CFC to consume the REST API from
Some of the available record types referenced below are uncommon. A full list of DNS records with explanations may be found here on the list of DNS record types.
// instantiate component
statdns = createobject("component","StatDNSConsumer").init();
// verbose method name example
a = statdns.domain("").getHostAddress(); // sets active domain for inquiries and invokes a method
b = statdns.getCanonicalName(); // continues executing against the previously specified domain
writeOutput("Host Address: " & a.result & "<br />"); // outputs simplified results in a comma-separated list
writeOutput("Canonical Name: " & b.result & "<br />"); // outputs simplified results in a comma-separated list
// note that only those result types matching the original inquiry (A records)
// are included in the simplified 'result' value above; full results may be looped below for more verbose info
writeOutput("Full Results:<br />");
if(arraylen(a.results)) {
for(r in a.results) {
// terse method name example
c = statdns.domain("").getMX(); // sets a new domain and invokes a method
d = statdns.getNS(); // executes the newly set domain
Response is a standardized struct containing the following keys:
response = {
inquiry = { // an echo of the request being processed
name = "", // typically the domain or ip value for which info is being retrieved
type = "", // the type of record data requested; this is used when determining how to build the 'result' key below
class = ""
result = "", // convenience value; comma-delimited list of result data values which specifically match the query type
results = [], // array of raw results
authoritative = [], // array of entities acting as authoritative sources for the returned data
timestamp = "", // timestamp of the request
success = false, // whether the data request was successful; requests which will result in NO data will have this flag set false
errors = "" // any errors which may have occurred during the call; when response.success key is false, this string will be relevant
A valid response for the domain from a call to getHostAddress() with its result formatted as JSON (for display purposes) - notice how only those results whose type matched the inquiry type will be included in the simplified 'result' value:
"inquiry" : {
"name" : "",
"class" : "IN",
"type" : "A"
"result" : ",",
"results" : [{
"name" : "",
"data" : "",
"datalength" : 34,
"class" : "IN",
"ttl" : 3527,
"type" : "CNAME"
}, {
"name" : "",
"data" : "",
"datalength" : 25,
"class" : "IN",
"ttl" : 827,
"type" : "CNAME"
}, {
"name" : "",
"data" : "",
"datalength" : 20,
"class" : "IN",
"ttl" : 227,
"type" : "CNAME"
}, {
"name" : "",
"data" : "",
"datalength" : 4,
"class" : "IN",
"ttl" : 20,
"type" : "A"
}, {
"name" : "",
"data" : "",
"datalength" : 4,
"class" : "IN",
"ttl" : 20,
"type" : "A"
"authoritative" : [],
"success" : true,
"errors" : "",
"timestamp" : "November, 10 2013 21:03:10 -0600"
Initialization methods:
The following set of methods are chainable, returning the StatDNSConsumer component itself.
statdns = createobject("component","StatDNSConsumer").init(); // instantiate component
statdns.domain(""); // set domain to query
a = statdns.getHostAddress(); // get A record data
// alternatively, may be chained as:
a = statdns.domain("").getHostAddress();
- init() - initializes the component
- Arguments
- domain (optional) - string - if specified, sets the active domain against which subsequent methods will be invoked
- ipv4 (optional) - string - if specified, sets the active IPV4 address against which subsequent methods will be invoked
- ipv6 (optional) - string - if specified, sets the active IPV6 address against which subsequent methods will be invoked
- arpa (optional) - string - if specified, sets the active ARPA address against which subsequent methods will be invoked
- httptimeout (optional) - numeric - if specified, overrides the default of 60 seconds timeout when making API calls
- Returns
- StatDNSConsumer (this) - chainable
- domain() - sets the active domain against which methods are invoked
- Arguments
- domain (required) - string - a valid domain name without protocol or path; note that some methods return different information depending on the nature of the domain name; e.g., may return different information than
- Returns
- StatDNSConsumer (this) - chainable
- Throws
- InvalidDomain exception if domain value cannot be reliably determined to be a valid format
- ipv4() - sets the active IPV4 address against which methods are invoked
- Arguments
- ipv4 (required) - string - a valid IPV4 address
- Returns
- StatDNSConsumer (this) - chainable
- Throws
- InvalidIPv4 exception if ipv4 value cannot be reliably determined to be a valid format
- ipv6() - sets the active IPV6 address against which methods are invoked
- Arguments
- ipv6 (required) - string - a valid IPV6 address
- Returns
- StatDNSConsumer (this) - chainable
- Throws
- InvalidIPv4 exception if ipv6 value cannot be reliably determined to be a valid format
- arpa() - sets the active ARPA address against which methods are invoked
- Arguments
- arpa (required) - string - a valid ARPA address
- Returns
- StatDNSConsumer (this) - chainable
- Throws
- InvalidARPA exception if arpa value is empty string (no additional validation at this time)
Data retrieval methods:
Note that both terse and verbose method names are available and may be used; you may prefer one or the other for either brevity or readability. Invoking these methods without previously setting the data they require, domain(), ipv4(), etc., will throw an exception.
- getA() - getHostAddress() - gets Host Address data for the current domain
- Arguments:
- type (optional) - string - ipv4 / ipv6 - specifies the type of IP data to return; defaults to ipv4
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getCERT() - getCertificate() - gets Certificate data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getCNAME() - getCanonicalName() - gets Canonical Name data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getDHCPID() - getDHCPIdentifier() - gets DHCP Identifier data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getDLV() - getDNSSECLookasideValidation() - gets DNSSEC Lookaside Validation data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getDNAME() - getDelegationName() - gets Delegation Name data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getDS() - getDelegationSigner() - gets Delegation Signer data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getHINFO() - getHostInformation() - gets Host Information data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getHIP() - getHostIdentityProtocol() - gets Host Identifiy Protocol data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getKX() - getKeyExchanger() - gets Key Exchanger data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getLOC() - getLocation() - gets Location data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getMX() - getMailExchange() - gets Mail Exchange data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getNAPTR() - getNameAuthorityPointer() - get Name Authority Pointer data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getNS() - getNameServers() - gets Name Servers data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getNSEC() - getNextSecure() - gets Next-Secure data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getNSEC3() - getNextSecureV3() - gets Next-Secure v3 data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getNSEC3Param() - getNextSecureV3Parameters() - gets Next-Secure v3 Parameters data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getOPT() - getOption() - gets Option data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getPTR() - getPointer() - gets Pointer data for the current ARPA address
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the arpa() or init() methods
- getRRSIG() - getResourceRecordsSignature() - gets Resource Records Signature data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getSOA() - getStartOfAuthority() - gets Start of Authority data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getSPF() - getSenderPolicyFramework() - gets Sender Policy Framework data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getSRV() - getServiceLocator() - gets Service Locator data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getSSHFP() - getSSHPublicKeyFingerprint() - gets SSH Public Key Fingerprint data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getTA() - getTrustAuthorities() - getDNSSECTrustAuthorities() - gets DNSSEC Trust Authorities data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getTALINK() - getTrustAnchorLink() - gets Trust Anchor LINK data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getTXT() - getText() - getTextRecord() - gets Text record data for the current domain
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the domain() or init() methods
- getRPTR() - getReversePointer() - gets Reverse Pointer data for the current ipv4 or ipv6 address
- Arguments:
- type (optional) - string - ipv4 / ipv6 - specifies the type of IP data being passed; defaults to ipv4
- Returns
- standardized response (struct)
- Throws
- RequiredValueMissing exception if domain has not been set via the ipv4(), ipv6 or init() methods
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