red"]), int(game.val()["yellow"])]
+ if call.from_user.id not in players:
+ bot.answer_callback_query(call.id,
+ "β You are not a player! β", show_alert=True)
+ else:
+ count = int(game.val()["count"])
+ if count % 2 != 0:
+ if call.from_user.id != players[0]:
+ bot.answer_callback_query(call.id,
+ "β οΈ Wait for your Turn! β οΈ", show_alert=True)
+ else:
+ if data[1] != "0":
+ board = eval(game.val()["board"])
+ board[board.index(data)] = data[0] + str(int(data[1]) - 1)
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).update({"board":f"{board}"})
+ red_places, yellow_places = eval(game.val()["red_places"]), eval(game.val()["yellow_places"])
+ red_places.append(data)
+ parsed_board = parse_board(red_places, yellow_places)
+ if chk_win(parsed_board, 1):
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).remove()
+ path = board_img(red_places, yellow_places, game_id)
+ with open(path, "rb") as pic:
+ pic = bot.send_photo(STORAGE_CHANNEL, pic)
+ pic = bot.get_file(pic.photo[-1].file_id).file_id
+ bot.edit_message_media(inline_message_id=game_id, media=InputMediaPhoto(pic))
+ bot.edit_message_caption(inline_message_id=game_id,
+ caption="Player π΄ wins! π₯³")
+ try: os.remove(path)
+ except: pass
+ elif board == ["A0", "B0", "C0", "D0", "E0", "F0", "G0"]:
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).remove()
+ path = board_img(red_places, yellow_places, game_id)
+ with open(path, "rb") as pic:
+ pic = bot.send_photo(STORAGE_CHANNEL, pic)
+ pic = bot.get_file(pic.photo[-1].file_id).file_id
+ bot.edit_message_media(inline_message_id=game_id, media=InputMediaPhoto(pic))
+ bot.edit_message_caption(inline_message_id=game_id,
+ caption="It's a draw! π₯±")
+ else:
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).update({"red_places":f"{red_places}"})
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).update({"count":count + 1})
+ path = board_img(red_places, yellow_places, game_id)
+ with open(path, "rb") as pic:
+ pic = bot.send_photo(STORAGE_CHANNEL, pic)
+ pic = bot.get_file(pic.photo[-1].file_id).file_id
+ bot.edit_message_media(inline_message_id=game_id, media=InputMediaPhoto(pic))
+ bot.edit_message_reply_markup(inline_message_id=game_id,
+ reply_markup=connect_4_markup("π‘", board))
+ try: os.remove(path)
+ except: pass
+ else:
+ if call.from_user.id != players[-1]:
+ bot.answer_callback_query(call.id,
+ "β οΈ Wait for your Turn! β οΈ", show_alert=True)
+ else:
+ if data[1] != "0":
+ board = eval(game.val()["board"])
+ board[board.index(data)] = data[0] + str(int(data[1]) - 1)
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).update({"board":f"{board}"})
+ red_places, yellow_places = eval(game.val()["red_places"]), eval(game.val()["yellow_places"])
+ yellow_places.append(data)
+ parsed_board = parse_board(red_places, yellow_places)
+ if chk_win(parsed_board, 2):
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).remove()
+ path = board_img(red_places, yellow_places, game_id)
+ with open(path, "rb") as pic:
+ pic = bot.send_photo(STORAGE_CHANNEL, pic)
+ pic = bot.get_file(pic.photo[-1].file_id).file_id
+ bot.edit_message_media(inline_message_id=game_id, media=InputMediaPhoto(pic))
+ bot.edit_message_caption(inline_message_id=game_id,
+ caption="Player π‘ wins! π₯³")
+ try: os.remove(path)
+ except: pass
+ elif board == ["A0", "B0", "C0", "D0", "E0", "F0", "G0"]:
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).remove()
+ path = board_img(red_places, yellow_places, game_id)
+ with open(path, "rb") as pic:
+ pic = bot.send_photo(STORAGE_CHANNEL, pic)
+ pic = bot.get_file(pic.photo[-1].file_id).file_id
+ bot.edit_message_media(inline_message_id=game_id, media=InputMediaPhoto(pic))
+ bot.edit_message_caption(inline_message_id=game_id,
+ caption="It's a draw! π₯±")
+ else:
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).update({"yellow_places":f"{yellow_places}"})
+ database.child("Connect-4").child(game_id).update({"count":count + 1})
+ path = board_img(red_places, yellow_places, game_id)
+ with open(path, "rb") as pic:
+ pic = bot.send_photo(STORAGE_CHANNEL, pic)
+ pic = bot.get_file(pic.photo[-1].file_id).file_id
+ bot.edit_message_media(inline_message_id=game_id, media=InputMediaPhoto(pic))
+ bot.edit_message_reply_markup(inline_message_id=game_id,
+ reply_markup=connect_4_markup("π΄", board))
+ try: os.remove(path)
+ except: pass
+def thrd():
+ while True:
+ schedule.run_pending()
+ sleep(1)
+t = threading.Thread(target=thrd)
+def main():
+ t.start()
+ bot.infinity_polling()